two brothers created PastaRunMusic, a music blog intending to serve healthy portions of all of their favorite genres. You may remember them as pastaboy6000, who brought heavy doses of EDM and hip-hop, and carlosthedeliveryboy, who shared mostly rock. They soon made the fateful decision to add a third writer, thecook2, a friend and roommate of pastaboy6000. Hailing from Camp Hill, PA thecook2 broug
ht a new perspective to the blog with lots of folk and indie, and a bit of rap and dubstep as well. After success with the blog, pastaboy6000 received an opportunity to join the hip-hop/electro blog The Collab Projekt. This left the blog to thecook2 who proceeded to add his good friend greasychoirboy to help rebuild PastaRun Music into a folk and indie-rock focused blog, with a steady dose of rap, dubstep, and other genres. greasychoirboy is from lovely Worcester, Mass., and finds music from rising stars long before their fame comes. Follow him to get the best new musicians in folk and indie-rock. This duo has PastaRun Music on the rise again, bringing you the latest and greatest music. Update: The PastaRun Music team recently decided that we needed another writer to bring that new fire to our team. After weeks of sleepless nights and incredibly dangerous international escapades, we finally found the man we were looking for – neighbor and longtime friend of the founding brothers, chilligansisland, adds his personal take on the latest music, posting from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, NY.