HeLLooo...hellawww..hellOO #talkingparrot
Weee! 😅 #cutie #talkingbird
Nothing beats a lazy weekend morning, sleeping in and doing breakfast with the girls. #breakfast #weekend #talkingbird
It's important to clean branches you're bringing inside for your birds properly to prevent exposure to any diseases, and to make sure you're not bringing bugs inside with them. I'm so excited to continue making more natural spaces for the girls to hang out. 🥰
#bird #rescue #diy
her cute little beaky 🥰 #cute #bird #talkingparrot
You're a goober! idk where she gets all these random laughs 🤣 #talkingbird #parrot #goober
I haven't trained Kiki in the past, but I'm always looking for new ways to keep her engaged and happy. Lately, she says "I need help" while practicing new words!
I tried rival-based training (requires 2 people) by asking my mom to interact with me while Kiki watched. It worked! ⚡️😃
Rival-based training uses social learning where a parrot observes two humans interacting. This technique has many benefits, like:
1. Enhanced Learning: Parrots mimic behaviors and see immediate results.
2. Social Interaction: Fosters social engagement and stronger bonds.
3. Cognitive Stimulation: Encourages problem-solving and critical thinking.
4. Communication Skills: Effective for teaching speech and comprehension.
Inspired by Dr. Irene Pepperberg’s work with her parrot, Alex, I’m excited to attempt using this method with Kiki. It's amazing to see her learn and grow! #bird #talkingparrot #apple
Know anyone that does birdy exorcisms? 😅 #talkingbird #help
Wait til you hear her try to say "carrot" 😅😅
This was on 05.28, and taken from the same video where she said "corn" for the first time. Along with goober, thank you, beer, oink oink, and of course the adorable carrot attempt. 😅
#talkingbird #talkingparrot #cute
how are they so cute? 😭
#dancingbird #cute
Hello Beauti-corn 🥰🌽
#live #talkingparrot
Kiki the African Grey parrot clearly pronounces 'grape,' like a person with lips.
Notice how she blows a perfectly timed puff of air from her beak or nose when pronouncing the 'P' sound. This puff of air creates a noise similar to the sound of p's popping or the smack of lips...
Impressive mimicry skills, Kiki-beaky boo!☝🏻
#bird #talkingparrot
Kiki has been teaching herself new words, and I love figuring out what they are! I wanted to see if she knew what she was talking about, and she's making it very clear she does. #bird #talkingparrot
Kiki started saying corn & then had a tiny dance party🌽✋🏻💃 #corn #bird #new
Undoing the last 14 months of calling every yummy snack an appowl 😂
#bird #talkingparrot #apple
It's like this before every meal & snack time right now 😂 #talkingparrot #Africangrey #apple #grape
This could have gone terrible wrong for grandma, but Chloe decided there's enough love to go around 🤭 #cockatoo #goffins
Speaking in code means nothing around these kiddos - they don't miss a thing 😂
Thank you, Jacob for saving this clip from your live! @jacob.hills.5243817
#birdzoom #lol
Kiki used the nickname I gave her & told me it was time for bed 🥹 #cute #bird