Progress requires action, not just research.
What I notice with many of my clients is that they would spend all of their time researching to get it right, and they feel like they’re making progress, but they’re not.
There is only so much research you can do before you have to just take the leap and take action.
Taking action is hard, I know. But inside Courage Drive Latina, I’ll help you feel more confident in taking action to:
1. Find clarity.
2. Make a decision.
3. Take brave action.
4. Reflect and revise.
With my support, my clients have taken more brave action in the span of a few months than they have in years. I’ll help you do the same, and you’ll have support from other ambitious, like-minded women too.
If you know you’re ready for this, join us for my free webinar on December 9th: How to Make 2025 Your Courage Year.
Comment "Courage" to sign up.
If you’ve been thinking about starting something, JUST 👏🏽 START 👏🏽
Use any resources you have at the moment to start it, and improve it as it grows.
People think they need everything to be perfect to look legitimate - the logo, the branding, the website, etc. But those things are just distractions. Your business will evolve, and your business will tell you what you need to have or update as it evolves.
I’ve had to change Courage Driven Latina multiple times. I’ve changed the name, and I’ve changed the curriculum about three or four times.
If I waited to launch CDL until I built the website for it, it would’ve delayed me from starting the program for so many months and from making the impact I made in my community.
Getting out of your head to start is the hardest part, but this is something I will support you with inside of Courage Driven Latina.
Inside the program, I’ll help you cultivate the right mindset and share the strategies that helped me create my business, so you can take brave action and start your business, along with SO much more.
If you are thinking of joining the next round of Courage Driven Latina, join my free webinar "How to Make 2025 Your Courage Year" to learn more.
Comment "Courage" to register.
#havecourage #becourageous #livecourageously #couragecoach #empowermentcoach #empowermentcoaching #latinacoach
Do you ever second guess your accomplishments by asking “How or why did this happen?”
Second-guessing yourself is a form of lack of confidence. This lack of confidence can be the result of many things, but the good thing is that there are many ways you can build your confidence.
In my group coaching program Courage Driven Latina, we help you build your confidence by supporting you, challenging your comfort zone, helping you grow your growth mindset, providing a safe space for you to build positive relationships with other Courage Driven Latinas, celebrating your wins, and so much more.
If you say YES to any of these, I invite you to join my free webinar on December 9th: How to Make 2025 Your Courage Year.
Comment "Courage" to sign up.
I can't wait to have you join us!
#confidencebuilding #confidencecoaching #confidencecoachingforwomen #empowermentcoaching #empowermentcoachforwomen #latinaempowerment #latinacreators #latinabusiness #latinabusinessowner #latinabusinesswoman #latinacoach #latinaentrepreneur #latinapreneur #womenentrepreneurs #womenbusinessowners
If I were to start a business all over again, one of the things I would change is going to other people for validation.
It is scary to start something new, but unless the person you're talking to is already doing what you want, they are going to project their own doubts on you.
I went to a lot of people in my life to ask for validation before making decisions, when the reality is I could have just trusted myself.
It’s not your parents, friends, or partners' responsibility to give you validation.
Most of the time, they don’t even really know what you’re trying to do.
Here are four other things I would do differently if I started my business over again:
1. I would NOT try to do everything all the time because I ended up burned out. In other words, if everything is a priority, nothing is a priority.
2. I would simplify my business faster.
3. I would stop consuming so much content and create more.
4. I would NOT believe that other people knew what was best for me and my business.
If you want to start a business, podcast, or project of your dreams, I invite you to join the waitlist for Courage Driven Latina.
🖇️ in my bio
#businesscoachingtips #businesscoachingforwomen #latinabusinessowner #latinabusinesswoman #latinaentrepreneur #latinapreneur #entrepreneurtips #lifecoaching #lifecoachingforwomen #lifecoachforentrepreneurs #lifecoachformoms #lifecoaches #businesscoachingforwomen
#businesscoachforwomen #businesscoachforcoaches
#businesscoachforcreatives #businesscoaches
Managing your time and energy efficiently is hard to do as an entrepreneur.
I used to work 12 hour days and on the weekends because I felt like I had to do so much. 🙃
Through lots of trial and error, I found that monitoring my daily energy, prioritizing, and assigning different days to do different tasks helped me honor my energy and become more productive.
My weeks are structured like this:
Mondays are my CEO days. They are the days I meet with my team, do my finances and do any other behind the scenes stuff.
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are my coaching days, Thursdays are my podcasting and appointment days, and Fridays are my travel days.
On Saturdays and Sundays, I don’t do any work-related tasks. I set those boundaries to protect my energy and rejuvenate for the next week.
If you’re struggling with managing your time and energy, try this out. At the end of this week, make a note of how much energy you had each day this week, write down everything you need to get done next week, group the similar tasks together, and choose a day to do them based on your energy levels from this week.
To learn more tips to help you grow as an entrepreneur, sign up for my Courage Driven Latina waitlist through the link in my profile.
#timemanagementtips #energymanagement #businesstipsforcreatives #businesstipsforsuccess #latinacoach
If you can see it in your mind, you can create it in your reality.
That project or goal you’ve always dreamt of but felt it was too ambitious? It’s not too ambitious, and I will prove it to you by helping you achieve it in Magnetic Mastermind.
Within six months, you'll manifest 7+ opportunities.
Some goals we've helped clients manifest:
- 9 sales consults
- 70k sales in one weekly
- 13 speaking engagements
- A pregnancy
- 6-figures in their business
Comment CONSULT to schedule your consult call to join Magnetic Mastermind. Doors close tomorrow!
#femaleentrepreneurs #femalebusinessowners #femaleleaders #femaleleadership #womenentrepreneurship #latinabusinessowner #latinabusinesswoman #latinaentrepreneurs #latinacoach #businesscoachforwomen #lifecoachforwomen
"I booked my first 6K client, had 9 sales inquires, two podcast invites, and had a news article written about my work with my 9-5 job"
Diana, Latina Accountant
Reply CONSULT to schedule your call for Magnetic Mastermind. Doors close in three days!
If you can't keep promises to yourself then you may be lacking discipline. Unlike hustling, practicing discipline is a form of self-love- it actually builds self-trust.
Inside of Magnetic Mastermind, you will learn how to use human design and your menstrual cycle to practice disciple without the hustle.
Doors close on October 30th. Comment CONSULT to apply and schedule your no-commitment call today.
Chasing opportunities doesn’t work.
All that does is keeps you stuck in a scarcity mindset and makes you question yourself. Attracting opportunities is a lot more fun and effective.
To learn how to attract opportunities and become magnetic, book a consultation call to join Magnetic Mastermind.
Inside the mastermind, you'll Manifest 7 Dream Opportunities in 6 months. You'll learn the magnetic method and the step-by-step process to attract business and life goals.
When you apply by October 23rd and join, you will receive a 90-minute Strategy Session with Erika.
During this 90-minute call, we can identify your voice and help you create a marketing strategy.
Comment CONSULT to apply and book your consultation call.
“I've secured 200k in new business, had a 70k week, manifested a new business idea, crossed the million-dollar mark in lifetime sales, and won the National Latina Business Association: Community-Minded Contributor 2024!!"
- Revekka, Founder of @axiomofpurpose a Purpose-Driven Marketing Agency
We’re now enrolling for Magnetic Mastermind. If you’re looking for results like Revekka, book your consult today.
Comment CONSULT and I’ll send you the link ❤️