First Contact with Eesha Patel

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First Contact with Eesha Patel First Contact, hosted by Eesha Patel, is here to lead humanity towards intergalactic contact.

I almost didn’t share this, because you know being humble and all that jazz... but this is the truth about the big thing...

I almost didn’t share this, because you know being humble and all that jazz... but this is the truth about the big things that are happening in my world right now!
Last year I set a powerful intention that I wanted to be working with high calibre people who are truly ready to create some serious global impact, and those willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Recently I was in Uluru rubbing shoulders with some of the world’s most incredible speakers and facilitators, and after my presentation (which received multiple rounds of applause during it), I shared my upcoming event with them.
When I got home and saw which people had signed up, it was an emotional experience to say the least. It wasn’t just the participants of the event who all joined without hesitation. It was the headline speakers, MCs, and those who have been teachers in this field forever - those who I have looked up to - who are joining me in January.
They’re joining because they believe in the vision, the mission, and they can see that this event is an amazing pathway to build this New Earth together. They want to take their own practice to the next level and integrate 5D consciousness in a deeper way.
These are people who I have admired for years, who I went to go see speak, who have now joined my upcoming 5-day journey “How to Elevate Your Life and Business in 5D Consciousness.”
For the sake of maintaining privacy and discretion I won’t name drop, but I nearly cried when I saw which people I will be journeying with in this upcoming event.
If you feel the call to be a part of something BIG for 2025, I can assure you my event is the place to be.
A few tickets are still available. Register now. It’s only $47 and truth be told, given who else is going to be in the room now, I should be charging 100x just for the network.
I think this picture appropriately captures how I feel. A giant rock, and me. I feel humbled, honoured, and grateful to be a part of this mission that’s greater than me.

I’m sending out an epic email about the 2025 energies and key dates/gateways to look out for next year. Be sure to subsc...

I’m sending out an epic email about the 2025 energies and key dates/gateways to look out for next year. Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter to get access!

I once spent two days living with monks in a Benedictine monastery. In the evening we joined them for prayers. During th...

I once spent two days living with monks in a Benedictine monastery. In the evening we joined them for prayers. During the day we took a tour of the grounds and learned about their home and lifestyle.

The monks pray and gather several times a day for their daily discourses and meals. But I wanted to know what else they do when they're not doing their spiritual activities. The tour guides days that during the afternoons the monks do their "business activities".

She then went on to tell me that the monks have many responsibilities to ensure the monastery runs successfully. The monks are responsible for providing education, liaising with the community, and managing business and financial affairs. They are also responsible for bringing in funding to the monastery for things like construction, and to ensure it can keep running.

Over the years the monks have come up with very creative ways to finance their goals, including running a bed and breakfast within the monastery grounds.

As it turns out, the monks take a very sensible approach to propagating their spiritual work. They certainly aren't averse to money, and they've found a way to integrate their spiritual lifestyle into a very grounded and practical approach the ensures they can contribute to society in a meaningful way.

When I think about the business that I've built and the vision and mission behind it, I see a very similar intention. I don't intend on living a monk's life per se, but I do see the value in offering education and creating a financial structure that supports this ongoing work.

Businesses are a great way to create positive impact within a community. Meditating is great, but even the monks are taking real world action.

That's why I've created my 5 day journey where I'll be teaching entrepreneurs how to:
✨ Connect with your higher self
✨ Access your 5D Inner Heart
✨ Make business decisions from a place soul alignment

It's going to be a pretty transformative 5-day experience. I look forward to seeing you there.
Join here:

📸 I was too immersed in the Benedictine experience to take pictures, but this is another one I visited in Serbia last year :)

Learning Galactic Contact is just like learning a new language Think about it - if you wanted to live in Spain, you'd pr...

Learning Galactic Contact is just like learning a new language

Think about it - if you wanted to live in Spain, you'd probably take Spanish classes first. You'd dedicate time and energy to learning the basics, you would practice regularly, and gradually build your capacity. Why? Because once you master Spanish, a whole new world of connections and experiences opens up to you.

Galactic contact works the same way - only instead of learning Spanish or French, you're learning the universal language of consciousness. This isn't some exclusive skill reserved for a chosen few. It's a language available to everyone willing to learn it.

And just like how Spanish lets you communicate with Spanish speakers anywhere in the world, the language of consciousness allows you to connect with any being in the multiverse. It's your gateway to ancient wisdom, deeper understanding, and profound personal evolution.

There are simple processes that, when practiced daily, will enable you to connect with your own galactic guides, so you can experience more magic, expansion and have a deeper knowing of what's really going on in the world.

✨This November, I'm leading a live 12-week immersion where I'll teach you the exact process I use - the same one I've previously only shared with my private clients.

For the first time ever, this transformative journey will be available to you.

Yes, it takes commitment. Yes, it requires practice. But once you know it? The possibilities are infinite.

Keen to get started? Comment "heart" below and I'll let you know when we're ready to launch.

📸 Stages are where I feel most alive. This was me speaking at the WEL conference in Paris earlier this year.

Here's an honest update from behind the scenes of Eesha Patel:October has been NUTS. In most busy, hectic kind of way. D...

Here's an honest update from behind the scenes of Eesha Patel:

October has been NUTS. In most busy, hectic kind of way. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE what I do but holy moly it's been a full on month. 😅 November is pretty much in the same boat. I have radio shows, tv interviews, and podcast requests coming out of my ears. 🎤📺🎧

After being involved in the mega 11 day event with Portal to Ascension, I still have 4 upcoming events I'm either hosting, or helping in a significant way. Plus several interviews on the horizon. I'm working nearly every weekend over these two months (for various media appearances etc.), then organising a baby shower for one of my closest friends (yay). 👶🎉

The most common phrases currently coming out of my mouth right now include:

"I'll see you in December" (this currently applies to friends, family and most business requests) 📅
"Join the galactic community if you want to ask me questions" 🌟
"Thank you for thinking of me but my schedule is simply too packed to fit any additional catch ups in right now" ⏰
"Yes, I can help you make contact with ETs - join the galactic community" 👽

Seriously though, joining the community truly is the best way that I can help you AND everyone else at the same time. Impact is important to me and this allows me to teach as many people as possible during this critical time of shift. That's exactly why I've set it up in this way.

For more honest confessions, I have dropped several balls this month. 😩 Like the fact that it's taken me over a week just to give a one sentence reply to some people. I am loving myself through this and honouring the journey and trying not to be too hard on myself during this time (hello Virgo perfectionist tendencies).

The 11/11 event is coming along fabulously. ✨ It's also the biggest event I've hosted to date. It's a 48 hour marathon event with 24 speakers. We have 400+ registered already. 🎉 That's a lot of logistics. Putting on the event has been a much bigger workload than I had anticipated. 😮‍💨

I'm all for serving humanity - truly - but my biggest lesson this month is around honouring my time and energy. ⚖️ In the past I have been notorious for giving too much away (in the guise of wanting serve and help everyone, which is really just an unhealthy saviour complex that I have learned to come to terms with). 🤔

Self awareness is a great thing to have, and as I've noticed myself slipping back into some of these old patterns (I mean, does the inner work ever end?) it's been a beautiful process of reflection and regaining clarity around what balance and joyful service look like to me. 🌱 I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to go into super busy phases like this from time to time, but I'm also very aware of how unsustainable it can be in the long term. If I give away everything now, my capacity to continue serving others will be diminished in the future. Balance is the key.

So today is all about self care, nurturing me, and re-shifting the energy balance into receiving mode. 🧘‍♀️ Receiving includes financial, energetic, physical nurturing (such as healthy food, gym, sauna) and putting the focus back on me. 🥗💪♨️ Moments like these are humbling. I always have big dreams, goals and aspirations, not just for myself but for the world. Then there are days where I am invited to remember my own humanness.

With that said... here's a picture of a cat having a bubble bath. That looks like pretty darn good idea right now :). 🛁🐱

This code is for an Arcturian Activation that I facilitated last night as part of my presentation for the Portal to Asce...

This code is for an Arcturian Activation that I facilitated last night as part of my presentation for the Portal to Ascension 11 Days of Awakening Event.

This geometry was given to me by the Arcturian Council of Light back in 2015. This code is part of my 3-hour Sacred Geometry DNA Activation Ceremony which kickstarted my journey into being a healer/spiritual mentor in my twenties.

Shortly after receiving these codes I was then guided to visit Mount Shasta, and by following a series of synchronicities I found myself at the historical event with Ricardo Gonzalez and Paola Leopizzi Harris where a group of people met a being called Antarel.

I was inspired to share this story in my presentation last night after listening to Craig Campobasso's presentation the day before where he talked about some of the 82 different races in his book, Antarel being one of then.

The full talk and activation are on the Portal to Ascension YouTube channel. Mine is the first talk (starts about 20 minutes in), and then you can stick around for some great presentations from Bibhu Dev Misra, Geraldine Orozco, and more.

Watch here:

Hey friends,It's been a while since I've shared an update about my current trajectory. If you are new here, welcome! Her...

Hey friends,

It's been a while since I've shared an update about my current trajectory. If you are new here, welcome! Here's a little update about me, who I am, and what I'm doing now.

Over the last few months my spirit team has been guiding my towards being more public about my role as a galactic ambassador.

Some of you might be wondering, what does that even mean?

To be honest, it's a role I've been playing for almost a decade now anyway, just more openly now. Back when I first started my energetic healing work and was doing sessions at my studio I was doing the same thing, just under the context of healing.

I know that when I help you connect with your Star Family they can help you to heal. I taught within this context for many years, then I moved more into the business space where I helped people connect with their Star Family and apply this to business, manifestation and success. In many ways, this was the same, just with a different flavour.

Connecting with my Star Family has benefitted my life in so many ways. Health, wealth, relationships... all have improved as a result of my connection.

But that's not even why I personally do it. I do it because this forms a huge part of our collective evolution into higher consciousness. This is what drives me every day to keep doing this work. That, and my love for Gaia who has called for this ascension to occur.

Humans cannot fully evolve into higher consciousness living without embracing ALL of creation, which includes the galactic realms.

So put simply, I help humans connect with the galactic beings. I help them connect with other realms too (angelic, elemental, inner earth, etc.) because the heart-centred method that I teach is applicable to any realm, but I focus on galactic because that is what needs to be at the forefront right now.

I also teach how to practice discernment so you can learn to connect with high vibrational beings, and equip you with the tools to navigate the vast range of frequencies that exist. It's not all love and light out there (that would be a naive assumption), but when you learn how to do it the right way you can do out into the multiverse feeling confident and capable to do so.

It's not that much different to travelling in another country where there could be a lot of unknowns, but if you have your wits about and a level of preparation you'll more than likely have a great trip. It's the same concept when travelling the multiverse with your consciousness.

Some people call this kind of work "Channelling" though once you dive into it, you'll see there are some distinct differences, particularly because the way I that teach this contact work doesn't involve allowing any entities to enter your sovereign field and body. This is a longer conversation, but basically my spirit team said to me that it's better to learn how to have telepathic conversations rather than going into trance channelling because the Hu-Man body is sacred and we shouldn't be allowing energies in like that.

The biggest thing that is shifting for me, especially going into the final months of 2024 and carrying into 2025 is that my teaching will be more direct (and therefore more pure, by my own opinion).

My new program is going to be this: Journey to the Inner Heart. It will be a deep immersion where you will be given the keys to your own multidiemsnioal heart space. What you choose to do with that will be up to you.

You could heal yourself. You could manifest. You could access your akashic records. You could do planetary healing. Or you could just sit and bask in the stillness that is your heart space and enjoy the peace and calm.

Me teaching you this process is like me handing you the keys to your own personal Cosmic Ferrari and you can go and do anything you want with that. If somebody bought a Ferrari, some people will take their Ferrari and go sit by the beach. Others will drive off to Vegas and party. Once you have the keys it's up to you.

It's the same with this multidimensional method. There are a lot of applications for this work. But for the first time ever, I'll let you go wherever you want with it (with guidance and support).

It's much more advanced to learn it this way, mostly because the method is so open-ended that it has such vast range of things you can apply it to, but I think the world is ready for this. You are ready for this.

So this is me. Right now I'm helping people to up level their consciousness in a much more expansive way. Let's take those cosmic Ferrari's for a drive shall we?

Last thing, if after reading all of the above, you're still wondering, "But why would I want to invest the time and resources learn that?" it probably means maybe you're not ready to receive it yet.

If you have read all this and you feel the inner pull then you know this upgrade is for you. If this is you, let me know. I'm excited for this new chapter and those who will journey with me.

Eesha x

📸 I'm glad to be going on this journey with my love. The best and most unexpected journey that my Inner Heart led me on is this one. Plenty of my students have also found a deeper love and connection with their spouses (or found new love!) while doing this work. That's a bigger story for another day though!

IT’S HERE! Check out our INCREDIBLE LINE UP for the 11/11 Gateway! By the way, did I mention the entire event is free? M...

IT’S HERE! Check out our INCREDIBLE LINE UP for the 11/11 Gateway! By the way, did I mention the entire event is free? My company is sponsoring the entire thing, along with the generosity of each and every one of our speakers who are all coming together for the VISION that is bigger than us. This is our contribution to the betterment of our society

IT'S HERE! Check out our INCREDIBLE LINE UP for the 11/11 Gateway! By the way, did I mention the entire event is free? M...

IT'S HERE! Check out our INCREDIBLE LINE UP for the 11/11 Gateway! By the way, did I mention the entire event is free? My company is sponsoring the entire thing, along with the generosity of each and every one of our speakers who are all coming together for the VISION that is bigger than us. This is our contribution to the betterment of our society

Universal Light language The first thing to know about universal light language is that it is translatable. I was taught...

Universal Light language

The first thing to know about universal light language is that it is translatable. I was taught this many years ago. It’s not that random gibberish stuff that most people are calling light language these days.

Universal light language is made of monosyllabic sounds which carry meaning both individually and when combined to make names and words. It’s called universal because this form of light language is understood across realms and across dimensions.

Sound vibration is the essence of creation. Each specific sound has its own unique meaning, and these monosyllabic sounds can be combined in any order and length to convey just about anything in the universe.

One of the easiest ways to be introduced to light language is through your Higher Self connection. I generally advise this as as a starting point to accessing any deeper inner knowing. Light language, being one of those things.

I learned many years ago that the name of my Higher Self in universal light language is ‘Hirana’

More specifically, Hirana is my unique Higher Self Ray which encompasses ALL the many, many soul aspects in all time/space/dimensions, and right now one of these expressions is me, Eesha Patel, which is one of the Rays flowing through the Hirana Higher Self, which is flowing through the Immara (Isis/Divine Goddess) flow.

In light language:
Hi - Love light indivisible, oneness
Ra - Divine light (or a stepped down version of this frequency is Sol/solar light, hence Ra = God of the Sun)
Na - Origin, Dawn, First Light

Translated, this would be The Dawn of the First Divine Light. (Hence everything I do is related to creation/origin frequencies and restoration of the original blueprints).

This all aligns beautifully with this incarnation as my name Eesha is based on the Dusk/last light. Vibrationally it is also 'transition', and hence my career as a mentor as I frequently help to transition people between their dusk/dawn of life. By the same token, my planetary work is all about the restoration of creation codes (hence my modality Origin Activation). All of this makes perfect sense down to my place of birth, my soul origins, the parents I chose to incarnate with, and my soul path in this life/incarnation.

The concern I have with attitudes and modalities these days is that everybody wants the shortcut, the magic pill, without doing the real work.

Learning light language at his level of depth, and being able to translate each and every monosyllabic tones takes mastery.

This morning I sat with just ONE universal tone. The tone of “Sa”. I felt this one single monosyllabic tone (and I say tone because it does have a musical quality to it) move through my being like rays of the sun beaming through my heart. It has a happy quality to it.

In universal light language every sound/tone is felt through the being. Each one carries with it an infinite depth of wisdom.

The simplicity of this language is profound. And yet each one also has a depth of complexity through its infinite nature.

You cannot grasp this depth of language within a few minutes, days, or even a few months. After 10 years of daily meditation I’m STILL learning new things. My guides continue to teach me on a daily basis.

I deeply value the lifelong consistency and commitment it takes to achieve true mastery.

Be wary of the gimmicks. The bells and whistles will feel amazing to start with, but will leave you always wanting to fill yourself with something more, yet never quite feeling complete.

True work feels wholesome in the heart. When I learned how to truly access my Inner Heart, I gained the keys to my own inner self and I stopped needing anything else.

In November I am launching for the first time a new program that is designed to teach you how to fully access your own multidimensional self.

This program will be:
Accessible - Suitable even for beginners
Affordable - Less than what you paid for your NLP/Hypnosis training, less than attending a Dr Joe Dispense retreat, and definitely less than the cost of your plane tickets to visit your guru in India.
Absolute - This will take you deeper into your multidimensional heart than any other modality.

I have had several of my current clients tell me that my heart-based work goes deeper than even Dr Joe Dispenza’s most advanced training. They’ve told me my processes are more effective than those of Deepak Chopra and Marissa Peer. I’ve been receiving this kind of feedback for years about this work.

In November I’m bringing this to the world in a much bigger way than I’ve ever done before. It’s time the world received this.

This program won’t be out for a while yet, but comment ‘heart’ below if you’d like to be the first to know when it does.

The 11/11 Gateway event is shaping up beautifully! So far we have the following incredible vibrationally uplifting exper...

The 11/11 Gateway event is shaping up beautifully!

So far we have the following incredible vibrationally uplifting experiences lined up:

Breathwork with Marcel Hof
Akashic Record reading with Debbie Solaris
A musical guided meditation with Shelly Reef
Arcturian Healing Chamber with Rubia Lacerda
Sound healing with Vickie Gould
Origin Activation Healing Circle (led by our graduates)
4 Foundation Practices led by Andrea Fwl
Heartmath Coherence Meditation with Andrea Bezak-White

Also on our line up are JJ Flizanes, Adam Apollo, Tanys Rose Coughlan, Honi Borden & more!

I would still LOVE to include the following in the event:
- Pranic Healing Twin Hearts Meditation
- Vedic Chanting
- Buddist meditation

If you feel called to join in, or you know someone who can facilitate the above, please put us in touch 🙏

Hello friends,I’m putting on a large online summit for the 11/11 gateway this year. I’m looking for top-notch facilitato...

Hello friends,
I’m putting on a large online summit for the 11/11 gateway this year.

I’m looking for top-notch facilitators to join in this co-creation.

The vision is to have a rolling 48 hours of activations, meditations, and experiential activities to uplift the vibration of the planet during this gateway.

The theme is Peace, Love & Contact

Examples of what I’m looking for:
Guided meditation
CE5/Galactic Contact
Frequency activations
Sound bowls/music

I’m open to other suggestions for experiential activities that will help to raise our vibration.

This energy of this event is pure love and service-based.

This event is not a promo sales event. There won’t be any offers.

This event is HEART-LED and it’s all about putting theory into practice. Each guest will be delivering an experience and practical component to facilitate a vibrational shift.

If you’d like to put yourself forward as a facilitator, please send me a dm.

Tag anyone who you think might be a great fit for this.

Some beautiful feedback from those who attended the Lion’s Gate activation yesterday 🥰. The replay is available for purc...

Some beautiful feedback from those who attended the Lion’s Gate activation yesterday 🥰. The replay is available for purchase for the next 24 hours. Link in bio.


Is Earth Really Splitting 3D/5D? Get on my mailing list for the low down.

My old vs new reality of doing business - and what I’ve learned along the way Old reality:😢 Feeling stress and and tensi...

My old vs new reality of doing business - and what I’ve learned along the way

Old reality:
😢 Feeling stress and and tension
😢 Controlling
😢 Not trusting (in clients, the universe, or myself)
😢 A constant sense of tightness in my gut that something will go wrong, leading to more attempts to control
😢 People not honouring my boundaries
😢 Late payments
😢 Struggling for the next sale just to get by
😢 Flaky clients who didn’t keep their word

My current reality and experience from this month:

😍 Client 1: Proactively sent me the monthly investment 3 days before I sent the invoice.

😍 Client 2: Paid a deposit, then told me they didn’t need my suggested payment plan for the rest, spoke to their bank and paid in full.

😍 Client 3: Paid me in full for their next instalment (no direct debits on my end, they pay by bank transfer and we have a mutual trust).

😍 Client 4: Also paid their next instalment in full instead of their regular payment plan.

I’ll tell you in the comments what I changed within me to experience this new reality.



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