Uncovering roles that Haitians and Diasporic Haitians play in the Reconstruction. Travel stories of the Black / African / Caribbean Diaspora past, present and future. This interactive documentary follows the Black/African/Caribbean Diaspora from Toronto, Montreal and New York directly to the ground to Haiti where leads us to those who are still affected by the January 12th, 2010. We follow the Dia
spora connect who connect with Haitians on the ground still waiting for the global donations that haven’t reached them in the rebuilding process. We get direct window into the lives of Haitians who are continually working to rebuild their communities. This gives voice to grassroots community Haitian organizations and their ongoing struggles to gain resources for the rebuilding process. The story begins early morning in Brooklyn New York, as the team arrives at JFK airport for their direct flight to Port au Prince, Haiti. Through security directs the passengers through metal detectors onto the early flight on American Airlines. Hours later we touch done amongst the rubble, sounds of Port au Prince, ride along unpaved roads, Ayitien seems to come out from all directions. This interactive documentary aim is to build space for dialogue between people who want direct link to the work on being done on the ground in Haiti. The hope is to continue the journey with the Diaspora as they continue to help the efforts in rebuilding Haiti, and supporting those who have fell through the cracks of the International Aid System. Along with the documentary a website will be created to enable to have this continual follow-up on this ongoing process. Seraphine Legend-Diaspora Story Amongst the Rubble
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