Hey all, long time no see. Same person, different presence. I am still Celebrate Geek and its values it upheld, but I am putting a clear boundary between my personal and online life. I am Silas Clockwork, so anyone who remembers me, please refer to me as such, and leave my "given name" to real life stuff.
I am streaming again, various games as time goes on. Right now is Nightingale and Minecraft. I do these things as co-streams frequently with various members of the gaming community I help manage. Very great crew. I have a couple series going right now, between the previously mentioned games, but I will also be doing current games as the ones I look forward to release.
That said, I do hope you will take the time to follow my twitch channel, twitch.tv/silasclockwork and check out my streams when I am doing it.
My name is Silas Clockwork. Some may remember me under a different name, but my online presence has changed. If you know me IRL, please refrain from using any other names you know me by. That said, I am trying this streaming thing again. Mostly for fun, and for collaboration with friends and such.