Petition: Return the body of the Palestinian plumber to his family
An article appeared yesterday in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about the killing of plumber Shadi Shurafi. He apparently was taking a wrench to fix pipes in the village of Beita on the West Bank when he was shot dead by Israeli soldiers (witnesses heard 12 bullets). The Israeli military initially claimed he was attacking Israeli soldiers, but since he was right near Beita's water pipe valves that seems extremely unlikely.
To add insult to injury Shurafi's body was taken by the military and not returned. This seizing of Palestinian bodies of anyone claimed to have attacked an Israeli has been the practice of the Israeli military since 2020. The military need not prove there was even an attack. It has the total power to do this.
The Haaretz article by Gideon Levy is behind a paywall, but here is an excerpt, "There were some neighbors who saw Shurafi get out of his vehicle carrying a monkey wrench and walking slowly toward the water valves. In a photograph published after his death a wrench is seen lying on the ground and next to it a pack of Marlboros and a bloodstain. The bloodstain was dry this week when we got there. Why did the soldiers kill this man? And why is Israel refusing to return his body?
A petition has just been started about this: http://chng.it/98NJdQbhPg Please sign and share
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Return the Body of Palestinian Plumber Shadi Shurafi