The basic idea is that Fresno needs a united Spanish Rock scene complete with fans, venues, local bands playing original music, and press. We have most of those things. According the Arbitron, an independent ratings agency, Radio Bilingüe’s rock shows Todo a Pulmón, Gritos del Silencio, El Mitote and Rockin’ da House have over 1600 weekly listeners in Fresno alone. Astonishingly, there are over 45
00 listeners in the Central Valley! Yet, roughly 30 people showed up to Montenegro’s concert several months ago. In terms of music venues, Fresno alone has 15 potential spots that can be used for shows. This includes Fulton 55, Babylon, Audie’s Olympic, and the Starline. Now here is the shocker: Fresno has more than 20 local, original, Spanish rock bands. How many can you name? Do you want to know who they are? Visit our web page where you’ll find a complete listing. What Fresno does lack is a form of press (dedicated solely to Alterlatino music) that unifies all these elements and helps disseminate information. That’s why we started Distorsión Magazine. Here you’ll find calendars of upcoming shows and articles on local bands. We’ll also highlight what’s going on internationally and introduce you to a new artists. There will be articles on fashion and restaurant reviews. We’ll even have a platform online so that you can tell us what you think. Hopefully, very soon, all 4500 of us will be crammed tightly in a room, raising our beers, and singing along with the band! Thanks for reading! Oh… and do us a favor. Please tell your friends about the magazine.