Hahaha ! Well , Sabanabi = survival navigation . It's from the media and outdoor Sabage , to deliver the information that is hot to survive disaster prevention , crime prevention , such as the military , the survival of the modern . Hobby of editors , too , but
are in the maybe ! I say and even survival SALE corner and super commuting in a crowded train and think about it .
" Sabanabi " is the emphasis among these it's " Sabage " . To determine the winner by the honor system in the rules that have been determined . Our ambition is to spread to the world of the gentleman from Japan that this Sabage , the play of the lady . As Japanese culture , manga and anime , the game has been accepted abroad already . And now 's Sabage !
目指せ、2020年! 東京オリンピックの会場の横でサバゲーワールドカップだ。
Aim , 2020 ! It's Sabage World Cup next to the venue of the Tokyo Olympic Games . Together with all people for his visit here , it is possible to realize by going to boost the Sabage ! !
ということで、サバゲー、サバイバルに関連する新製品や、情報を「さばなび」では広く扱っていきます。また、専門のライターが実際に使用したレポート記事や、1つの商品を掘り下げる特集など、ユーザーの立場に立った情報も提供。Web の特性を活かしつつ、雑誌のこだわりを持ったメディアが「さばなび」なのです。
With that said , new products and related Sabage , to survival , he examines widely in the " Sabanabi " information . In addition , such as a Special Issue delve reports and articles by professional writers were actually used , one product , information from the perspective of the user is also provided. Media while taking advantage of the characteristics of the Web, with the feelings of the magazine 's the " Sabanabi " .