V'Ger Please

V'Ger Please A comedic Podcast reviewing every episode of the unloved children of the Star Trek universe.

Join two sarcastic Trek nerds on an episode-by-episode journey through the unloved children of the Star Trek universe.

Another one of the part time hitters shows up into the DS9 roster as we review "The Nagus". When Wallace Shaw rolls in w...

Another one of the part time hitters shows up into the DS9 roster as we review "The Nagus". When Wallace Shaw rolls in with his perfectly drippy makeup, Quark gets played for a stooge, Rom tries to murder someone and no one does anything, and Jake shows in Star Trek even teenage rebellion is wholesome.

Another one of the part time hitters shows up into the DS9 roster as we review "The Nagus". When Wallace Shaw rolls in with his perfectly drippy makeup, Quark gets plaid for a stooge, Rom tries to murder someone and no one does anything, and Jake shows in Star Trek even teenage rebellion is wholesom...

The bottom comes for us quickly as we review DS9's most ill-regarded entry, "Move Along Home"! When the finest white tra...

The bottom comes for us quickly as we review DS9's most ill-regarded entry, "Move Along Home"! When the finest white trash of the Gamma Quad roll in with their TNG S1 outfits and mullets, we find ourselves agreeing with Ron Moore ... did everyone lose their minds when they made this?

The bottom comes for us quickly as we review DS9's most ill-regarded entry, "Move Along Home"! When the finest white trash of the Gamma Quad roll in with their TNG S1 outfits and mullets, we find ourselves agreeing with Ron Moore ... did everyone lose their minds when they made this? 

Nothing like a Turbo Evil Space. Dr. Mengele to spice up life on the frontier as we review "The Passenger". When the new...

Nothing like a Turbo Evil Space. Dr. Mengele to spice up life on the frontier as we review "The Passenger". When the new Extremely Bad Guy does a little brain melding via choke, it's a grand time of overacting, poorly hidden identities, sudden executions, and ...brain surgery via transporter?

Nothing like a Turbo Evil Space. Dr. Mengele to spice up life on the frontier as we review "The Passenger". When the new Extremely Bad Guy does a little brain melding via choke, it's a grand time of overacting, poorly hidden identities, sudden executions, and ...brain surgery via transporter? ....

Peter and Joseph can't stop thinking about this thing, and now neither will you. Garbage!

Peter and Joseph can't stop thinking about this thing, and now neither will you. Garbage!

Nothing like a touch of that courtroom drama action to get to know all your new characters as we review "Dax"! There is ...

Nothing like a touch of that courtroom drama action to get to know all your new characters as we review "Dax"! There is a cavalcade of veteran Trek guest actors as we get all the detail you may (or may not) have wanted about Dax's boinking both past and present, Detective Odo makes his firm debut, and the plot ends in the strangest way possible.

Nothing like a touch of that courtroom drama action to get to know all your new characters as we review "Dax"! There is a a cavalcade of veteran Trek guest actors as we get all the detail you may (or may not) have wanted about Dax's boinking both past and present, Detective Odo makes his firm debut,...

We are all fans of the Wet, Hot Alien Cargohold known as 'Vox Sola' around these parts, but our takes were nothing in co...

We are all fans of the Wet, Hot Alien Cargohold known as 'Vox Sola' around these parts, but our takes were nothing in comparison to the funny, brutal takedown by YouTube veteran Allison Pregler. When we asked Allison if she would be willing to talk about Trek with us (and Quantum Leap, for Peter's sake), to our gratitude and astonishment...she said yes!

We had a fantastic conversation with Allison, so please give it a listen!

We are all fans of the Wet, Hot Alien Cargohold known as 'Vox Sola' around these parts, but our takes were nothing in comparison to the funny, brutal takedow...

The true Hero of the Working Man makes a friend as we review "Captive Pursuit"! In a future where every copy of "The Mos...

The true Hero of the Working Man makes a friend as we review "Captive Pursuit"! In a future where every copy of "The Most Dangerous Game" was destroyed, Chief O'Brien and his new Gamma Quad drinking buddy engage in a bit of light murder, but are the real criminals the costume department?

The true Hero of the Working Man makes a friend as we review "Captive Pursuit"! In a future where every copy of "The Most Dangerous Game" was destroyed, Chief O'Brien and his new Gamma Quad drinking buddy engage in a bit of light murder, but are  the real criminals the costume department?

Comedy! Review! Star Trek! Sometimes we also say random words with no connection as we take a look at "Babel"! The Chief...

Comedy! Review! Star Trek! Sometimes we also say random words with no connection as we take a look at "Babel"! The Chief gets a case of the weird talkies, Quark gets out his junk drawer of security hacks, and eventually the answer gets volun-told only the way Kira could.

Comedy! Review! Star Trek! Sometimes we also say random words with no connection as we take a look at "Babel"! The Chief gets a case of the weird talkies, Quark gets out his junk drawer of security hacks, and eventually the answer gets volun-told only the way Kira could. 

When Odo runs into his least favorite war profiteering jabroni, his sudden case of getting murdered turns up a while mea...

When Odo runs into his least favorite war profiteering jabroni, his sudden case of getting murdered turns up a while meadow of whoopsie daisies in "A Man Alone." Not only does a very evil bit actor gins up a lynch mob, and somehow this overshadows Bashir straight up accidentally cloning a guy!

When Odo runs into his least favorite war profiteering jabroni, his sudden case of getting murdered turns up a while meadow of whoopsie daisies in "A Man Alone." Not only does a very evil bit actor gins up a lynch mob, and somehow this overshadows Bashir straight up accidentally cloning a guy! 

Nothing like the introduction to Trek's best 'humble tailor' to spice up our review of DS9's second episode, "Past Prolo...

Nothing like the introduction to Trek's best 'humble tailor' to spice up our review of DS9's second episode, "Past Prologue". As local medical do**us Bashir gets hand held through his first bit of tradecraft, the best four best parts of the Klingon Empire show up and Kira learns that its never a good idea to try and outflank your boss.

Nothing like the introduction to Trek's best 'humble tailor' to spice up our review of DS9's second episode, "Past Prologue". As local medical do**us Bashir gets hand held through his first bit of tradecraft, the best four best parts of the Klingon Empire show up and Kira learns that its never a goo...

At last, your favorite Star Trek podcast arrives at the shady port of call you have all been waiting for as V'Ger Please...

At last, your favorite Star Trek podcast arrives at the shady port of call you have all been waiting for as V'Ger Please enters the Deep Space Nine era! Come along with us as we review "Emissary" where Commander Sisko has the worst employee orientation ever, magic orbs are immediately handed out, and the most consequential space hole of all time comes into being.

At last, your favorite Star Trek podcast arrives at the shady port of call you have all been waiting for as V'Ger Please enters the Deep Space Nine era! Come along with us as we review "Emissary" where Commander Sisko has the worst employee orientation ever, magic orbs are immediately handed out, an...

We are officially on the comeback trail, and to prove it here is a new episode for our Patreons!Ever wonder how it is th...

We are officially on the comeback trail, and to prove it here is a new episode for our Patreons!

Ever wonder how it is that Trek's best story was followed up by this low budget weirdness? So do we!

Get more from V'Ger Please on Patreon


ATTENTION: To my regret, our first episode of the DS9 era is not ready yet, and I (Joseph) am getting on a plane for a funeral this evening. We will be pushing this back one week.

My apologies for the delay, but I promise good things to come.

Your hosts get ready to complete their PhD in Trek by going back to the classic texts in our official Deep Space Nine pr...

Your hosts get ready to complete their PhD in Trek by going back to the classic texts in our official Deep Space Nine prep episode! Joseph and Peter review several key TNG episodes - "The Wounded", "Ensign Ro", "Chain of Command", and "Preemptive Strike" - to refresh themselves on key continuity and characters, and get more than a little lost reminding themselves how great Trek was at it's peak.

Your hosts get ready to complete their PhD in Trek by going back to the classic texts in our official Deep Space Nine prep episode! Joseph and Peter review several key TNG episodes - "The Wounded", "Ensign Ro", "Chain of Command", and "Preemptive Strike" - to refresh themselves on key continuity and...

Sometimes, the universe sees fit to make something for a VERY specific group of people, and that day came when we watche...

Sometimes, the universe sees fit to make something for a VERY specific group of people, and that day came when we watched the Lower Decks episode "Twovix"! Your hosts demand peak performance as they rate every single Voyager joke and reference for quality and accuracy, reflect on Lower Decks as a whole, and wonder if maybe - just maybe - someone somewhere heard our Barkeep Michael jokes and decided to run with it.

Sometimes, the universe sees fit to make something for a VERY specific group of people, and that day came when we watched the Lower Decks episode "Twovix"! Your hosts demand peak performance as they rate every single Voyager joke and reference for quality and accuracy, reflect on Lower Decks as a wh...

From our Patreon vault comes a review of one of the most underappreciated sci-fi/horror films ever made and personal fav...

From our Patreon vault comes a review of one of the most underappreciated sci-fi/horror films ever made and personal favorite of both your hosts - 1997's "Event Horizon"! With Joseph and Peter VERY AWARE of tropes around portals to Hell, we dive deep on a movie with vision and ambition that is sorely missing in today's Hollywood offerings. Please enjoy, and if you like these 'extras', please support us on Patreon!

From our Patreon vault comes a review of one of the most underappreciated sci-fi/horror films ever made and personal favorite of both your hosts - 1997's "Event Horizon"! With Joseph and Peter VERY AWARE of tropes around portals to Hell, we dive deep on a movie with vision and ambition that is sorel...

As was foretold, we have arrived at the end of the Heinous Trip at Warp 5 and now set the whole of Enterprise into it's ...

As was foretold, we have arrived at the end of the Heinous Trip at Warp 5 and now set the whole of Enterprise into it's deserved grave! What was the best? The worst? Was this show late breaking competence enough to make it worth watching at all? We dive deep as we always do to answer the tough question. Listen and enjoy!

As was foretold, we have arrived at the end of the Heinous Trip at Warp 5 and now set the whole of Enterprise into it's deserved grave! What was the best? The worst? Was this show late breaking competence enough to make it worth watching at all? We dive deep as we always do to answer the tough quest...


FYI ALL: Our ENTERPRISE RIP will be out on Friday due to IRL delays.

It's that magical time yet again as we reach the end of another Trek season and hand out all our awards for the Enterpri...

It's that magical time yet again as we reach the end of another Trek season and hand out all our awards for the Enterprise Season 4 RIP! This was a fantastic season of Trek, but we still have lists of the best things, the worst things, the OSHA violations, and so much more! Check it out!

We enter the times that try men's souls as we review the most unfortunate series finale in Trek history as we review the...

We enter the times that try men's souls as we review the most unfortunate series finale in Trek history as we review the infamous "These Are The Voyages...". That said...is it really as bad as everyone's says? yeah Trip gets the worst death scene of all time. Sure, the premise only makes a limited amount of sense. But....the worst Trek episode of all time? Is it even the worst episode of Enterprise Season 4? We got all the hot takes, so give it a listen!

We enter the times that try men's souls as we review the most unfortunate series finale in Trek history as we review the infamous "These Are The Voyages...". That said...is it really as bad as everyone's says? yeah Trip gets the worst death scene of all time. Sure, the premise only makes a limited a...

It turns out Peter and Joseph are *not* the only nerds watching Trek and sharing their thoughts about it online! From ac...

It turns out Peter and Joseph are *not* the only nerds watching Trek and sharing their thoughts about it online! From across the pond we interview actor and author Tom Salinsky on his new book "Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series", wherein Tom documents his first own Trek thoughts and reviews. We dig deep on all the big questions: How did British people manage to watch Trek back in the day? Is the Motion Picture really that long? And was Captain Jellico right the whole time?

Tune in for a great conversation, and buy Tom's book at the link below!


It turns out Peter and Joseph are *not* the only nerds watching Trek and sharing their thoughts about it online! From across the pond we interview actor and author Tom Salinsky on his new book "Star Trek: Discovering the TV Series", wherein Tom documents his first own Trek thoughts and reviews. We d...

The true series finale of Enterprise is here as we review "Terra Prime"! Everyone has plot as RoboCop tries to stay winn...

The true series finale of Enterprise is here as we review "Terra Prime"! Everyone has plot as RoboCop tries to stay winning,Trip gets the head wounds, Hoshi finally commands, Reed returns to Gotham, and Archer takes until the last second to pull off a Classic Captain's Speech Check. There are no Enterprise episodes after this! No sir! What a satisfying...wait...oh no.

The true series finale of Enterprise is here as we review "Terra Prime"! Everyone has plot as RoboCop tries to stay winning,Trip gets the head wounds, Hoshi finally commands, Reed returns to Gotham, and Archer takes until the last second to pull off a Classic Captain's Speech Check. There are no Ent...

The true grand finale of Enterprise begins as we review "Demons"! It's nothing but jam packed excellence as Peter Weller...

The true grand finale of Enterprise begins as we review "Demons"! It's nothing but jam packed excellence as Peter Weller does the best bad guy monologues, Travis gets laid, and Trip and T'Pol attempt the most ill-advised infiltration of all time!

It's all fun and games until its time for the hallway knife fights as we review "In the Mirror, Darkly Part 2"! We get m...

It's all fun and games until its time for the hallway knife fights as we review "In the Mirror, Darkly Part 2"! We get more of everything we loved - abs, Simon Mayweather Phoenix, awesome TOS sets, Mirror Universe scene chewing, more abs, you name it! We also get more of Archer being an evil dweeb, but at least he evaporates a guy!

It's all fun and games until its time for the hallway knife fights as we review "In the Mirror, Darkly Part 2"! We get more of everything we loved - abs, Simon Mayweather Phoenix, awesome TOS sets, Mirror Universe scene chewing, more abs, you name it! We also get more of Archer being an evil dweeb,....

We arrive at what are likely the most famous and best regarded Enterprise episodes as we at last review "In A Mirror, Da...

We arrive at what are likely the most famous and best regarded Enterprise episodes as we at last review "In A Mirror, Darkly"! We have our good pal Ian bust out a whole know theme song for the occasion as we hit all the highlights. For no particular reason we get the awesome nasty versions of our heroes, Jolene's abs getting their moment in the sun, bad haircuts all around, Mayweather as Simon Phoenix, Linda Park spending most of the episode without clothes on, and the deepest Trek continuity cuts you can imagine. This rules, so get in here!

We arrive at what are likely the most famous and best regarded Enterprise episodes as we at last review "In A Mirror, Darkly"! We have our good pal Ian bust out a whole know theme song for the occasion as we hit all the highlights. For no particular reason we get the awesome nasty versions of our he...

We are warping right into the Red Light District as we review the very peak Sexy Alien Lady tropes as we review "Bound"!...

We are warping right into the Red Light District as we review the very peak Sexy Alien Lady tropes as we review "Bound"! When The NX-01 gets back to doing random space stuff one last time, Archer runs into the very finest Space Hottie train in all the galaxy. Turns out it's a pretty cool episode about how Orion women use overwhelming sexual power to be space pirates, but you may not your kids around as you watch it.

We are warping right into the Red Light District as we review the very peak Sexy Alien Lady tropes as we review "Bound"! When The NX-01 gets back to doing random space stuff one last time, Archer runs into the very finest Space Hottie train in all the galaxy. Turns out it's a pretty cool episode abo...

It's a densely packed hour over here as we review "Divergence"! This one has it all - maybe too much - as Trip has to ju...

It's a densely packed hour over here as we review "Divergence"! This one has it all - maybe too much - as Trip has to jump trains to restart the router, Phlox decided to bioweapon everyone, Archer shows up to get juiced on Klingon super blood, AND STILL MORE! We also start to have the conversation every Trek fan must - what is with this Section 31 stuff anyway?

It's a densely packed hour over here as we review "Divergence"! This one has it all - maybe too much - as Trip has to jump trains to restart the router, Phlox decided to bioweapon everyone, Archer shows up to get juiced on Klingon super blood, AND STILL MORE! We also start to have the conversation e...


Update: Wrath of Khan review coming to Patreon soon!

What is hopefully your favorite podcast talks about a lot of things this week, because we only had the second half of "A...

What is hopefully your favorite podcast talks about a lot of things this week, because we only had the second half of "Affliction"to go over. Great episode, Reed is somehow interesting for a change, the Trip/T'Pol gets real weird real fast, bust mostly we ramble about Deus Ex, Voyager episodes, and even AI a little bit. Give it a listen!

What is hopefully your favorite podcast talks about a lot of things this week, because we only had the second half of "Affliction"to go over. Great episode, Reed is somehow interesting for a change, the Trip/T'Pol gets real weird real fast, bust mostly we ramble about Deus Ex, Voyager episodes, and....



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