
Politickles F.R. Bob has distributed his "politickles" weekly since 1997.

Duplantier began his career as a social satirist with the launching of his carnival group, the Platefaces, in 1978, pioneering what later became known as performance art and flash mobs.

INAUGURATIONUnbelievable things that are true,All the horrors you’ve had to go through!Now it’s time to renew,Reassertin...

Unbelievable things that are true,
All the horrors you’ve had to go through!
Now it’s time to renew,
Reasserting that you
Won’t be ruled by a rude wrecking crew.

SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER INAUGURATION Unbelievable things that are true, All the horrors you've had to go through! Now it's time to renew

BYE, THEN!Your malarkey would make us all choke,This idea you’re a blue-collar bloke!You’re a liar and thief,Whose crime...

Your malarkey would make us all choke,
This idea you’re a blue-collar bloke!
You’re a liar and thief,
Whose crimes beggar belief!
You betrayed our great nation, no joke!

BYE, THEN! Your malarkey would make us all choke, This idea you’re a blue-collar bloke! You’re a liar and thief, Whose crimes beggar belief! You betrayed our gr

https://politickles.com/blog/your-weekly-politickle-united/UNITEDThough divided at times we may seem,We are all always o...


Though divided at times we may seem,
We are all always on the same team,
We will all hang together,
Make this great country better,
And achieve the American Dream.

UNITED Though divided at times we may seem, We are all always on the same team, We will all hang together, Make this great country better, And achieve the Ameri

BIG NIGHT INWe have got such big plans New Year’s Eve!What we’re planning you would not believe!We’ll avoid hurly-burlyA...

We have got such big plans New Year’s Eve!
What we’re planning you would not believe!
We’ll avoid hurly-burly
And just go to bed early!
Oh, what wonderful dreams we will weave!


Every year at this time we’re kvetching,
Having finished an etching that’s fetching:
Turn the thing upside down
And then shake it around,
Start afresh on a new Etch-A-Sketching.

SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER BIG NIGHT IN We have got such big plans New Year's Eve! What we're planning you would not believe! We'll avoid h

LIGHT CHOREAll night long, Father wangled and wrangled,But could not get the tree lights untangled,So, this year’s Chris...

All night long, Father wangled and wrangled,
But could not get the tree lights untangled,
So, this year’s Christmas tree
Is as neat as can be —
And the lights in the garbage, all mangled.

Share the true meaning of Christmas with A Visit from the Christ Child LIGHT CHORE All night long, Father wangled and wrangled, But could not get the tree light

GRIZZLY MADAMSThey insist they are women, but weirdIs the fact that they all sport a beard.I find lipstick and lashesTen...

They insist they are women, but weird
Is the fact that they all sport a beard.
I find lipstick and lashes
Tend to clash with mustaches.
On my brain how that image is seared!

SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER GRIZZLY MADAMS They insist they are women, but weird Is the fact that they all sport a beard. I find lipstick an

THE BIG I“In a prison, you’re subject to shivving,But your dad, as you know, is forgiving:Blanket pardon’s the way,And y...

“In a prison, you’re subject to shivving,
But your dad, as you know, is forgiving:
Blanket pardon’s the way,
And you will have to pay,
So old pop can still make a good living.”

More pardonable humor at

FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER THE BIG I "In a prison, you're subject to shivving, But your dad, as you know, is forgiving: Blanke


If you ever get into a slump,
Fold your arms by your sides and fist-pump:
Pretty soon you’ll be winning,
And that’s just the beginning!
Wait ’til everyone’s doing “The Trump”!

EX-SCROOGE ME!"There's a rift and I'm eager to patch it.It's high time that we bury the hatchet.Let our bygones be loose...

"There's a rift and I'm eager to patch it.
It's high time that we bury the hatchet.
Let our bygones be loose.
All we need is a goose.
Come on over for dinner, Bob Cratchit."

More Thanksgiving limericks at

FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER FOE KINDNESS Be grateful to the throng Of those that did you wrong: Despite what they meant And the

FOE KINDNESSBe grateful to the throngOf those that did you wrong:Despite what they meantAnd their evil intent,They’re th...

Be grateful to the throng
Of those that did you wrong:
Despite what they meant
And their evil intent,
They’re the ones that made you strong.

More Thanksgiving limericks at

FEEL FREE TO SHARE YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER FOE KINDNESS Be grateful to the throng Of those that did you wrong: Despite what they meant And the

STAR TRICKDid you think that we’d be grievingWhen you said that you were leaving?We knew, in fact,It was all an actBy hy...

Did you think that we’d be grieving
When you said that you were leaving?
We knew, in fact,
It was all an act
By hypocrites deceiving.

FEEL FREE TO PUBLISH, POST, OR PASS ON YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER STAR TRICK Did you think that we’d be grieving When you said that you were leav

TDS 2.0“I’m so mad that I’m going to scream!From my ears I am issuing steam!I can’t take four more years!See on TikTok m...

TDS 2.0
“I’m so mad that I’m going to scream!
From my ears I am issuing steam!
I can’t take four more years!
See on TikTok my tears!
Someone tell me it’s all a bad dream!”

FEEL FREE TO PUBLISH, POST, OR PASS ON YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER TDS 2.0 “I’m so mad that I’m going to scream! From my ears I am issuing steam!

GARBAGEAll the Democrats try to abashUs deplorables, N***s, and trash,But we’re used to their gamesAnd do not mind the n...

All the Democrats try to abash
Us deplorables, N***s, and trash,
But we’re used to their games
And do not mind the names,
‘Cause we know we will win in this clash.

FEEL FREE TO PUBLISH, POST, OR PASS ON YOUR WEEKLY POLITICKLE BY F.R. DUPLANTIER GARBAGE All the Democrats try to abash Us deplorables, N***s, and trash, But we

MULLING SPICESSome like cinnamon, nutmeg, and clovesAs they simmer in wine on their stoves,While some others like zestAn...

Some like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves
As they simmer in wine on their stoves,
While some others like zest
And think allspice is best
With anise in their pumpkin bread loaves.

More Halloween limericks at

MULLING SPICES Some like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves As they simmer in wine on their stoves, While some others like zest And think allspice is best With anise

KARMALANothing was wrong with Joe’s brain,Except he was slightly insane.That’s why Joe was removedAnd the ticket improve...

Nothing was wrong with Joe’s brain,
Except he was slightly insane.
That’s why Joe was removed
And the ticket improved
By a woman who’s twice as inane.

More at

KARMALA Nothing was wrong with Joe’s brain, Except he was slightly insane. That’s why Joe was removed And the ticket improved By a woman who’s twice as inane. F

NAME GAMEYour original name was Ted,Or Fred or Jed or Ned,But now you are MarilynOr possibly Geralyn:All this nonsense i...

Your original name was Ted,
Or Fred or Jed or Ned,
But now you are Marilyn
Or possibly Geralyn:
All this nonsense is just in your head.

NAME GAME Your original name was Ted, Or Fred or Jed or Ned, But now you are Marilyn Or possibly Geralyn: All this nonsense is just in your head. From the archi

POSSESSEDUnder him every error advancesAnd anomalies appear in finances.Are his duties forsakenOr is this see taken?Ther...

Under him every error advances
And anomalies appear in finances.
Are his duties forsaken
Or is this see taken?
There is something bizarre about Francis.

More at

POSSESSED Under him every error advances And anomalies appear in finances. Are his duties forsaken Or is this see taken? There is something bizarre about Franci



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