🚨Nieuwe mixtape! 🚨Het is die periode van het jaar, de terugblik op de beste, nieuwe world grooves, verschenen in 2023:
Van de hypnotische jams van Jantro, de onweerstaanbare grooves van Ireke tot de intrukwekkend stemmen van Diepkloof. Enjoy!
☀ Mixcloud: mixtape vanop cassette: https://www.mixcloud.com/bountyradio/bounty-radio-s0907-i-best-of-2023-i-jantra-i-ahmed-ben-ali-i-tapioca-i-ireke/
☀ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Tjz5m6wOfZsgD89KI7vQx?si=feaedf2cb3c34107
Artists: 🙏🙏Thank you for the music
Captain Planet, David Walters, El Búho Altın Gün Jantra, Reuben Vaun Smith, Ahmed Ben Ali, Alogte Oho & His Sounds of Joy Paolo Petrella (Nu Genea) Rogê Tapioca Mo' Horizons Alex Figueira Diepkloof United Voice Pachyman Ireke
Labels:🙏🙏Thank you for releasing bold vibrant music
Bastard Jazz Underdog Records Wonderwheel Recordings Glitterbeat Records Ostinato Records Habibi Funk Philophon La Scimmia Records Diamond West Records Jakarta Records Agogo Records
It's that time of the year, to reflect at the Bounty of music from the last year! In this true mixtape, we present you 60 minutes of the best new world music, all released in the last year by active musicians. Stricktly world music for once, from the hypnotizing jams of Jantra, over the irrestiable....