Shannon Schindler Redman

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  • Shannon Schindler Redman

Shannon Schindler Redman High Ticket Affiliate Marketing Top Leader & Mentor Creating Freedom Bound Moms Intuitive Breakthrough Business Coach.

I empower women to be multipliers who alter futures breaking generational chains of poverty and poverty mindset, Discover your POWER, PASSION and PURPOSE! I have launched and built several community impact projects and multi-million dollar businesses and enjoyed tremendous fulfillment of making a profound difference in the lives of women I attract. I teach how to live life in Total Alignment...ful

l of Power, Freedom, Full Self Expression, Grace, Ease and EXQUISITE JOY! I work with passionate Sales women, Entrepreneurs, or Home Based Professionals who are ready to live the abundant and purpose-driven lifestyle they’ve always wanted. Most importantly, I give my clients the confidence they need to be powerful, visible and unstoppable in a really noisy business marketplace flooded with struggling real estate agents, small business owners, entrepreneurs and home-based business multipreneurs.

Today marks a day that changed the world forever. September 11, 2001, was one of the most tragic days in history, but to...

Today marks a day that changed the world forever. September 11, 2001, was one of the most tragic days in history, but today, I’m reflecting on what happened to humanity in the aftermath.

In the days and months following, people were more kind, more generous, more loving, more compassionate, and more empathetic than ever before. Strangers helped strangers. Communities came together. We remembered, even if briefly, what truly mattered.

The same thing happened in 2020. The world paused, and people became deeply in tune with their values, their purpose, and the connections that sustain them.

But here’s the reality: We don’t have to wait for a tragedy to transform the world.

Let’s be real—we don’t need to sit around waiting for something catastrophic to shake us awake. We can be the catalyst for change RIGHT NOW. We can choose to be the meteorite that creates ripples of transformation and love across the globe.

You, me, all of us—we have the power to be more compassionate, more present, more connected right now. So, the real question is:

Will you wait for the world to force your hand, or will you step up and BE the change we need today?

It’s time to wake up. It’s time to take action. Let’s become the force that changes the trajectory of the world, not by reacting to tragedy but by proactively choosing love, empathy, and purpose every single day.

Imagine this:In the next 90 days, you could be staring at the life you've been dreaming of — no more just thinking about...

Imagine this:

In the next 90 days, you could be staring at the life you've been dreaming of — no more just thinking about it or wishing for it. I'm talking about waking up in the morning knowing you OWN your time, your choices, and your destiny.

One of my clients went from barely scraping by, feeling unseen and unappreciated at her 9-5, to closing $50k in deals in less than three months. How? She went ALL IN. She stopped playing small and stepped into her worth. She transformed her mindset, rewrote her story, and committed to being the woman who calls the shots. Now? She has more freedom, confidence, and financial success than she ever thought possible.

Another woman—single mom of two—was drowning in debt and constantly stressed. She decided enough was enough. In just 90 days, she not only cleared out a massive chunk of her debt but also built a foundation for a business that’s now thriving. She’s present for her kids in a way she never thought she could be. She’s free.

But here's the thing, ladies: It didn’t happen because they WISHED for it or HOPED things would magically change. It happened because they went ALL IN. No excuses. No halfway. They made the decision, and they acted like their lives depended on it—because they did.

You’ve got two choices right now: Stay where you are or go ALL IN for the next 90 days. What if everything you’ve been waiting for is on the other side of that decision? What if 90 days from now, your life is unrecognizable—in the best way possible?

This isn’t a dress rehearsal. This is YOUR life.

Are you ready to go all in and change the damn game? Because trust me—when you do, nothing is ever the same again.


I love a woman who takes the mentorship and BOOM $680 in her pocket TODAY plus a family’s life gets altered forever!

18 years corporate taxes and accounting to climbing roof tops??!?!!  "Are you nuts?!" they asked"Maybe" I saidSometimes ...

18 years corporate taxes and accounting

to climbing roof tops??!?!! "Are you nuts?!" they asked

"Maybe" I said

Sometimes you just gotta pull up your big girl panties and hit the RESET button.... ya know?!?!

Be WILLING to DO whatever it I didn't have to go back to working in a cubicle working for men who said, "if it's not a number that goes on a tax return...don't speak it"

Then one night while I was surfing the internet I stumbled across an ad...where I could work part time from home for myself 🧐

so I clicked...

And what I discovered was WOWZERS....

IF the science was true...I would TOTALLY want that for my own family!!

So we bought from a stranger in Oklahoma...

who became my one of my most valued and respected friends and business partners overnight 😍

Yeah...we went ALL IN...the whole taco... cuz I said if this thing works....this is our ticket to creating a life we love...the life we always dreamed be on mission together impacting, changing the world and being abundantly blessed for it....

so back to that part about IF the science worked....I don't know about that... all I know is we have hundreds of personal customers hugging us and thanking us for changing their life. They feel better than they ever have and they had stuff they were dealing with before...that they no longer are having to deal with 😉 The RESULTS are PREDICTABLE least that's what we have discovered

Today we have developed SYSTEMS that work, training for velocity, tools for effectiveness and the most unbelievable personal franchise TOTAL PROGRAM online or off line that I have ever seen.

Pinch myself almost 7 years strong... building MY OWN Empire and Transforming the World!!

OH yeah...and I was able to QUIT that 6 figure roofing job after 150 days doin' my thang.

I don't know where you are in your life? But if you are searching, seeking, hunting for some part time gig to just give you a little breathing room in your life, little pep in you step, a little hope for the future...

We should chat...

See we can't know what's possible standing at the doorway of a house...

sometimes you gotta climb the roof 🤣

The view....

oh the view.... is completely different up here... and you can be afraid, I know I was

What if it doesn't work...

Here is the most exquisite part....

What if it does?!?!!


How might a shift in your mindset around money and abundance open new opportunities for you?

Happy 9.5 day!! (September 5th) yes I'm a dork🤣 and you ❤️ me for it 😂

Happy 9.5 day!!
(September 5th) yes I'm a dork🤣 and you ❤️ me for it 😂

The Hard Truth About Staying Stuck:I just got off a call with a woman who told me she craved freedom—freedom to heal, to...

The Hard Truth About Staying Stuck:

I just got off a call with a woman who told me she craved freedom—freedom to heal, to break free from the chains of her past, and to build a life she genuinely loves. She wanted change so badly she could taste it.

But when it came time to take action, she slipped back into her old, comfortable patterns: “I’ll think about it,” “I need to do more research,” “Let me check my budget.”

And there it is—the exact mindset that’s kept her trapped in the same place for so long. If she keeps thinking and acting the same way, she’ll keep getting the same results.

Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Here’s the raw truth: taking that first step can feel like the SCARIEST thing in the world. It’s like leaping off a cliff into the unknown, naked, backwards, and blindfolded.

But guess what? That’s exactly where GROWTH HAPPENS.

If you want a life you’ve never lived, you have to become someone you’ve never been. You have to do things differently, stretch beyond your comfort zone, and make choices you’ve never dared to make.

That first leap is a declaration to the universe: “I’m done with playing small. I refuse to stay stuck in my current reality. I am ready for more. I am worthy of more. I deserve more. And I’m stepping up to claim it.”

But here’s the thing: if you don’t take that leap, I can’t help you. No one can.

It’s up to you to make the choice, to decide that today is the day you stop making excuses and start making moves.

You don’t need to see the whole path ahead—that’s the job of the Universe, God, Spirit, whatever you call it. Your job is simply to DECIDE .

So, are you ready to break free and step into the life you were meant to live?


When you spend 5 hrs on 1 simple thing and you feel more alive, aligned and excited than ever… it’s been a GREAT day!! Woot WOOT
Hope you had a GREAT day too!?!

You've already mastered the masculine hustle—heck, you’re practically drowning in it. ✅Survival mode?✅✅Constantly provin...

You've already mastered the masculine hustle—heck, you’re practically drowning in it.

✅Survival mode?
✅✅Constantly proving your worth?

But listen, all that masculine energy has its limits. Sure, it gets things done, but without its rightful partner—your feminine energy—it’s like a bulldozer with no brakes. Disaster waiting to happen.

In your 20s and 30s, you probably thought you had it all figured out. Climbing that ladder, ticking off the boxes, feeling invincible. But then come the 40s and 50s, and suddenly that full-throttle masculine drive starts showing its wear and tear. Maybe it creeps up on you slowly, or maybe it hits like a wrecking ball—but either way, if this sounds like your life, you know exactly what I mean.

Burnout ✅✅✅

Your feminine energy? Oh, it's there. It's been there all along, just waiting for you to notice. Waiting for you to let it stretch its legs, get some fresh air. And when you finally do—when you finally ACTIVATE that feminine power—something MAGICAL happens.

Suddenly, you see life in a whole new light. You discover there’s more than one playbook for success. There’s a different game entirely—one where you don’t have to smash through every wall with brute force. Your feminine energy is like water, it sees the wall, takes its time, flows around it, maybe even over or under it, or simply decides, “I’m good right here on this side.”

It’s that grace and ease that opens doors effortlessly. No more kicking them down. No more bleeding knuckles.

One of the biggest epiphanies you’ll ever have is realizing just what your feminine energy can do for you. It’s powerful, it’s transformative, and it’s ready when you are.

And guess what? Feminine leadership is calling your name. When you're ready to dive in and discover what this side of you can truly achieve, I’m right here, ready to guide you.

Well, here we are—the Monday after the holiday weekend, or as I like to call it, the "Monday after your Monday." Back to...

Well, here we are—the Monday after the holiday weekend, or as I like to call it, the "Monday after your Monday." Back to the grind, right? After a weekend full of fun, freedom, and maybe a little too much of everything, reality smacks you in the face like an alarm clock you want to throw across the room.

But let's get real for a second: why should that amazing feeling be limited to just weekends and holidays? What if that energy, that freedom, that HELL YES feeling could be your everyday life?

Newsflash: it CAN be. You don’t have to settle for the same old, soul-sucking routine. You deserve more than counting down the days until Friday. You deserve a life that lights you up every single day.

So, are you ready to stop living for the weekends and start designing a life you don’t need a vacation from? Because if you’re not, you’re just choosing the "Monday after your Monday" for the rest of your life. And who wants that?

Y'all know the Parable of the Seeds, right? Well, today our pastor put a twist on it and called it the Parable of the Pl...

Y'all know the Parable of the Seeds, right? Well, today our pastor put a twist on it and called it the Parable of the Places, and it got me thinking—where you plant yourself seriously matters!

Here’s the deal: Some seeds fall on a hard path and get snatched up before they even have a chance. Others hit rocky ground and sprout up fast, only to burn out because they can't dig deep. Some get caught in the thorns of life—those pesky distractions and worries that choke out their potential. But the seeds that land in good soil? Oh, honey, they thrive and produce a harvest that's off the charts!

Now, let’s get real. Where are you planting yourself? Are you wasting your gifts in a place that drains you, like low-ticket sales that don’t value what you bring to the table? Or are you ready to dig into some fertile soil - like high-ticket affiliate marketing—where your talents can explode and you get paid what you’re worth?

Listen, it matters who you hang with, the environment you choose, and where you decide to pour your energy. Stop playing small in the wrong place! Find your good soil, surround yourself with people who lift you up, and watch your life bloom like never before.

Time to get planted in the right place and unleash your full potential, baby! 🌿💥

We Attract Who We Are BEING ⬇️For 18 years, I was stuck in a corporate tax accounting job, unknowingly trapped in a pris...

We Attract Who We Are BEING ⬇️

For 18 years, I was stuck in a corporate tax accounting job, unknowingly trapped in a prison of my own making. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was lost, broken in every area of my life—mentally, emotionally, physically, and especially financially.

But then everything changed. I made a decision. I sought out mentors who embodied the success, confidence, skills, money, and freedom I desired. I immersed myself in their teachings and, piece by piece, began to transform into that very person I aspired to be. Of course, I’m still a work in progress, but the most incredible part is who I’m attracting now.

I’m drawing in women who, like I once did, feel stuck in jobs they despise. Women who crave more time with their kids, more freedom to live life on their own terms, and the ability to earn six figures (and beyond) from the comfort of their homes.

Here’s the deal: It’s not about the money. It never has been. It’s about what the money enables—the growth, the accomplishment, the joy, and the pride you bring to your family. The adventures and the play.

More and more women are reaching out, seeking a way to build a real online business, recognizing that low-ticket network marketing isn’t the answer. It’s just more of the same—more work, more time away from family, and not enough earnings to make it worthwhile.

High-ticket affiliate marketing is where it’s at. These women see that and are saying YES to a new path.

If you're ready to discover what radiant, confident, and worthy looks like on you, I’m here when you’re ready. 💖


3 women said YES to themselves today!!


Love helping a woman STEP INTO the exact thing she wants to BE - Radiant, Confident & Worthy!
(no accidents)😉

What if I told you that the key to freedom isn’t in some far-off dream but right here, right now, in the palm of your ha...

What if I told you that the key to freedom isn’t in some far-off dream but right here, right now, in the palm of your hand?

With an online business, you don’t just get a way to make money—you get a passport to freedom. Freedom to work from anywhere, at any time. Freedom to be present for the moments that matter most. Freedom to build a life that feels true to who you are.

But let’s get one thing straight: this isn’t just about escaping the 9-5. It’s about creating a life that’s as bold, beautiful, and unique as you are. It’s about stepping into your power, using your gifts, and making an impact on your own terms.

So, if you’re tired of playing by someone else’s rules, it’s time to make your own. Because the only thing standing between you and the freedom you crave is the decision to go for it.

Remember: your dreams are valid. Your desires are real. And the freedom you’re looking for? It’s closer than you think. Say yes to the life that’s waiting for you. 💛

Here’s the truth, and it's about time someone told you: it's not your fault. It’s not about you. The situation you’re in...

Here’s the truth, and it's about time someone told you: it's not your fault.

It’s not about you. The situation you’re in right now? This isn’t where you thought you’d be, is it? You followed the rules. Did all the "right" things. Listened to your parents, your teachers, society—everybody.

So how did this become your reality? How is this your life now?

The truth is, they all meant well, but they gave you advice from a place of their own struggle. And here we are, a generation later, with your struggle feeling ten times heavier. Too much month at the end of the money. Not enough hours in the day. Running on fumes. Wondering how the heck you got here.

Let me say it again: it’s not your fault. It’s not a you problem. It’s a system problem. The old-school job route or those low-commission side hustles? They were never designed to let you thrive or give you time to actually live. And newsflash—they never will be. That's the trap 95% of people fall into because it’s what everyone does. And guess what? They’re all struggling too.

But you? You did everything right. You did your best.

The real "wrong" is when you know better but don’t do better. When you keep doing the same thing, even when you know it’s not working.

Yeah, it’s tough to admit things aren’t working. It’s scary to try something new. It’s daunting to change your life. But you know what's harder? Staying stuck where you are. So, pick your hard.

And yes, you might look a little crazy when you start running in the opposite direction of everyone else. But better to look crazy than to follow everyone else off a cliff.

Let’s run together, in that new direction. Your life literally depends on it. 💛


Got to help 3 customers this morning already and send 1 Referral I love love love my Network, “job” and my life!




Love supporting a woman after 30 years in an abusive marriage CREATE HER COMEBACK STORY!!


If you’re gonna RISE you might as well SHINE!!

Tonight, the sky will dazzle with the brilliance of a Supermoon, a rare celestial event where the moon appears larger an...

Tonight, the sky will dazzle with the brilliance of a Supermoon, a rare celestial event where the moon appears larger and brighter than usual, as if the universe is putting on a special show just for us. This glowing orb, hanging low and luminous in the night sky, isn’t just a spectacle to behold—it’s a powerful symbol of the expansiveness of our universe and the boundless potential within each of us.

As the moon pulls the tides with its gravitational might, let it also pull you towards your dreams and aspirations. Think of the Supermoon as a giant spotlight, illuminating your path and encouraging you to step into your greatness. Tonight is a perfect time to pause, step outside, and bask in its radiant light. Use this moment to reflect on your journey—consider how far you’ve come, the challenges you’ve overcome, and the infinite possibilities that lie ahead.

And for those of you who’ve ever said, “I’ll do it once in a blue moon,” well, guess what? This Supermoon happens to be a Blue Moon too! So here’s your chance to turn that saying into action. Whether it’s tackling that project you’ve been putting off, trying something completely out of your comfort zone, or finally indulging in that guilty pleasure—tonight’s your night. The universe is giving you a rare and magical excuse, so why not seize the moment? After all, how often do you get to say you did something under a Blue Supermoon?

So, as you look up at this magnificent celestial display, remember that the same energy that moves oceans resides within you. Let the Supermoon be a reminder to shine brightly, embrace your power, and step confidently into the extraordinary life you’re meant to live. The universe is vast, your potential is limitless, and tonight, under the glow of the Supermoon, anything feels possible.

As usual, here to help when you are ready 😉


Love CELEBRATING a client who just crossed over 100k for first time in her life!! Who’s next!?


I didn’t come this far to only come this far—get ready for the next level.

What are you "TRYING" to do in your life? a biz, lose weight, save money, become debt free, be happy, stop ...

What are you "TRYING" to do in your life? a biz, lose weight, save money, become debt free, be happy, stop smoking, make money, make a difference, figure your life out, fill in the blank!!???

Let’s have a real heart-to-heart. You’re sitting there, day in and day out, in a job that dims your light and stifles yo...

Let’s have a real heart-to-heart. You’re sitting there, day in and day out, in a job that dims your light and stifles your spirit. You dream of more—more confidence, more peace, more time with your little ones. But what is it really costing you to keep saying "maybe later"?

✨ Your Confidence: Every moment you settle, you trade a piece of your power. That spark inside you, the one that knows you’re destined for greatness, grows dimmer with every “maybe tomorrow.”

✨ Your Peace of Mind: That nagging feeling, the stress that never truly leaves you—it’s the cost of ignoring your soul’s calling. Imagine a life where your mind is a serene sanctuary, and anxiety is a distant memory.

✨ Your Time: Time is slipping through your fingers like sand. Your kids are growing, and the moments you miss are lost forever. Picture being fully present, creating memories that make life rich and meaningful.

✨ Your Freedom: The kind of freedom that lets you breathe deeply, knowing you’re living your purpose, embracing abundance in every area of your life. It’s your birthright, yet every day you spend stuck is a day it slips away.

I know the cost of staying stuck because I’ve paid it. But I also know the immeasurable joy of breaking free. I’m here to guide you through the fear, the doubt, and into the radiant life you crave.

So, my question to you is: Are you ready to invest in yourself? Are you ready to be the hero of your own story?

When you’re ready to step into your power and claim the freedom you deserve, I’ll be here, ready to walk with you every step of the way.

Because deep down, you know you’re meant for more. Let’s make that “someday” today.

Reach out when you're ready to transform your life. Your future self is waiting.


Love it when a client made 20k more in 8 mo than expected and she’s like “this was so easy” 🔥🔥🔥


Swimming in the vortex of EPIC AWESOMENESS!!
Who wants some of this MAGIC?!?

Let's talk about those tiny, everyday actions that might seem insignificant but are actually the secret sauce to creatin...

Let's talk about those tiny, everyday actions that might seem insignificant but are actually the secret sauce to creating the life of your dreams. You know, the ones you can do with your eyes closed but that hold the power to change everything.

Imagine a single drop of water consistently falling onto a stone. At first glance, it seems like nothing special. But over time, that drop carves a path, reshaping the stone not through force, but through persistence and presence.

This is your life. Every time you choose to show up—whether it’s taking a moment for gratitude, aligning with your purpose, or simply getting out of bed with intention—you’re building the momentum that makes magic happen.

Momentum isn’t about grand gestures or giant leaps. It’s the magic of showing up for yourself, even when no one is watching. It’s about the courage to do the little things, consistently, knowing that these small steps are leading you to extraordinary places.

So, my love, lean into the little things today. Embrace those tiny, soulful actions that align with your truth and know that every one of them is a step on the path to your wildest dreams.

Let's create magic with our everyday choices. ✨


Love it when my company calls me to say I won the contest and they are sending another bonus!

Darling, have you ever truly felt the exquisite magic that courses through your veins? The stars, the moon, the sun—all ...

Darling, have you ever truly felt the exquisite magic that courses through your veins? The stars, the moon, the sun—all those celestial wonders aren't just out there. They’re mirrors, reflecting the breathtaking brilliance of YOU.

Imagine this: the entire Universe, with its infinite splendor, is simply a reversed reflection of your own boundless potential. When you look up at the night sky, those stars twinkling down at you are fragments of your soul's radiance. Every heartbeat, every breath, is in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the cosmos.

You, beautiful soul, are the Universe in human form. Not a mere speck, but the very essence of cosmic energy. You possess the power to create, to transform, and to shine as brightly as any star. The Universe whispers your name, urging you to remember your extraordinary capabilities.

Today, let this truth stir something deep within you. Look within and recognize that the vast expanse of the cosmos lives inside of you.

The Universe is you, in reverse. 🌌💫

And when you’re ready to embrace this profound truth and step into your boundless potential, I am here to help. Together, we can illuminate the path to your most extraordinary life.



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