We are a small two-woman digital marketing firm with 25+ years of combined experience helping small business owners reach their online marketing goals. We have worked with many bright, interesting and creative small business owners, answering key questions over and over again. We have also trained many clients to manage their blogs, social media and mailing lists on their own. Part of what makes o
ur business so enjoyable is what we learn from our clients. One important insight is that most small business owners face the same issues when marketing online, regardless of what their business is. Because of this, we’ve wanted for years to get core information online, all in one place, so we can send small business owners directly to instructions and other helpful information. Like the shoemaker who’s children have no shoes, we’ve made many good starts but haven’t quite been able to get such a resource launched. Finally, we’ve done it. The content you’ll find here on GoingDotCom.com is information we’d share directly with our clients. Whether you’re just beginning to market online or already have your online infrastructure in place and are expanding your digital marketing, you’ll find information you can use. Over time we hope to make GoingDotCom.com a comprehensive resource that small business owners like you can turn to again and again. We hope you will let us know how we’re doing – and send a request if you would like us to cover a topic you’re struggling with. Meanwhile, you can learn more about us and the services we provide at http://www.DotComMarketSolutions.com.