Jhann Morton

Jhann Morton Wife | Māmā | Reiki Practioner | Healer | Affiliate Marketer - Creating true financial freedomβœ¨οΈπŸ’§

From the outside looking in, it may have seemed like we had it all. The home, the life, the beautiful children.But in re...

From the outside looking in, it may have seemed like we had it all. The home, the life, the beautiful children.

But in reality we were missing one thing in our lives and that was a good relationship with money.

Yeah we had income coming in but only just enough to get by week to week. Some weeks we were really struggling to fill our cupboards with food after the mortgage and power would go out other weeks we were alright.

I was use to stretching money, while my husband was not. The pressure that put on eachother was intense, making us both feel at times like we were failing to support our family.

My work and supplement bringing in enough to fill the cupboards and pay the extra bills one week and not enough the next, while my husbands income paid for our home.

The reality was that it wasn't as picture perfect as it seemed.

We were struggling, hussling and working so hard to make ends meet - the focus being to alleviate the pressure for good.

I was also in what we call low ticket affiliate marketing which was making money but I was putting most, if not all money I made back in, to make the monthly fee needed to stay in.

Yeah I was on stages and was being celebrated, but I needed to sell hundreds of products & join others. I didn't see that as a viable way for me, because I was taking away from my family with the amount of time I was having to stay plugged into my phone, trying to figure out how I would sell all these products. It wasnt sustainable at all for my family's values.

Then I got a 'pull' - that's how I describe when I get visions or signs that stir up my stomach so much I know I need to act on them.

This sign... I thought, was that the women I needed to connect with would be a major piece in making this business succeed.

Mid way through the first conversation, I actually laughed, because I quickly realised she was a gateway to something more, that I had been looking for, for a long time.

She re introduced me to a product my father had tried to get me onto 8 years before which was another sign and that was just the beginning for me.

I have been very passionate about health in the alternative wayπŸ˜‰ - not the mainstream way & THIS product outweighed all the supplements I had been taking for months, through my low ticket marketing company even though i was seeing major benefits, so I knew I needed this product even if I didn't follow through with the business.

It didn't just outweigh in health benefits but also in looking after our ecosystem.

THEN I quickly realise how this business model was something your efforts were TRUELY being rewarded for.

You didn't have to pay monthly subscriptions. Once you hit a rank you never had to work your way back up. It stayed, so your pay never decreased. You could have a 2 week break or a 1 year break and you'd come back to business exactly the way you left it.

Your product was your lifetime access!

THEN there was the Self discovery process and the environment supporting healing, money relationship, Self relationship and everything else that comes with truely finding the space to allow self development.

I knew how to love others I just needed to unpack and re stack a couple shelves in the area of self love.

There's support and then there's this! and that was the part I actually needed to align with most. To give me access to the people and the tools needed to start really showing up as my highest version.

Before this I didn't know how to take the next step or what that step even looked like.

And I have not looked back ever since!

I dont spend money on different types of supplements for my children anymore. I actually can't remember the last time they got sick. My sons eczema has cleared completely. The health benefits are priceless.

My business requires for me to show up as my authentic self and share from the heart. One thing I've had to learn but am so greatful I've taught myself. To stop hiding is the most freeing feeling I've experienced.

My business allows me to see what TRUE FREEDOM actually means in all its forms. I'm still learning and I'm loving every single day of it.

So if your feeling like your ready to leave frustration and start moving into the flow, I'd love to show you what I've learned since having that phone call 8 months ago.

So just drop 'interested' below & we can talk, & I'll show you how to go from struggle and stress to Success & Surrender.



The ocean builds, the under tow is sucked back, making the waves crash over top.
Choose to cut self diminishing ideologies at the base. Allow yourself to break through & flow freely.



How do I maintain my sanityπŸ˜† & the responsibilities that come with a home, 5 children & a husband, an at home business and an online business?

I make sure self care is a priority! The beach is my best friend.
That plans for the following day are communicated with my husband so we can work together to get everything done.
Lots of winging it... Lots! because lets be honest, when you have children, everyday is different and most days are crazy.
A little bit of sarcastic humour.
A little imagination to keep the little ones on their toes
Spontaneity &
but most of all... Gratitude and passion for my vision and why I'm going to succeed in getting it done!

Life is as hard or as easy as you let it be. When you need a break give yourself permission.

Dont forget to take time to sit in the feelings of what you have already created... How far you have already come!

And then get excited for what's nextπŸ’¦

because if you can see itπŸ‘ then believe it!

I have never been more sure of my future then right now.Getting out of your own way is sometimes confronting... but shee...

I have never been more sure of my future then right now.

Getting out of your own way is sometimes confronting... but sheeeet that growth far out ways the cons🫰

Keep it simple, and always stay true to you!


YOU are who you've been looking for

Alot of the time the things that you are most passionate about aren't always what you do for money. BUT what if you were...

Alot of the time the things that you are most passionate about aren't always what you do for money. BUT what if you were living your life, in your passions everyday and were financially abundant at the same time?

Think about it for a secondπŸ’­

What would you do with your time if you had access to the tools to truly embody success.

What does abundance look like for you and your family? What do you enjoy the most? Where does your heart live, or where would it like to live?

We're supporting people with a business that allows you to get paid YOUR WORTH & VALUE. Meanwhile you get to do those things you're actually passionate about.

NOW If you want to take your first step, we have this amazing 2Day launch this coming Friday and Saturday.

90mins of your time. Youl be thankful you said YES.

Did I mention it's free? & there are only two of this kind held this year. This is your chance to see what is really possible when you whole heartedly choose YOU!

Click the link belowπŸ‘‡and I'll see you inside.

⚑️⚑️⚑️997 people are now IN and registered for the Make It Rain Masterclass  Drop me a message for VIP access!So many pe...

⚑️⚑️⚑️997 people are now IN and registered for the Make It Rain Masterclass Drop me a message for VIP access!

So many people are saying YES to more freedom, more wealth & more abundance!

Are you in this exclusive group?

If not, drop me a message for VIP access!


Update*** The scheduled live has been postponed - we'll keep you all updated with a time soon!

Blessed day to everyone✨️


With all the excitement going on at the moment for me in my world and my business, I’m going LIVE tomorrow at 11am right here on my page, alongside a beautiful soul I have been blessed to have as my mentor. Fiercely guided by source & self, now a living example of how you can turn your vision into reality! Alana G🀍

Come join us!!!

We always have so much fun when we get together and we just love sharing the impact of our conscious business model and community here in the online space!

Live at 11am tomorrow 24th Feb - do not miss out!πŸ’§


Are you surrounding yourself with people who will still vibe with you when your wearing growth?

What you see here is two completely different versions of the same person.She was Angry.. confused.. heartbroken.. betra...

What you see here is two completely different versions of the same person.

She was Angry.. confused.. heartbroken.. betrayed.. had little to no self respect.. reliant on outside influence to fill the void, from alcohol to self abuse and everything in between.. at times suicidal.. she was abused. Physically, mentally and emotionally. She was taught to survive.

Everytime she couldn't breathe she would remember her heart, which were her children.
She still had hope, and inner guidance and so much love to give and for those reasons, she was always determined. There was always something telling her to keep going. Still very optimistic. She was a light for so many in her life but she didn't know how to be that for herself.

Bit by bit she got sick of being torn to pieces. Sick of all the outside noise telling her what she needed to be. What she wasnt. That her natural gifts weren't hers to own. That she wasn't worthy of being HER. That what she was being guided towards wasn't achievable. That she was too sensitive., too much of one thing or another.

She's rebirthed herself over and over again. A work in constant progress. Re wiring her thoughts, releasing the conditioning as it presents itself in her reality. Bought love and forgiveness to all the pain she has endured. Step by step bringing more inner peace, self awareness and understanding of herself.

She now looks after her body, mind, heart and soul. She still has days and moments of lack, where she's not confident for a minute, maybe she let's someones words get to her heart but never for long anymore. Sometimes she still gets anxiety for a moment but it doesn't have a home in her anymore.

She moves where she needs to move, grows where growth is needed, heals where hurt has been. She wakes up excited and ready for everyday with the knowing that everything is as it's meant to be, for her highest good.

She is me🀍 She is fierce & she has never been more ready to live.

Woah! I am totally blown away by the responses I've received since I released the exciting news..My inbox has been OVERF...

Woah! I am totally blown away by the responses I've received since I released the exciting news..

My inbox has been OVERFLOWING with so many people wanting access to the incredible masterclass event that is going LIVE on Thursday 29 Feb + Friday 01 Mar!

If you missed the details, don't sweat it, it’s not too late to get in on the excitement and action - drop me a comment below and I can send you the details too!

HERE IT ISπŸŽ™Something so exciting, something that is revolutionising the online world and unlocking unlimited freedom, we...


Something so exciting, something that is revolutionising the online world and unlocking unlimited freedom, wealth and abundance


A 2 day masterclass like no other is launching inside our private Facebook group from 11.00AM- 12.30AM AEST each day.

I am so excited to be co creating inside this space!

I’d love to invite you to join me inside this 2 day masterclass (90 min max each day) where we will begin with connecting you to your future self and the vision for YOUR freedom, wealth and abundance.

An invitation for you to embody the future version of you so you can launch your dream life and be empowered to attract and hold wealth on a scale you never knew was possible!

In just nine days, you'll gain access to this life-changing, two-day online live event. Your golden ticket to a transformative experience that has the power to reshape your future.

Discover the keys to a life where freedom and wealth flow effortlessly and learn how to unlock your money mindset and create your best relationship with money!

Learn how these changes can impact not only your life but also the lives of others across the globe. Dive into a 500-year vision and a business that supports you to honour your values alongside the profound health impact that's touching millions.

Do not miss out on this opportunity to make a huge and very real difference in your life. Act now and connect with us to secure your spot! πŸš€

Day one, we will be going deep into:

𝐢𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑇𝐼𝑁𝐺 π‘ˆπ‘πΏπΌπ‘€πΌπ‘‡πΈπ· 𝐹𝑅𝐸𝐸𝐷𝑂𝑀, π‘ŠπΈπ΄πΏπ‘‡π» & π΄π΅π‘ˆπ‘π·π΄π‘πΆπΈ

Dive deep into a transformative journey towards your vision and future self, where every action from this moment cultivates the money mindset essential for turning those visions into reality.

- Envisioning Your Dream Life - connect with your future self, laying out a vision so you can be guided to visualise the next 90 days into a launching pad for your dream life.
- Cultivating A Prosperous Money Mindset: Reframe your financial consciousness and be empowered to attract and maintain wealth on a scale you never imagined possible.

- Embracing Unlimited Freedom and Wealth: Learn how to unlock the boundless potential within you and around you, creating a ripple effect of abundance.

- Legacy Of Abundance: Discover the legacy that embodies the true meaning of wealth and freedom.

And for Day two, we get to the Make It Rain income model itself inside …

𝑇𝐻𝐸 𝐸𝑅𝐴 𝑂𝐹 πΆπ‘‚π‘π‘†πΆπΌπ‘‚π‘ˆπ‘† π‘ŠπΈπ΄πΏπ‘‡π»

Explore why the new era of conscious wealth is a necessity in 2024 and how it creates a generational legacy of abundance for you and your family.

Our Conscious Business Model: Immerse yourself in the principles of conscious business to create a life of true freedom
Income and Impact - Learn how to create a visionary business model that has a significant impact on you, your family and the world at scale

Social Media Monetisation with Automation: Harness the power of social media and learn how to monetise your online presence effectively

This masterclass will set you up to know how to build a conscious business that evolves with you as an individual, that celebrates who YOU are and has the ability to change thousands of lives, starting with your own!

It’s a business model designed to evolve with you, so that your financial future is always in YOUR hands and you unlock the ripple effect of abundance that will see you create true wealth and freedom.

This is the new way of living on the terms of a life that suits YOU!

Drop an emoji belowπŸ‘‡ and i'l make sure you get the details and a link to your own free ticket!

I've got a number of tickets to give out for this event for free to those that are committed to watching it and playing full out.

We also have cash giveaways for those who show up fully activated! πŸ’°

To receive access to this conversation, to be a part of this movement, just pop an emoji or a YES below, and I’ll send you the link with all the details.

π‘‡β„Žπ‘–π‘  𝑖𝑠 π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘“π‘’π‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘œπ‘“ π‘’π‘›π‘™π‘–π‘šπ‘–π‘‘π‘’π‘‘ π‘“π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’π‘‘π‘œπ‘š, π‘€π‘’π‘Žπ‘™π‘‘β„Ž π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘Žπ‘π‘’π‘›π‘‘π‘Žπ‘›π‘π‘’ 𝑖𝑛 π‘Žπ‘™π‘™ π‘Žπ‘ π‘π‘’π‘π‘‘π‘  π‘œπ‘“ 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒, 𝐼 π‘π‘Žπ‘› π‘π‘Ÿπ‘œπ‘šπ‘–π‘ π‘’ π‘¦π‘œπ‘’β€¦

It’s time to Make It Rain with uncapped income and impact!β˜”οΈ


HUGE NEWS COMING! Be here tomorrow to find out whatβ˜”οΈ


The self work that you do will echo throughout every single part of your lifeπŸ’§



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Fk yes I'm going😍πŸ”₯
2024 quantum business retreat in Bali!
Who else wants in?🀌

βœ¨οΈπΉπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’ π΅π‘Žπ‘™π‘– π‘…π‘’π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘‘!βœ¨οΈπ‘‚π‘œπ‘œπ‘œπ‘œπŸ˜ I'm excited to announce that my mentor, who is a β„Žπ‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘™π‘¦ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘π‘–π‘œπ‘’π‘  π‘π‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘“π‘’π‘™ π‘™π‘’π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ in this s...

βœ¨οΈπΉπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘’ π΅π‘Žπ‘™π‘– π‘…π‘’π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘‘!✨️

π‘‚π‘œπ‘œπ‘œπ‘œπŸ˜ I'm excited to announce that my mentor, who is a β„Žπ‘–π‘”β„Žπ‘™π‘¦ π‘π‘œπ‘›π‘ π‘π‘–π‘œπ‘’π‘  π‘π‘œπ‘€π‘’π‘Ÿπ‘“π‘’π‘™ π‘™π‘’π‘Žπ‘‘π‘’π‘Ÿ in this space! has decided she's hosting a retreat in early 2024 in 𝐡𝐴𝐿𝐼!

If you have considered starting an online business with high ticket affiliate marketing, π‘π‘‚π‘Š is the time, so you can secure your spot.

It’s a retreat like no other retreat. Think business strategy mixed with quantum leaping, mindset & manifestation.

It will be a luxe & life changing experience ✨

πΆπ‘œπ‘šπ‘šπ‘’π‘›π‘‘ 𝑅𝐸𝑇𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑇 π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ 𝐼’𝑙𝑙 𝑠𝑒𝑛𝑑 π‘¦π‘œπ‘’ π‘‘β„Žπ‘’ π‘‘π‘’π‘‘π‘Žπ‘–π‘™π‘ πŸοΈ

π‘Šβ„Žπ‘œ π‘€π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘  π‘‘π‘œ π‘π‘œπ‘šπ‘’ π‘‘π‘œ 𝐡𝐴𝐿𝐼 π‘€π‘–π‘‘β„Ž π‘šπ‘’πŸ’§


Mā te kimi ka kite, Mā te kite ka mōhio, Mā te mōhio ka mārama.

Seek & discover. Discover & know. Know & become enlightened.✨️🌊🀍

I walked up to this huge golden door and on the otherside was a surreal picture of nature, green grass, butterflies, the...

I walked up to this huge golden door and on the otherside was a surreal picture of nature, green grass, butterflies, the brightest flowers, bees, trees, animals peacefully roaming & this dirt pathway leading towards a thick forest.

I followed this path through the green fields into this forest. The trees here felt ancient. I was led towards 3 pools of water, the first was smaller, I could walk through it. The second one about chest deep and I had to swim through it. The third was big, crystal clear it was the most beautiful waterfall I'd ever seen. To get across to the path I had to walk under this waterfall. Doing this made me cry, I felt immense weight had been lifted.

On the other side, the pathway led up a hill. I could hear the crashing of the waterfall behind me as I carried on up the path. At the very top of this hill was a thick wooden bench seat looking over a cliff, where an old lady sat. She had a small frame & thick curly white hair.

She sensed my presence, turned & stood with a smile, arms wide open welcoming me into her embrace. She took me into her hands, pressed her nose against mine and whispered "you're finally here". We cuddled and then sat down on the thick wooden bench seat. When I looked out infront of us I saw all my passed loved ones, radiating love and guidance towards me.

I sat here taking in all I could see and feel for a while before I gave my love to all these people I missed and headed back down the pathway towards that old golden door.

This was a guided meditation experience I'd had inside a 2 day workshop I was attending.

This lady with the white hair I'd seen other times in spiritual form but wasn't quite sure who she was. I ran inside after this guided meditation and looked up at my grandmothers lounge wall. There she was. In a black and white photo. Four generations before me. Her name was Nanny Ma. She had passed well before I was born.

She was there helping to guide me towards self discovery & healing...and had been for the last few years that I was aware of.

Many times these kinds of experiences would frighten me. Not anymore.

Self discovery is a limitless journey. Sometimes hard, testing, emotional, draining, revealing, healing and uplifting. Triggering your safety walls to come down so you are able to see. Bringing areas forward so you can understand & love yourself to your core. It takes perseverance & courage but most of all love & care for yourself.

Self discovery is powerful and lights the light inside you.

Have you found your inner light?

What are you drawn to, what makes you excited?

What path is yours and are you taking it?

It will look completely different to anyone else because we are all unique.

I invite you to join me in embarking on the journey of self-discovery. Where you'll find a world within yourself waiting to be explored, filled with the most extraordinary stories and the brightest possibilities.

I look back to reflect so I can move forward..."I go back down my life line,There I find a child, wide eyed, terrified, ...

I look back to reflect so I can move forward...

"I go back down my life line,
There I find a child, wide eyed, terrified, confused, who's believed its not okay to be her.
She freezes, staring into my eyes with no trust.
Scared, teary and unsure of how I'll treat her.
We intuitively conversate while I try to gain this child's trust, that I won't ever allow anyone to hurt her again.
She hesitantly takes my hand.
I'm gentle, continuously reassuring this child that we're going to be okay.
That I'm sorry, that I love her, that she can trust me.
I take her in my arms,
I notice how she grips onto me, scared il let her go.
I hold her closer & show her our path.
I say to her see.. we are okay, look at how much hurt you have healed. Look at all these obstacles you have overcome. Look how many times you were divinely protected. Look at these beautiful, gifted children you birthed and love with all of your being. Look at this man you married, who respects and unconditionally loves you. Look how much you have won in life and look how big, giving & loving your heart has stayed.
You have so much to be greatful for & you have so much more to live for.
I promised her from that day forward she would never be alone again.
I kissed her head and she smiled."

I am an organic energetic healer, uniquely guided towards a purpose. Intentionally healing layer after layer, becoming more & more in alignment with my purpose.

Life gives us many lessons, some far more traumatic then others. It is up to us as an individual to step into our own and become everything conditioning, judgement, fear and opinions has taught us not to be. It truly does start with mindset, Everything has the potential to bring great success even the worst situations. You just have to silence yourself enough to see.

I choose to create a lifelong legacy I can pass down to my children and every generation after. I choose to break generational trauma by healing it within myself.

Succes is 80% Inner work & 20% strategy.

Inā kei te mohio koe ko wai koe, i anga mai koe i hea, kei te mohio koe. Kei te anga atu ki hea.

If you know who you are & where you come from, then you will know where you are going.

I've found who I am and all of where I come from... and these days I'm on a mission devinely guided with drive and passion to get to my vision.

Friday next week I will have my time freedom back... and this time for goodπŸ’― No more working for others.I'l get to suppo...

Friday next week I will have my time freedom back... and this time for goodπŸ’― No more working for others.

I'l get to support peopleπŸ₯°

Working in multiple areas that im passionate about. Everything I can pass down to my children from knowledge, culture, health and consciousness.

I'm so fu***ng greatfulπŸ™...

For my job that has helped in supporting my family and Im also greatful for the growth I have stepped into, the knowledge I have gained, the communities I share space with and for my commitment to making reality of my own dreamsπŸ’›

I will have so much more of my time for my family & to create my own story, the way I want to show up everyday✨️



10 things you didn't know about me...

Ive had 6 beautiful babies not just 5, my TeRangiatea was conceived 4th and is my angel babyπŸ‘ΌπŸ€

I can overthink almost everything, and have to mindfully remind myself to stay in the present. Im so much better these days compared to when i was younger.πŸ›£

I prefer to be in intimate settings rather then big crowds and can get overwhelmed being around strangers so will go quiet which gets mistaken for shyness.πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ

I am the second eldest of 14 siblings, one being whangai (sort of like adoption but not). I didnt meet my Eldest sister until I was 16. So my siblings all grew up knowing me to be their eldest sister.πŸ‘­πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ‘­πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘πŸ‘­πŸ§‘β€πŸ€β€πŸ§‘

I was in a band as a teenager. I would get anxiety every single time I got on stage and have to imagine I was somewhere calm and peaceful to sing.🎀

I have very good intuition, and can read the energy of a room quite well. Even when you tell me the complete opposite of what is actually going on its like the energy changes in the air and I feel that it's not quite right. I also often get signs before something has happened or just before its about to.🌬

I tuck the blankets under my feet and have done this since I was a child. As a kid I'd get so scared that something may touch my feet and now it's just habitπŸ‘£

I feel uneven if I don't cover my ear with my blanket while trying to go to sleep. If one ear is warm on the pillow then the other has to be warm tooπŸ˜†

I love randomly traveling. Being able to go make memories with my husband and children and even wider family is fulfilling to me🧳

I love music, dance and art and can do all three but keep them private MOST of the time.πŸŽΆπŸ’ƒπŸ–Ό

I was running on empty to make ends meet for my young family, living with my grandmother who without question would take...

I was running on empty to make ends meet for my young family, living with my grandmother who without question would take me and my children in anytime I needed to come home.
My spirit was broken and I was fearful of what the future was going to hold but still hopeful of what I wished & dreamed I could give my family.

I'd heard & seen proof of a high ticket affiliate marketing product 4 years before, but back then I was far from ready mentally and financially. I hadn't gained the tools internally yet to take that offer.

It would pop up every now & then and I'd be like πŸ‘€.
It was something a few of my family and friends and I would talk about achieving when we were financially able.

I had met a beautiful soul over in Australia through a close friend of mine about 5 years ago who had this magnetic, refreshing energy I was drawn to. We were friends on Facebook & I followed bits and pieces of her journey with what came through in my news feed.

Fast track 5 years down the track & I decided to message her, nothing to do with her business BUT long story short.

She was still drawing me in with her energy. Sometimes I remember that over the actual conversationπŸ˜…

I got off the phone with this new found curiosity of what she was doing and within a couple of days had organised to check out this community she was apart of.

It was eye opening! to say the least.

Something that truly rewards people for their efforts... like TRULY!

There was something in me that had already said AHHH YES😍! to this opportunity before I'd even given a physical answer.

I jumped straight back onto my phone to this beautiful soul who is now my mentor, and pretty much said where do I sign? A discovery call was organised for me and I had that call while at work a week later.

I've not looked back ever since! This community... what we offer... is one of those 'keeps on giving' type of things!

Now my fears have gone.

My mind sees clarity, so much so that my dreams are now starting to become realities.

My children are content and I am able to be PRESENT. That word alone means the world to me, especially being able to give that to my kids!πŸ₯°

If you feel like your ready to start moving out of your frustration, stress or fear and start moving into the flow I'd love to show you what I've learned since being welcomed into this inspiring community.

So just drop 'INTERESTED' into the comments below. I'd love to show you how you can too be living from an over flowing cup of Abundance.

WHAT AN EXCITING WEEK IT'S BEEN 😱So many people have reached out for our next webinar on how to earn online through affi...


So many people have reached out for our next webinar on how to earn online through affiliate marketing!!

I’ve NEVER been more excited to be sharing this with so many people...

In this webinar, we cover the business model, the products, the strategy, and the lives we are changing with this exciting opportunity!

And we offer so many juicy bonuses for those that jump in (which was me, a few weeks ago!).

Everything is explained and the energy is so empowering and inspiring.

The business model...
The products...
The profit opportunity…
The marketing systems...
And even my personal mentors...

Shared by the top income earners in this industry. And you'll be immediately able to model exactly what I'm currently doing - for your own dream lifestyle goals!

My vision is to create our next wave of future humans following their true calling while obtaining true financial feedom & taking back all their time out of this.

βœ… Type 'WEBINAR' below now and I’ll private message you details.

To make the most of this opportunity I have a special bonus available for those who contact me in the next 24 HOURS so don’t delay!!!

P.S. I’ve had DOZENS of people already message me requesting details, so if you comment β€˜WEBINAR’ below, I’ll message you as soon as I can.

Allow me a few hours to respond. Who wants the details?

THE TIME HAS COME FOR CHANGE🌬Looking back over my life I realise I have been taught to go to work and get paid. The hard...


Looking back over my life I realise I have been taught to go to work and get paid. The harder we work the more money we make and the better off our families will be, but in the long run we sacrifice precious time that we should be spending with our tamariki.. our children and the ones we love.

The reason behind this journey into 'another way' is to take back my time through financial freedom and give back my time to the ones I love and to my passions! Helping people with health - Mental, Physical, Emotional & Spiritual.

When I close my eyes each night, I dream of a life of adventure where each day is different...

I'm sick of my children looking up at us with wide eyes and also sick of them normalizing that work takes their time.

They would say...

"AwwwwπŸ˜” Do you have to go to work māmā?"

"Please māmā, just stay with meπŸ™"

"Ugh you always have to go to work"

"When you finish work will I be awake or will it be sleep time?πŸ˜”"

"I don't want you to go"

Im also sick of being told that unless you work a traditional 9-5 job you can't succeed in life. When an opportunity presents itself and then I'm given a million reasons why it won't work out...

So deflating to my soul to take all of these things in on the daily.

I'm sick and tired of allowing others to have such a huge influence on my decisions.

All my life I have looked for something that would allow me to live in my true authenticity. Something that would provide me with my true purpose in life.

TRUE Connection
TRUE Experience
TRUE Time freedom
Travel wherever I want whenever I want
GENUINE Quality time with family
To bring LIGHT to the world, serve others & bring
CONSCIOUS IMPACT to all who want it.

I have gone all in, in the spare pockets of my time and I've decided to make my scrolling a way to get paid to be online.

In between being a fulltime māmā to my five children I invest my time into building this business online.

When they're all at schoolπŸ“š
When they're asleepπŸ’€
When they're playing nicely and I can sneak an hour inπŸ›
When they're chilling🎞

I have continued to invest spare hours each day with intentional activities designed to get me closer to a life with freedom and choice.

Creating content✍️
Recording videosπŸ“½
Engaging with you, my audienceπŸ—£
Working with mentorsπŸ‘©β€πŸ«
Having a blast inside an incredible community!πŸ’₯

Once I saw the Income potential I became COMMITTED and excited by my future.

I'm still completely COMMITTED and love doing work that doesn't feel like work at all! I'm so focused and results are starting to come in...

I cannot express how excited I am for what the future holds with this opportunity!
I can SEE it.

The abundance of tools that this community supplies has absolutely supported the shift on my mindset, in my health & also intuition! The path forward is much clearer.

I am apart of a collectively conscious community that ALL support my huge dreams. They're all such a vibe! It won't be long till I hit my goals of complete time, health, financial and location freedom.

So why am I sharing this with you?


If I can - You can!

And I have a way for us to partner together if this speaks to you.

Let me give you a little insight into what I do.

I partnered with a digital education platform that teaches the fundamental skills of digital marketing.

Within that platform, I also have multiple income streams.

Hint: The vehicle we are utilizing has helped many people across the world quit their 9-5, create the life of their dreams, buy their dream house, travel the world, give back generously and has put them on a path to creating generational wealth...

If you've been secretly wanting to start your own business online...
To leave your job or travel more or be at home with the kids...
Or are currently in an online business that you are just not seeing the results you deserve from your hard work...

If there is a voice inside telling you that you are MORE..? Listen to it.

Comment "YES" or send me a Direct Message and il send you a message with info on how to join the private group and gain access to this free training on how to leverage social media to make high level income the heart centered conscious way.

We're all on this platform called "social media" everyday, why not turn your scrolling into time and freedom that ultimately can have you moving forward in your life - in whatever it is YOU desire.

"Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success."




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