Progressive Electronic Music, Progressive, Software Engineer, Life Coach, Fitness and Social Media Manager, Neurobiomusic, Music producer, DJ, Researcher, Scientist. Look up opus at
"a work, composition," especially a musical one, 1809, from Latin opus "a work, labor, exertion" (source of Italian opera, French oeuvre, Spanish obra), from PIE root *op- (1) "to work, produce in abund
ance" (Germanic *ob-) "to work, produce in abundance," originally of agriculture later extended to religious acts (cognates: Sanskrit apas- "work, religious act;" Avestan hvapah- "good deed;" Old High German uoben "to start work, to practice, to honor;" German üben "to exercise, practice;" Dutch oefenen, Old Norse æfa, Danish øve "to exercise, practice;" Old English æfnan "to perform, work, do," afol "power"). Its part of the Universal Heart that keeps beating, connecting all. To Progress is an Universal Law. You cannot stop it. It does not need opened doors. Progressive constantly rebuilts itself in space and time. Doors are for mostly for bathrooms. It is not a mega hit, hits cannot follow progressive evolving mutations. Its not the stupid "jingle loop" that fixes in your mind, it's the felling of opening and expanding minds. Progressive is not out of fashion. Its ever changing state inspires tendencies that will be used in fashion. Progressive artists express secrets just discoverded . Approach, feel it in your heart, be with an open spirit, soul and mind and harmonize with its messages. Progressive is the future brought to your present. Progressive really touches you inside, sometimes places you never explored. Progressive is making a revolution with ideas that are being handcrafted by enchanted hearts. Experience it. Keep lessons learned. Learn to be you, not another one.