Treasure network

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Treasure network Adequate information distinguishes people. We are here to inform you in our own unique way, maximize we are open for partnership, endorsement and Sponsorship.

Treasure network is a talent,media and relationship building agency.we believe in people and accept that every human being is a treasure in disguise that must be searched out.


Do you think you have what it takes to be the Treasure of this quarter?

Are you talented and skilled with playing any musicsl instrument?

Stand a chance of winning 25k and more by the end of this quarter by simply doing a 45 seconds cover of "Miracle no de tire Jesus" by Moses Bliss on any of Keyboard, Saxophone, Trumpet, Drums, Guitar, pure vocal or any instrument of your choice and send to the below WhatsApp group.
You may not need it but you know someone that needs it.
Registration is FREE for now. Shallom

Adequate information distinguishes people. We are here to inform you in our own unique way, maximize


You have what it takes to be the best!


Becoming your best Summary with Julius Akubo -01

In our bid to recognize and celebrate talents we shall be starting a quarterly talent hunt to discover, celebrate and sh...

In our bid to recognize and celebrate talents we shall be starting a quarterly talent hunt to discover, celebrate and showcase the best of the treasures.

This quarterly talent hunt shall be known as the TREASURE OF THE QUARTER.

It is foundationally musical and open to all ( instrumentalists inclusive)

It shall run for two weeks in the last month of every quarter with the exception of the last quarter of the year where the TREASURE OF THE YEAR shall emerge.

It promises to be all inclusive as money votes and Facebook reactions on our page shall be used concurrently to determine the winner.

Get ready for the next biggest talent discovery platform.


Good morning my people we are officially open for the year💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽...we have alot of juicy and exciting content this year and we will be doing things quite differently this year. We will be bringing you exciting video contents and guess what, Mimah's kitchen and bakes will be holding her FIRST SETS OF ONLINE CLASSES at very affordable prices with well detailed videos💃🏽💃🏽 by the grace of God this year. Just stay with us as we journey into another world of fun, baking, cooking, learning and experiences this year yahhhh🥳🥳🥳...Tips for the year
✅Hold God tightly this year
✅ Try new things and meet new people
✅ Learn a skill
✅ Watch out for my online classes
✅ Attend my online classes
✅ Pay small money for a whole wealth of knowledge for my classes
✅ Follow and like my page I will be posting my special video recipes for you to try out at home


Something big is coming....

Hi,Have you told anyone about UMIC7 ?join us share the link and feel free to register if you're interested. https://bit....

Have you told anyone about UMIC7 ?
join us share the link and feel free to register if you're interested.


Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 29*

*9. MELPHLEG (Melancholy: Primary, Phlegmatic: Secondary)* Part 2

As we continue, we established that MelPhleg are creative and innovative set of people

They are majorly humanitarians and good mathematicians who develop great love to whatever they set their minds to.

Though they are prone to inner anger, hostility and vengeful acts, vulnerable to fear, anxiety and negative self esteem.

Talking of love/relationship;
MelPhleg can be so loving and caring if only they can channel some of their creative and faithful ability/efforts to their partners/lovers,

Humanitarian concerns can make them neglect their partners.

Naturally these ones are prone to working zealously to get what they put their minds to,

so also if they can make their relationship/love life a priority they will make wonderful partners with a treasured relationship....(stay tuned as we look at PHLEGSAM in our next edition)

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform
As we talk about SKILLS ACQUISITION (Cake baking) Sunday 8pm(tomorrow)


Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.


Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 28*

*9. MELPHLEG (Melancholy: Primary, Phlegmatic: Secondary)* Part 1

If you are looking for a category of blends that are just so creative and innovative then you have seen one.

In fact some of the greatest scholars and inventors constitute of majorly the MelPhlegs

They are well nurtured humanitarians who just prefer a quite, solitary environment to study and research to endless activities of other extroverts.

One good Nigerian example of Melphleg is Prof. Wole Soyinka who to a large extent lived a solitary life in his austere home.

These people are excellent spellers and mathematicians and they have been a great blessing to humanity. They develop great love and commitment to what they set their minds to do.

Among their weaknesses is the fact that they are capable of inner anger and hostility caused by their tendency to be vengeful and usually vulnerable to fear, anxiety and a negative self image, although,

a times if not checked they can develop feeling of poor self worth.
Most times their concerns to humanity and creativity allow people pressure them into making commitments that drain their energy and creativity....(stay tuned as we look at what being in a relationship with MELPHLEG entails)

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform
As we talk about SKILLS ACQUISITION (how to make frameless pictures) Sunday 8pm(tomorrow) you


Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.


Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 26*

*8. MELCHLOR (Melancholy: Primary, Choleric: Secondary)* Prt 2.

As we continue, we established that MelChlor is good in a vocation and carries out assignment well, a music lover, he has strong leadership capabilities which sells them out and does his work without much talks and noise.

He is statesman and countryman and he was to be one of Nigeria`s leaders, he would have probably been Chief Olusegun Obansanjo (with much honour to his person)

Among his weaknesses is the fact that they are just difficult to please, his desire for detailed analyses and perfection is not it at all.

To them the highest stage of ability should be your starting point. They themselves hardly get satisfied with what they do.

Equally their feelings or thoughts of negativity often make people find it difficult to stay around them. Sometimes when in this mood they will just become a sadist.

They can be harsh when trying to correct people for their mistakes and even castigate them.

When it comes to love/relationship, their partners have much work to do to help them

At least in other to get the much needed affection, most especially on the aspect of being difficult to please because MelChlor rarely gives commendation or applause for any work.

They can really make good and loving partners if they faithfully work on their weaknesses....(stay tuned as we look at MELPHLEG)

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform
As we talk about SKILLS ACQUISITION (Baking and Pastries) Sunday 8pm(tomorrow)


Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.


Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 26*

*8. MELCHLOR (Melancholy: Primary, Choleric: Secondary)* Prt 2.

As we continue, MelChlor carries a difficult to please personality, perfectionist

despite being very good in any vocation and leadership role without much talks and noise.

When it comes to love/relationship-

their partners have much work to do to help them, at least in a other to get the much needed affection

most especially on the aspect of being difficult to please because MelChlor rarely gives commendation or applause for any work done

They can really make good and loving partners if they faithfully work on their weaknesses.

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform
As we talk about MAXIMIZING YOUR SINGLEHOOD as a Man Sunday 8pm(tomorrow)


Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.

Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.         ...

Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 25*

*8. MELCHLOR (Melancholy: Primary, Choleric: Secondary)* Prt 1.

He just so good in any vocation and carries it them out well, more so that he is a perfectionist. He possess strong leadership capabilities as good as his twin brother MelSan but he does his own works without much talks and noise.

He is a statesman and country man.

If he was to be one of Nigeria`s leaders, he would have probably been Chief Olusegun Obansanjo (with much honour to his person)

This distinct leadership ability in handling all characters sells them out.

Another thing about this person is his love for music, if he is in any singing group he would probably be the choral conductor

Among his weaknesses is the fact that they are just difficult to please

his desire for detailed analyses and perfection is not it at all.

To them the highest stage of ability should be your starting point.

They themselves hardly get satisfied with what they do.

Equally their feelings or thoughts of negativity often make people find it difficult to stay around them

Sometimes when in this mood they will just become a sadist.

They can be harsh when trying to correct people for their mistakes and even castigate them.

They just need the love of God in their heart....(stay tuned as we look at what being in relationship with MELCHLOR entails next week)

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform
As we talk about STAGE OF SINGLENESS Sunday 8pm(tomorrow)


Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.

WhatsApp Group Invite


Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 23*

*7. MELSAN ( Melancholy: Primary, Sanguine: secondary)* Prt 1

If you are looking for a gifted person, then you have found one.

He can make a wonderful musician and even a wonderful artist with much captivation and motivation on any one who sees him or hears him.

With the happy trait of a sanguine and happy mood swing of a melancholy he can carry an elated, ecstatic and fantastically happy mood.

Yeah he/she is very emotional because of the primary trait of a melancholy in him/her.

Another loving part of these people is that they are teachers, loves teaching and can communicate well with students.

Yeah they are good inventors, the inventive and creative part of a melancholy coupled with the playful and noisy spirit of a sanguine will not allow him try anything new.

He can be good in theories but not practical. (He is just a good description of most Nigeria lecturers in the universities)

Though most times his usual mood swings will not allow him make optimum use of the time if anything happens beyond his/her expectation.

Circumstance can so weigh them down for days.

Among his/her weaknesses is that he/she is usually fearful and feels insecure.

He tends to be rigid and usually will not cooperate unless things goes his own way......(stay tuned: as we look at what being in a relationship with MelSan entails next week)

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform through the link:

Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.

Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.         ...

Understanding your temperament and working on your weaknesses is the first bold step to a healthy relationship.
*Part 22*

*6. CHLORPHLEG (Choleric: Primary, Phlegmatic: secondary)* Prt 2

As we continue, ChlorPhleg are temperament mix of people so careful with everything and make good team, lovable but can harbour resentment and bitterness for long.

Yeah when it comes to love/relationship, these people can make wonderful partners/lovers;

they just know the A-Z of how to show love and making people feel loved

because they don’t deliberately set out to hurt their partners.

Once they just love you

oh! They can make the world go round just to show you love even at the expense of their comfort

No one is more loving as this one, i don’t know whether to call them the “Romeo or the Juliet”. Love is just their perfume.

But partners to ChlorPhleg should just help them work on their weaknesses and try not to hurt them too or hurt their feelings.

They don’t revenge but they open up dairies of hurt for you in their heart and even write a book for you.

So try not to hurt them because whatever is written is not easily forgotten and you sure don’t want the dairy to get full and blow up.

We have looked at the first category of six blends of temperament who are naturally extroverts.

Next week we will start with the last category of six blends who are naturally introverts.

(so if you are an extrovert and you didn’t see your traits in the first six. Don’t bother; you are an introvert trying to come out. Smiles)

Almost all the introvert in this second category have similar or common traits but with little differences.

See you in our next edition, I LOVE YOU.

Join the Relationship discussions on our platform through the link:

Ocheh Emmanuel
Relationship Clinic
Your comfort is my assignment.

WhatsApp Group Invite



In our last series, we stated that,

The king can only show the splendor of God accurately when he can see and access the author of the splendor. We also said that, that only becomes possible in the office of the priest because the king is first a man. By extension we pointed out the fact that a king that does not function as a priest also, is functioning below capacity.

Now Let's bring this home, how does this relate to you as a Christian?

Rev 5:10 has made it clear to us that God has raised us as kings and priest on to him and we are to reign on the earth.

Many believers focus on the kingship and ignore the priesthood. We struggle day and night to show the splendor of God forgetting that we must first be for God and live by God always to be able to show forth the praise and glory of God.

God did not redeem us to live as mediocrities on the earth but as long as the place of your priesthood is neglected your growth will remain stunted.

We are kings that are priest not just kings or priests. We have a dual function and none should suffer.

Live up to your true calling in Christ.

Thank you for following through with the series THE KING THAT IS A PRIEST.

We trust God to help you live up to heaven's expectations for you.

©Life interact Department of ACG Foundation

[email protected]


Look good and be happy and we are satisfied. Silver boutique is brought to you by Ecolegend Empire


WhatsApp Group Invite

Still on *Factors that affects Confidence level in Relationships.* *_concluding series...._*Having confidence in a cours...

Still on *Factors that affects Confidence level in Relationships.*

*_concluding series...._*
Having confidence in a course gives you the needed assurance and boldness in pursuing that course

Nothing sustains, preserves, ensures smooth ride in that relationship as the *confidence your partner have in and for you*

Having confidence in that relationship, union and in your partner gives you assurance and boldness to make it worthwhile and be committed to the relationship

Most relationship issues stem from lack of confidence at a point or the other in the relationship or in your partner

Most importantly whatever at any point affects your confidence level in the relationship make effort to address it

Any form of doubt not cleared but left saved in a corner of the mind will one day surface, become or give rise to other issues in the relationship

This mid-year, make more commitment towards building confidence in that relationship and in your partner, then you can be assured of safe landing.

Thank you and see you in our next edition, until then, Love and build confidence in that partner/relationship, if not for anything but for your own sanity😉

Do join us on the *Relationship Clinic* for interactions and for these programs on Sundays, 8pm:

4. *WHO DESERVES YOUR HEART* with Mr. Ocheh Emmanuel. 24th, July, 2022

5. *SOME BASIC TRUTH YOU MAY NEVER BE TOLD ABOUT MARRIAGE* Mrs Gloria Ekele -Oguche. 31st, July, 2022

*Relationship Clinic*

You can join our prayer force to pray your way out
09:30pm to 10pm, 5:30 to 6am

Have a lovely weekend.
I love you.

Ocheh Emmanuel
*Relationship Clinic*
Your comfort is my assignment

WhatsApp Group Invite

First of all, read the note and then you come back to the link. Is that too much to ask??😄😄 diss...

First of all, read the note and then you come back to the link. Is that too much to ask??😄😄

One dissatisfied customer no longer cost you just ten others, it now has the capacity of costing you a lasting loss of reputation and possible future revenues. According to Sally Gronow "Good customer service costs less than bad customer service."
You do not want to try out the validity of the quote by rendering bad customer service. However, there are situations beyond organisational control that could result in customer dissatisfactions and they are some that are within the control of the organisation that human error and technical bias may affect slightly or largely.
I believe that in as much as you can not completely eliminate all, you can manage both to give you a desired outcome

Recent events in the business world with respect to customer satisfaction has ended up denting the image of some top organizations in the service and product market.One dissatisfied customer no longer cost you just ten others, it now has the capacity of costing you a lasting loss of r...


Compliments of the season.


9. Inconsistency/Breaking of Promises

This has greatly killed the confidence/trust partners has for each other and the relationship

Inconsistency in a relationship most times leads to unreliability (unpredictability)

An inconsistent partner is more often than not unpredictable in his/her mood and actions.

Breaking of promises always can harm your relationship, it can make your partner lose their trust in you.

Moreover, frequently breaking your promises can also make your partner consider you as someone who doesn't keep to their word, thereby affecting your relationship as a whole..

When you make a promise to your partner and then you don't keep your word, you are letting your partner down and hurting your relationship.

Know that keeping to your word and following on your promises helps to reinforce the trust that your partner has in you. Not keeping to your word tells your partner that you simply don't care. It makes him/her feel unloved or unimportant as if he/she doesn't worth the effort.

Inconsistency/ Breaking of Promises can lead to disrespect, disappointment and by extension to anger.

NOTE: the words may be forgotten, they will likely never forget the feeling in a hurry.

Love and build confidence in that partner/relationship, if not for anything but for your own sanity😉

Do join us on the *Relationship Clinic* for these programs, Sundays, 9pm

3. *OVERCOMING FEARS OF RELATIONSHIP* With: *Mr Joshua Oloruntoba*
17th April, 2022

4 *POSTURE OF A READY MAN* With: *Apostle David Okeku*
24th April, 2022

Relationship Clinic:

Have a lovely weekend. I love you.

Ocheh Emmanuel
Love n You (♥️nU)
Your comfort is my assignment

Compliments of the season.We are still on the: *FACTORS THAT AFFECTS CONFIDENCE LEVEL IN RELATIONSHIPS* 9. Inconsistency...

Compliments of the season.


9. Inconsistency/Breaking of Promises

This has greatly killed the confidence/trust partners has for each other and the relationship

Inconsistency in a relationship most times leads to unreliability (unpredictability)

An inconsistent partner is more often than not unpredictable in his/her mood and actions.

Breaking of promises always can harm your relationship, it can make your partner lose their trust in you.

Moreover, frequently breaking your promises can also make your partner consider you as someone who doesn't keep to their word, thereby affecting your relationship as a whole..

When you make a promise to your partner and then you don't keep your word, you are letting your partner down and hurting your relationship.

Know that keeping to your word and following on your promises helps to reinforce the trust that your partner has in you. Not keeping to your word tells your partner that you simply don't care. It makes him/her feel unloved or unimportant as if he/she doesn't worth the effort.

Inconsistency/ Breaking of Promises can lead to disrespect, disappointment and by extension to anger.

NOTE: the words may be forgotten, they will likely never forget the feeling in a hurry.
(c)Blessing Udeh

Love and build confidence in that partner/relationship, if not for anything but for your own sanity😉

Do join us on the *Relationship Clinic* for these programs, Sundays, 9pm

3. *OVERCOMING FEARS OF RELATIONSHIP* With: *Mr Joshua Oloruntoba*
17th April, 2022

4 *POSTURE OF A READY MAN* With: *Apostle David Okeku*
24th April, 2022

Relationship Clinic:

Have a lovely weekend. I love you.

Ocheh Emmanuel
Love n You (♥️nU)
Your comfort is my assignment

WhatsApp Group Invite



NOTHING sustains, preserves and ensures smooth ride in that relationship as the *confidence your partner have in and for you*

We are still in our ride through the *FACTORS THAT KILLS CONFIDENCE/TRUST* in your relationship/partner which will last till 2nd week of July,

As we continue:
8. *Third party interference*

One of the factors that have crippled or killed some relationships and marriages is third party interference

Whatever is external to the relationship/marriage be it persons, ideas that affects the common good or understanding of partners negatively is already a third-party in that union.

Counselors, guardians, important/significant others have a part and position in the matters of relationship/marriage but when their positions and their counsel/guide does much harm than good then its an issue to ponder.

On the other hand, there are other third parties who are negatively set out to crumble your affair and must be sensitively delt with.

Either ways this factor kills confidence/trust in a relationship especially if their counsel becomes more important than the opinion of your partner.

Love and build confidence in that partner/relationship, if not for anything but for your own sanity😉

Do join us on the *Relationship Clinic* for these programs, Sundays, 9pm

10th April, 2022

3. *OVERCOMING FEARS OF RELATIONSHIP* With: *Mr Joshua Oloruntoba*
17th April, 2022

4 *POSTURE OF A READY MAN* With: *Apostle David Okeku*
24th April, 2022

Relationship Clinic:

Have a lovely weekend. I love you.

Ocheh Emmanuel
Love n You (♥️nU)
Your comfort is my assignment

The issue of confidence (trust) in relationship can never be over floggedMost relationship are failing today, are at the...

The issue of confidence (trust) in relationship can never be over flogged

Most relationship are failing today, are at the verge of break up, even getting weaker because at a point or the other the partners traded with the trust their partner has for them

Another factor that kills confidence in relationship is:

7. *Defensiveness*

This is an act of always being active and ready to *defend yourself* even when you are obviously and fully at fault

Always sensitive to criticism

Always attempting to justify your actions

Always trying to make excuse for any fault

Consistent Inability to accept fault or take responsibility for a mistake

Always playing a blame game

Improper and consistent self exoneration

Finding it difficult to submit or even apologize etc

The more you try to be defensiveness at any slight provocation, you are consistently proving that you can never bent or corrected

Finding it difficult to apologise for even being at fault is an expression of pride and ego and this, bit by bit affects/weaken the relationship

Love and build confidence in that partner/relationship, if not for anything but for your own sanity😉

Do join us on the *Relationship Clinic* for these programs, Sundays, 9pm

1. *TABLE ETIQUETTES* With: *Mr Jerry Onuche*
3rd April, 2022

10th April, 2022

3. *OVERCOMING FEARS OF RELATIONSHIP* With: *Mr Joshua Oloruntoba*
17th April, 2022

4 *POSTURE OF A READY MAN* With: *Apostle David Okeku*
24th April, 2022

Relationship Clinic:

Have a lovely weekend. I love you.

Ocheh Emmanuel
Love n You (♥️nU)
Your comfort is my assignment

WhatsApp Group Invite



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