Patti Allen

Does your child share his or her dreams? Do you? Consider the possibility that it's time to do some family dream sharing...

Does your child share his or her dreams? Do you? Consider the possibility that it's time to do some family dream sharing! You don't have to analyze your child's dream, just be present for them and mirror back to them what they share with you. Get them to draw a picture of the dream or their feelings. Baby books record a child’s growth, his height, her weight, when they walk, and other developmental milestones but rarely do they capture the child’s inner growth and his or her unique inner world. Imagine, your child asks you what she was like when she was little, and you pull out a book that has pictures that she has drawn, along with her actual dreams, feelings and thoughts from her earliest years! When you write down the dream that they dictate to you, give them a chance to say what they feel, and collect their drawings of those dreams, you preserve your child’s precious early years in a way that goes far beyond baby books. It is at once a snapshot of their imagination as well as their inner workings of their growing heart and soul. Let's get creative with our kids' dreams!

Now that we're well into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere, you probably notice that some trees have lost their leaves wel...

Now that we're well into Fall in the Northern Hemisphere, you probably notice that some trees have lost their leaves well before the others. It's a time of change and rest but for some it can be a time of vulnerability. Like a naked in public dream, do bare trees leave (or should I say "leaf"?) you feeling exposed? Do you shed your leaves well before the others? Your pace in life is your own. Don't worry about fitting into someone else's schedule, just be yourself. Your dreams will tell you when you need a change or a rest. Just ask them to give you information on what you need for body-mind-and spirt balance.

What do you see? The umbrella, the reflection or the wet and grey weather? The outer world is a mirror for your inner wo...

What do you see? The umbrella, the reflection or the wet and grey weather? The outer world is a mirror for your inner world. See what it reflects back to you? Maybe you need to take shelter for a while from the storms in your life or perhaps you just need to take a good look on the reflection of you in your world and your dreams. It's all the same: one big continuum of YOU. Dream on!

Where does your long and winding road lead? Your dreams can show you! You know the saying, "If you always do what you’ve...

Where does your long and winding road lead? Your dreams can show you! You know the saying, "If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got." Sometimes it takes a vivid dream to shake us up and tells us we are on the wrong path. So take a long walk on a winding road. (Add the Beatles, "The Long and Winding Road" to your playlist.) meditate and see if you can discover new parts of yourself! The path is calling....

What do falling leaves make you think of: change or death...or something else? Sometimes Fall feels like a new beginning...

What do falling leaves make you think of: change or death...or something else? Sometimes Fall feels like a new beginning. Actually, Fall is the transition to Winter, the end of the growth cycles in nature and for many, it can be likened to death... which many people don't want to think about. Yet the vibrant colours of autumn make us feel so alive and present to the changes that it's a paradox. Love or hate Fall, these transitional times and changes are mirrors for our own interior world. In Western culture, we are taught to go, go, go! Then we wonder why we feel tired all the time and burned out. Stress, fatigue and constant activity can impact our dreams and the ability to catch them. Consider allowing yourself to rest or slow down as the season changes over to the coming winter. It may just allow for the rejuvenation that your spirit needs. Your dreams will thank you!

Does your alarm clock make you forget your dreams in the morning? ⏰ Before bed, set your intention to remember your drea...

Does your alarm clock make you forget your dreams in the morning? ⏰

Before bed, set your intention to remember your dreams. Put a pen and paper on your night stand, and spend 2 minutes after that alarm goes off to write your dreams down. Soon you’ll be an expert dream-catcher :)

Sweet dreams!

To all my new followers, hi! I’m Patti Allen. I help people grow their soul, primarily through one-on-one dream coaching...

To all my new followers, hi! I’m Patti Allen. I help people grow their soul, primarily through one-on-one dream coaching, but I also do dream groups, bereavement coaching, spiritual and Soul Coaching. I’m a mother, grandmother, sister, wife, friend and Gemini! What gives me great joy? Seeing people open to the truth of who they are, grow, and live authentically from that place. I'm still on the path, just as you are, and each day we begin again. Why not begin it with your dreams? It's the quickest way to know yourself and grow. Have a problem? SLEEP on it! I am looking forward to sharing a part of your journey with you! Dream on!

Remembering a dream is a gift 🎁; a gift direct from your psyche/soul to your conscious self. To show gratitude for this ...

Remembering a dream is a gift 🎁; a gift direct from your psyche/soul to your conscious self. To show gratitude for this gift of remembering, we need only do one thing - write it down! 📝 The details of the dream will fade and without writing it down, we can lose them in a flash.
Another plus to writing your dream down and having many dreams in one place, is you can begin to see patterns...patterns that are lost in time without writing them down. And those dream details and patterns are the way in; the way to self-awareness. Know thyself, eh?

Windows are rich symbols to explore. What do they mean to you? Are they windows to your soul? Or do they make you think ...

Windows are rich symbols to explore. What do they mean to you? Are they windows to your soul? Or do they make you think of opportunities, like windows/doors opening? Maybe you don't see the windows first, but the balconies. If you're not sure what it's about, ask yourself what a balcony or window is for. Why would a person have one? For some it might be about letting in fresh air, for others, something to avoid when the outside noise is too loud or the weather too severe. Are they places for flower pots, or damp spaces that look out on a parking lot? Hang out on your inner balcony and windows and see what comes to you.

I've posted about flying dreams before (June 3rd). This is a different kind of post and a different way of seeing your d...

I've posted about flying dreams before (June 3rd). This is a different kind of post and a different way of seeing your dream. Of course, maybe flying/floating into a scene like Mary Poppins with her umbrella is where your attention goes first.
But maybe your dream is about this mustard coloured wall. It could be a wall that blocks your way or an obstacle that boxes you in or stops your progress. Floating over the wall may be about freedom, escape or a way of doing things differently. Perhaps you love the colour mustard or the condiment mustard and your dream helps you understand you may be in the mood for BBQ!
No matter what associations occur to you as you recall your dream, turn it upside down, walk around it and see what else you see. Dreams always have more than one meaning the the first thing that occurs to you isn't always the whole story. Dream on!

Throw away those dream dictionaries! You are the only one who can say what your dream means. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀🌻Look at this beau...

Throw away those dream dictionaries! You are the only one who can say what your dream means.
🌻Look at this beautiful flower. You may love it but someone with allergies may want to stay far away.
Maybe another dreamer hates the colour yellow. Or, if you're in love, you may prefer to pull off each petal, one at a time... "He/she loves me, he/she loves me not...!" and use the flower as your personal oracle.
The dream is yours and you have the final say on its interpretation. The more you play with its symbols and metaphors, the easier it will be to understand the dream's messages. Now THAT is truly beautiful!

Have you ever been naked in a dream? Who hasn't? (Yes, even yours truly!) Often you're naked in public and you're genera...

Have you ever been naked in a dream? Who hasn't? (Yes, even yours truly!) Often you're naked in public and you're generally mortified.

What's more, nobody else seems to care or mind half as much as you do! Yikes! See if there is some situation in your life that has you feeling exposed or vulnerable, uncovered or undisguised, natural, raw or unprotected. When you get dressed the next morning, choose your clothes with intention. What colour/vibration do I need right now? What image am I projecting with the clothes I choose? Am I projecting my role, my position or my truth? Or would I rather let it all hang out? Your dreams will ALWAYS show you the naked truth.

String of beads are like fragments of thoughts and symbols strung into a piece of jewelry that are telling your stories....

String of beads are like fragments of thoughts and symbols strung into a piece of jewelry that are telling your stories. They are small, individual pieces making up the whole of who you are. When jewelry shows up in a dream, it may be communicating a message of your value. Is it cheap plastic or expensive gold? What is the price you pay for this beauty? Leonard Cohen wrote, "I came so far for beauty, I left so much behind, My patience and my family, My masterpiece unsigned..." What masterpiece is your life that your dreams are showing you? Have you giving up on your masterpiece? Your dreams, night after night, bead after bead, are showing you your life, telling you who you are and showing you the bigger picture. What does YOUR jewelry look like?

The research is clear: Trees have both intelligence AND consciousness! Trees cooperate, communicate, they are communal a...

The research is clear: Trees have both intelligence AND consciousness! Trees cooperate, communicate, they are communal and have intelligence. Not only are humans like trees, but humankind has connected with trees throughout time in waking life and in symbolism. The Tree of Knowledge, the Tree of Life, the Bodhi Tree and even the Tree of Souls in the movie Avatar ALL can appear in our dreams. From young saplings to wise old ancient trees, there are parallels to you and your life. Draw up the wisdom from your dream's tree roots and expand into your most wise self. Oh the wisdom you will find!

Dreams always show you more than one perspective and being of "two minds" is standard operating procedure in dreams. Loo...

Dreams always show you more than one perspective and being of "two minds" is standard operating procedure in dreams. Look at this beautiful photo. What you see may be the sumptuous colours of the trees. What I see may be the reflection of the trees on the water. Or maybe another dreamer will be in the water and see what is below the surface. Our dreams will reflect all possibilities to the dreamer and it's up to us where we will put our focus. It doesn't have to be either/or. Go for "both/and". The dream may be reflecting waking attitudes and situations and at the same time, showing you what is below the surface. Multiple perspectives help you grow your soul and know yourself. What could be better?

What's in the glass? Water? Lemonade or...? In projective dream groups, rather than tell the dreamer what their dream me...

What's in the glass? Water? Lemonade or...? In projective dream groups, rather than tell the dreamer what their dream means, we can only say what it would mean to us, if we had dreamt the same thing. We preface our imaginings with, "If it were my dream..... Or in this case, "If it were my drink..." Go!

🌵 Look at this "family" of cacti. Imagine yourself standing in the centre of this scene. Do you reach out and touch it? ...

🌵 Look at this "family" of cacti. Imagine yourself standing in the centre of this scene. Do you reach out and touch it? (Not the best option) or do you just take in its exotic beauty? Did you know that cacti can be prickly but bear sweet fruit? It's the same with your dreams. Dreams can sometime appear to be “bad” but have a sweet and transformational meaning. A so-called "bad dream" can scare the heck out of you, but if you take the time to understand its meaning, you will come away with a sweet message that can change your life. Go for it!

Do you dream of tunnels? Tunnels can be transitions from one space or reality to another. When we're in a tunnel, we oft...

Do you dream of tunnels? Tunnels can be transitions from one space or reality to another. When we're in a tunnel, we often just focus on the "light at the end" of it; the destination, not the journey. I love this green tunnel because it makes me want to wander through it slowly, enjoying the journey and soaking up its energy. But for some dreamers (or Freudians) they are about other things, especially s*x. More than that, we go through a tunnel to be born, some say we go through a tunnel when we die. Think about it and see what tunnels mean for you. You will eventually emerge at the other side and see the light 💫

Do you like to take in a beautiful view, or do you jump in and explore? When you are aware that you are dreaming, while ...

Do you like to take in a beautiful view, or do you jump in and explore? When you are aware that you are dreaming, while in the dream, it is called lucid dreaming. In lucid dreaming you take an active role, becoming the Intrepid Explorer as you direct your adventures. Top adventures are flying, interacting with dream characters and talking to deceased loved ones, and yes, s*x. (I suspect those polled for this study were teenage boys!). Even so, you can go deeper and explore your psyche and other realms of being and existence. So tell me, are you a lucid dreamer?

🌱Dreaming of birth, growth, fertile soil, new ideas or ventures? Do your dreams ever sprout a new idea for you? If they ...

🌱Dreaming of birth, growth, fertile soil, new ideas or ventures? Do your dreams ever sprout a new idea for you? If they do, you will be among an awesome group of artists, thinkers & inventors!
💡 Authors, directors, scientists, artists and so many others-including lottery winners-all credit their dreams with problem solving, inspiration, & new ideas.

What do you see? Beautiful colours & interesting patterns? Or sharp petals that can draw blood? Do you focus on the beau...

What do you see? Beautiful colours & interesting patterns? Or sharp petals that can draw blood? Do you focus on the beauty of a rose or its thorns? Life, like dreams, is determined NOT by what happens to you, but by how you choose to respond and understand what happens to you. In life, choose happiness and gratitude, even for the challenges.

In dreams, choose multiple view-points and don't be locked into one interpretation. Dreams have many layers of meaning and like a flower, they will open and reveal themselves in the right soil.

Come visit my (virtual) office! I have many doors through which you can enter into the magnificent mystery of your soul....

Come visit my (virtual) office! I have many doors through which you can enter into the magnificent mystery of your soul. Dreams, Soul Coaching®, Grief work, Coaching & Healing..... and a synergistic blend of them all await. Come visit my website and let me know how I can help.

The sun is setting and we get ready to enter the Dreamtime. Lavender can help you relax into sleep and dreaming. Have yo...

The sun is setting and we get ready to enter the Dreamtime. Lavender can help you relax into sleep and dreaming. Have you tried it? It's a dream!

Dreaming about feathers? Feathers are considered a sacred gift from the Creator by some, a message from Spirit by others...

Dreaming about feathers?
Feathers are considered a sacred gift from the Creator by some, a message from Spirit by others. If you have a feather from a specific bird, it connects you to the spirit and energy of that bird.
Feathers are associated with the energy of air, so your thoughts and attitudes can factor into the dream equation.
On the other hand, maybe the feathers in your dream take on a mythical quality. Remember Icarus? His father made a set of wings made of feathers and wax. When his son didn't follow his advise and flew too close to the sun, it melted and Icarus fell into the sea and drowned!
Was it a cautionary tale about "flying too high" or just a warning to listen to your dad? See what dream metaphors come to you when you dream of feathers. Hopefully their messages won't be deadly as the myth of Icarus!

Hello dreamers! I’m so excited to announce the winner of my giveaway! Thank you to all who entered and followed, and I h...

Hello dreamers!
I’m so excited to announce the winner of my giveaway! Thank you to all who entered and followed, and I hope you’ll stick around to learn more about your dreams!
And the winner is..................... 🎉💝
You’ve won my Abaton Keys Oracle Deck and a half hour session with me! DM me so we can arrange it 💕

Did you know that crystals can help you with your dreams and dream recall? Selenite is connected with the moon and can h...

Did you know that crystals can help you with your dreams and dream recall? Selenite is connected with the moon and can help you have vivid dreams that you can remember. Mookaite is in the Jasper family and can link you to your own wisdom and to the dream world. Lapis Lazuli is another powerful dream stone. Wear it or put it under your pillow and watch your dreams become more vivid and dream recall lasting. Kyanite, can help you heal in the dream state. Amethyst can help with lucid dreaming and the spiritual realm (though it can be too strong to sleep with for some). Our bodies and our dreams resonate with the stone beings, so give them a try and see what works for your dream life.

⚡️Does an idea ever come to you in a dream like a flash of lightening? ⚡️Dreams have been inspiring artists, scientists ...

⚡️Does an idea ever come to you in a dream like a flash of lightening?
⚡️Dreams have been inspiring artists, scientists and inventors for ages. Here's the good news, dreams can give you ideas and inspiration, even if you're NOT an artist, scientist or inventor! Why not be brilliant and let the stuff of your dreams light up the sky of your life?

It’s giveaway time!One lucky winner will be randomly selected to win my Abaton Keys Oracle Deck, and a half-hour session...

It’s giveaway time!
One lucky winner will be randomly selected to win my Abaton Keys Oracle Deck, and a half-hour session with me, Patti Allen, for my unique blend of intuitive readings, creative dreamwork and Soul Coaching®
To enter:
1) Follow me here ()
2) Like this post
3) Tag a friend in the comments (each additional comment tagging another friend counts as another entry!)
Bonus Entry: share this post and tag me in it!
The winner will be announced on Monday, August 2nd!

Do you dream about fruit? Can you smell it? (Only 10% of dreamers can!) Is the fruit in your dream fresh or is it rotten...

Do you dream about fruit? Can you smell it? (Only 10% of dreamers can!) Is the fruit in your dream fresh or is it rotten? What else comes to mind about fruit? Do you love fruit? "Blessed be the fruit"? Fertility? Abundance? Juiciness? Follow your associations like a detective follows clues 🕵️‍♂️
May juicy metaphors abound!

Dreams, like these letters, can be strung together and amazing patterns can be seen. All you need is a journal📓 (online ...

Dreams, like these letters, can be strung together and amazing patterns can be seen. All you need is a journal📓 (online or physical journal) and the intention to remember your dreams and write them down✍️. Your dreams can then be beautifully connected to create the jewelry of your soul 💖


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