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Immigrants robbing a handicapped man in broad daylight!


Migrant threatens swedish woman demanding her seat

When did Europeans become so weak? The minority are intent on sealing the destruction of Europe, and the majority have been bullied into accepting this.


EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE: Andrew Bridgen's MP's full speech today from Parliament:

There is information in this speech that must be of concern to everyone, with the exception of those who have reason to suppress the truth.

Here is the full unedited transcript:

EXCESS DEATHS DEBATE: Andrew Bridgen's MP's full speech today from Parliament - YouTube

(00:00) we are witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in this country in living memory and possibly ever the excess deaths in 2022 and 2023 is that Scandal its causes are complex but the novel and untested medical treatment described as a covid vaccine is a large part of the problem I've been called an antivaxer as if I rejected these vaccines based on some ideology I want to State clearly and unequivocally that I have not I am in fact double vaccinated and vaccine harmed intelligent people must be able to distinguish between people being
(00:38) neither provax or antiva but against a product that a doesn't work and B causes enormous harm to a percentage of the people who take it I'm proud to be one of the few members of parliament with a science degree it's a great shame there are not more members with a science background in this place maybe if there were there'd be less Reliance on Whip's office briefings more independent research and perhaps less group think and I say to the house and I say it in all seriousness this debate and others
(01:08) like it is going to be poured over by Future generations and they will be genuinely a Gog that the evidence has been ignored for so long and that genuine concerns were disregarded and those raising them were gaslit smeared and vilified and you don't need uh any science training at all to be horrified by officials deliberately hiding in key data in this Scandal and that's exactly what's going on Madame Deputy speaker the office of national statistics used to release weekly data on deaths per 100,000 in vaccinated and unvaccinated
(01:44) populations it no longer does that and no one will explain why the public has a right to that data Madame Deputy speaker there have been calls from serious experts whose requests I have Amplified repeatedly in this house for what's called record level data to be anonymized and disclosed for analysis and this would allow meaningful analysis of the deaths after vaccination and settle the issue of whether these experimental treatments are responsible for the increase in excess deaths once and for all far more extensive and
(02:16) detailed data has already been released to the farmer companies from publicly funded bodies Jenny Harris head of the UK Health Security Agency said this anonymized aggregate death by vaccination status is Cally sensitive and shouldn't be published the public is being denied this data this is unacceptable Madame Deputy speaker yet again data is hidden with impunity just like the post office Scandal Professor Harris has also endorsed a recent massive change in the calculation of the Baseline population level used by the on
(02:53) to calculate excess deaths and it's incredibly complex and opaque and by sheer coincidence it now appears to show that there's a massive excess of deaths in 2020 and 2021 and now a minimal excess deaths in 2023 under the old calculation method tried and T tested for decades the excess death rate in 2023 was an astonishing 5% long after the pandemic was over and when you would expect a deficit in deaths because so many people had sadly died in previous years 20,000 premature deaths are now being airbrushed away in 23 with the alone
(03:32) with the new normal Baseline in March this it was shocking things happened during the pandemic response in March 2020 the government conducted a consultation exercise on whether people over a certain age or with certain disabilities should have a do not resuscitate orders imposed upon them known as dnrs a document summarizing the proposals was circulated to doctors and hospitals and this was mistakenly treated as formal policy by a number of Care Homes and GPS up and down around the country who enacted it at the
(04:02) same time multiple hospitals introduced a policy that they would not admit patients with dnrs because they thought that they'd be overwhelmed and the result is that people died who didn't need to die while NES performed Tik Tock dances very few people will know that the average age average time to death from covid symptoms and testing positive was 18 days it's a little known fact that the body clears all the viruses within around 7 days what actually kills people is that some people especially the vulnerable have an excessive immune
(04:38) response doctors have been treating this for decades with steroids antibiotics for secondary pneumonia infections and other standard protocols but they didn't do this time even though the virus was long gone doctors abandoned the standard clinical protocols because covid was a new virus no it wasn't they sent people home told them to stay take paracetamol until their lips turned blue and then when they returned to hospital they sedated them put them on ventilators and watched them die and the protocols for covid-19
(05:09) treatment was a binary choice between two treatment tracks once admitted ill patients were either ventilated in intensive care or they were if they were not fit for that level of care they were given end of life medication including medim and morphine the body responsible for this protocol ng1 163 which was published on the 3rd of April 2020 is called The National insute for Health and Care Excellence nice giving medlam and morphine to people dying of cancer is is is is reasonable but there is a side effect the side effect is that
(05:40) these drugs have a respiratory depressant effect it's hard to imagine Madam Deputy speaker a more stupid thing to do than than than to give a respiratory suppressant to somebody struggling to breathe already with symptoms of covid-19 but that is exactly what we did so can the minister explain why mlam was then removed from the same updated guideline ng1 191 which is the uh the aner of ng1 163 on the 30th of November 2023 as it was removed is it now considered and admitted that it was a mistake to ignore the warnings uh of so
(06:19) many experts and including that specific drug manglam in n163 when it was introduced and it's been confirmed in letters from ministers to families who l loved ones down to this protocol that doctors that ministers are now saying that doctors and nurses should have treated the individual patient with their own knowledge rather than strictly following nice guideline ng1 163 and if legal cases are bought for unlawful killing can the minister tell us who's going to be taking the blame will it be nice will it be NHS England
(06:50) or will it be the individual doctors and nurses who will be held to account and interestingly Madam Deputy speaker nice has now removed these alternative protocols including ng1 163 from their website although every other historic uh protocol are still there for historical reference could the minister tell us why nice have removed this protocol from their website are they ashamed of the harm that they caused they certainly should be and what can we learn from this we learn that very few doctors Dare Challenge what they're told
(07:23) protocols with no authors are distributed and doctors fall in line there's a huge stark contrast in how deaths and illnesses after vaccination have been recorded compared to after covid after a positive covid test any illness and any death was attributed to the virus after the experimental and emergency use vaccine was administered no subsequent illness and no death was ever attributed to the vaccine these are both completely unscientific approaches and that's why we have to look at other sources of data excess deaths to
(07:56) determine if there is an issue but first of all I want to address rest safe and effective the fear deliberately stoked up by the government promoted the idea of being rescued by a savior vaccine the chanting of the safe and effective narrative began the phrase seemed to hypnotize the whole nation Madam Deputy speaker safe and effective was the sales slogan of theide and after that Scandal rules were put in place to prevent such Marketing in future by farmer companies and they're prohibited from using safe and
(08:30) effective without significant caveats but that didn't matter this time because with covid-19 vaccines the media the government and other authorities turned into big farmers marketing department and it's very hard now to hear the word safe without the echo of the word effect and effective but they're not safe and effective in March 2021 when the major majority of UK citizens had already received these novel products fisa signed a contract with Brazil and South Africa in which the contract says the
(08:59) long long term effects and efficacy of the vaccine are not currently known and Adverse Events from the vaccine are not currently known that's verbatim from the fiser contracts so these so-called vaccines they were the least effective vaccines ever is there anyone left under any illusion that they prevented any infections when he was at the bpat Box on the 31st of January at pmqs followed my question the even the Prime Minister could not bring himself to add and effective to his safe Mantra uh when he said that the uh in his own words the
(09:34) vaccines were unequivocally safe Madame Deputy Seer safe means uh without risk of death or injury why is the prime minister gaslighting the 163 successful claims made on into the vaccine damag payment scheme totaling 19.5 million in compensation for harm caused by the covid vaccines haven't these people suffered enough already those 163 victims are the tip of the iceberg though by the way and it should be noted that the maximum payment is only £120,000 so each of these 163 victims got the maximum award possible and that
(10:11) should tell you something that same compensation scheme paid out a total of only 3.5 million between 1997 and 2005 with an average of only eight claims per year and that's for all claims for the entire country for all vaccines administered so much for for safe and how about effective even by the 25th of October 2021 the former prime minister and member for Oxbridge and South ret Boris Johnson even admitted and again I quote it doesn't protect you against catching the disease and it doesn't protect you against passing it on
(10:47) looking at the levels of the virus found in sewage shows that the post vaccine wave was the same order of magnitude and duration as the previous waves this proves that the vaccines changed nothing they were not safe and they were not effective those who impose these vaccines knew full well that they could never prevent infections from a disease of this kind an injection in the arm can't do that only Immunity on the surface of the Airways and the lungs can prevent viral infection antibodies in the blood cannot
(11:20) in Dr F's own Anthony fouche's own words it's not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses has ever effectively controlled being controlled by vaccines he continued this observation raises a question of fundamental importance if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection how can we expect vaccines especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines to do so so Madam Deputy speaker they knew that the
(11:54) so-call vaccines would never protect from infection which explains why they never never tested for protection from infection Madame Deputy speaker only a few days ago the abpi the association of the British pharmaceutical industry wrapped fisa on the knuckles for the sixth time and said their marketing practices had brought the industry into disrepute they were asked to pay a poultry £30,000 in administrative expenses with no fine on top Madame Deputy speaker the person heading the ABI at the moment is also the head of
(12:30) fisa UK the MH have a statutary duty to carry out this this work and has handed the responsibility over to the industry itself this is an outrageous conflict of interest so let's turn back to excess deaths in Australia the Australian government's launched an inquiry into their excess death problem um Australia is almost unique as a case study for excess deaths they had the vaccine before they had covid their excess deaths are not so easily to be blamed on the long-term side effects of a virus and like us they saw a riseing deaths
(13:05) that began in May 20121 and has not let up since the impact was evident on the ambulance service First South Australia saw a 67% increase in cardiac presentations of 15 to 44 year olds which peaked in November 2021 before covid hit we saw a similar deeply worrying effect here too calls for lifethreatening emergencies in the UK Rose from 2,000 per day to 2500 per day in May 2021 and it's never returned back to normal um by October 2021 despite it being Springtime in Australia headlines reported on ambulances unable to drop
(13:45) off patients in hospitals that were already at full capacity Mark Macwan premier of Western Australia said he could not explain the overwhelmed hospitals our hospitals are under enormous pressure he said this has been something no one's ever seen before why it is it's hard to know and by April 2022 IET Darth queensland's Health Minister said about the most urgent ambulance calls called code ones and I quote I don't think anyone can explain why we saw a 40% jump in code ones we just had a lot of heart attacks chest
(14:18) pains and trouble breathing respiratory issues sometimes you can't explain why these things happen but unfortunately they do Madam Deputy speaker I think we can explain why while this if we look to the link to the vaccine roll out Omicron did cause some excess deaths in Australia from 2022 onwards however there's a huge chunk of excess deaths prior to that which doctors have not been able to blame on on the virus and and you could this death be caused by the vaccine well very few people even dare to ask that question Madam Li
(14:52) speaker and it's important to remember how these vaccines were made traditionally the key to making a vaccine is to to ensure that the pathological the harmful parts of the virus or bacteria are inactivated so the recipient can develop an immune response without the dangers of developing the disease in stark contrast these so-called covid vaccines use the most pathological or harmful part of the virus the spike protein in its entirety the harm is systemic because contary to what everyone was told the lipid nanop
(15:26) particles encapsulating the genetic material spread throughout the whole body after injection potentially affecting all organs at the same time everyone was being reassured by the inject that the injection was broken down in the arm and the injection Sate Regulators ought to have known these were problems furthermore it's now plentifully evident that the drug results in continued Spike protein production for many months even years in some people the deaths thus far have been predominantly cardiac but there may
(15:55) be many more deaths to come unfortunately Madame Deputy speaker from these novel treatments and that is from uh inducing extra cancer deaths Dr Robert Tindle is the retired director of clinical Medical virology Center in Brisbane and a Meritus professor of Immunology this month Dr Tindle published a paper highlighting the multiple potential harms from the vaccines including harm to the immune system which as anyone will know who knows anything about biology it anything that disrupts the immune system can potentially increase the risk of cancer
(16:26) there are many other reasons to be concerned about cancer cancer being induced by these vaccines cancer is a genetic disease disorder that arises from errors in the DNA allowing cells to grow uncontrollably madna have multiple P describing methods for reducing the risk of cancer induction from their Mna products this risk comes from the material interrupting the patient's DNA it turns out that what we were told about the MRNA injection actually uh has very actually has very high quantities of DNA in it this massive
(16:59) increases the risks of disturbing a patient's own DNA worse still the DNA that was injected contains sequences that were hidden from the regulator this is the sv40 or Simeon virus 40 promoter region which has been linked to cancer and has been found in the fiser vaccines this was no accident Madam Deputy speaker yet again crucial information was hidden with absolute impunity from the regulator and from the public and an independent stud in Japan uh uh published last week has found links between increased cancer rates in
(17:35) Japan and those who took the first and subsequent boost of vaccines perhaps Madame Deputy speaker that explains why fiser acquired a cancer treatment company for a a reported $43 billion earlier this year in conclusion Madam Deputy speaker it's it's clear the evidence is clear these vaccines have caused deaths and despite this they've been described as safe and effective but for a proportion of the people who took them the vaccines have caused serious harm and death and they will have raised the risk of cancer to many many more
(18:09) they neither are they effective the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission and when the data is looked at objectively it does not prevent serious illness or death either these are very hard truths to face but we must face them Madam Deputy speaker if we want to learn the lessons of the last few years um at some point will have to face up that all the evidence is is is building it was it was fairly convincing 18 months ago when I first spoke out it is unequivocal now so I asked the house it's time to take the politics out
(18:43) of our science and we need to put some actual science back into our politics I asked the house to support the motion today for uh the baroness hallet's inquiry to open module 4 on the safety and efficacy of the experimental covid-19 vaccine and given the evidence Madam Deputy speaker I call on the government once again to immediately suspend the use of all mRNA treatments in both humans and animals pending the outcome of that inquir no no no no


Young girls being sold off into marriage in Afghanistan


These people are celebrating 9/11

Cultural enrichment!





The recent attacks in Australia are a horrific assault on free society. Our condolences go out to those who have been affected, and we stand with the Australian people in calling for those responsible to be brought to justice.

Following these events, the Australian eSafety Commissioner ordered X to remove certain posts in Australia that publicly commented on the recent attack against a Christian Bishop. These posts did not violate X’s rules on violent speech.

X believes that eSafety’s order was not within the scope of Australian law and we complied with the directive pending a legal challenge.

X has now received a demand from the eSafety Commissioner that X globally withhold these posts or face a daily fine of $785,000 AUD (about $500,000 USD).

This was a tragic event and we do not allow people to praise it or call for further violence. There is a public conversation happening about the event, on X and across Australia, as is often the case when events of major public concern occur.

While X respects the right of a country to enforce its laws within its jurisdiction, the eSafety Commissioner does not have the authority to dictate what content X’s users can see globally. We will robustly challenge this unlawful and dangerous approach in court.

Global takedown orders go against the very principles of a free and open internet and threaten free speech everywhere.



Here is a list of socialist politicians who have been arrested over the last couple of years.Support Mahyar via PayPal: http://paypal.me/mahyartousi88Get you...


Finally! Well done

Let's not forget, that prior to Israel retaliating, these people gathered in an open square in Gaza and watched the attacks on the 7th of October on a big screen and cheered!

Reform UK taking the political landscape by storm, despite the efforts of the mainstream media.In a shocking climb-down,...

Reform UK taking the political landscape by storm, despite the efforts of the mainstream media.

In a shocking climb-down, the BBC had to apologise for referring to Reform UK as a 'Far Right' party, which it is clearly not.

In our anonymous poll, Raw News have established that support for Reform UK is actually higher than it is being reported, with certain locations polling well over 30% and rising!

In political terms, the election is still a long way off, but the other parties are without doubt, panicking in private.

Based on the current data, Reform UK are on course to overtake the Conservatives very soon and if this should happen, they will then be on course to become a serious problem for Labour, who are losing supporters in droves over their position on Gaza.

The Labour party has built up a following of certain minorities over the years by pandering to them, but the atrocities committed by HAMAS, has left them no option, but to stand with Israel, which has alienated a large section of their voter base, as we saw in Rochdale.

Over the course of the next few months, anything could happen, but with the Conservatives in free-fall, the next target for Reform UK will be Labour and the humble reference by Labour MPs to the polls, does confirm that they know, Reform UK will be knocking on their door soon and even if they were to deny Labour the balance of power, that would mean that the Labour party would be neutered with no way out, unlike the 'Lib-Lab' pacts of the past.

What is for certain, is that the British public are furious with what has been done to them by the major parties and they may very well face the wrath of the electorate at the ballot box in numbers not seen for decades.

Sadly, Israel is a legally established nation with internationally recognised borders, which do include Gaza and the Wes...

Sadly, Israel is a legally established nation with internationally recognised borders, which do include Gaza and the West Bank. Despite the horrors of war, Israel has the right to take the appropriate action to prevent the horrors of the 7th of October from ever happening again.

Netanyahu document on future of besieged Palestinian enclave at odds with US aims

The stark reality that we must not forget!

The stark reality that we must not forget!

Combating Corruption in Cyprus: A Call for Reforms and AccountabilityIntroductionCorruption has become a significant con...

Combating Corruption in Cyprus: A Call for Reforms and Accountability


Corruption has become a significant concern in Cyprus, as revealed by various surveys and indices. The impact of corruption on economic growth, inequality, and societal well-being cannot be underestimated. In response to this growing problem, an official "Anti-Corruption Authority" was established in late 2022 to investigate and address complaints related to bribery and corruption. However, much more needs to be done to tackle the root causes and consequences of corruption in the country.

The Prevalence of Corruption in Cyprus

According to the Eurobarometer survey conducted in July 2022, a staggering 94% of respondents believed that corruption was widespread in Cyprus. Notably, political parties were seen as particularly vulnerable to abusing their power for personal gain. Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index showed that Cyprus had been perceived as becoming more corrupt over the last decade, falling steeply in rankings from 29th position in 2012 to 52nd in 2021 among 180 countries. This deterioration in rankings reflects the seriousness of the corruption issue in the country.

Impact on Economic Growth and Inequality

Corruption has far-reaching effects on economic growth, resulting in reduced domestic and foreign direct investment. It distorts the allocation of government spending away from vital areas such as education, healthcare, and social housing, leading to less productive public projects and Public Private Partnerships (PPPs). Additionally, corruption perpetuates income and wealth inequalities, as the powerful and wealthy can abuse the system, gaining advantages over ordinary citizens who are often penalized for minor infractions.

Inefficient Resource Allocation

Rent-seeking practices, where economic agents seek unfair competitive advantages, are rampant in Cyprus. Companies and individuals spend considerable amounts of money to influence officials and politicians, leading to monopolies and favoritism. The infamous "golden passport scheme" is a prime example of morally degrading practices, where powerful figures benefited privately from selling EU passports to dubious individuals for exorbitant sums of money. This corruption diverts resources away from essential infrastructure and housing needs, causing detrimental effects on society.

Ineffective Justice System

A major issue is the failure of the justice system to hold corrupt individuals accountable for their actions. The close relationship between politicians and bankers has perpetuated corruption in areas such as lending practices, leading to bad loans being written off without proper assessment of repayment capabilities. This lack of accountability tarnishes Cyprus' reputation as an attractive destination for foreign direct investments and further contributes to delays in project awards and permissions.

Fostering Inequalities

Corruption disproportionately benefits the powerful and rich, while ordinary citizens and small businesses face strict enforcement of laws and regulations. The biased treatment of the wealthy allows them to amass wealth through corrupt practices, widening the gap between the rich and the poor. Additionally, the government's tax policies and inefficiencies in tax administration foster tax evasion, benefiting the wealthy and undermining social welfare programs.

Addressing Corruption: A Call for Reforms

To combat corruption effectively in Cyprus, strict application of laws and regulations is essential. This must begin with action against top leaders involved in corrupt practices. The newly established "Anti-Corruption Authority" should play a pivotal role in investigating and prosecuting corruption cases. However, it is crucial to ensure that this body operates independently and effectively.

Reforming domestic institutions, especially the judiciary system, tax administration, and the Tenders Review Authority, is vital. Stricter supervision of civil servants and promoting mobility within the public service can help counter corruption at lower levels. Attracting morally upright and skilled civil servants to the public sector, rather than relying on political connections, will contribute to a more efficient and transparent governance system.


Addressing corruption in Cyprus requires a multi-faceted approach, encompassing institutional reforms, accountability measures, and a commitment to justice and transparency. The establishment of the "Anti-Corruption Authority" is a step in the right direction, but much work lies ahead to ensure a fair and just society for all citizens. By taking a firm stance against corruption and implementing comprehensive reforms, Cyprus can pave the way for a more prosperous and equitable future.

Twitter's Harmful Content Policy Under Elon Musk Sparks Alarming Rise in Anti-Semitic Hate, Charity Report WarnsIntroduc...

Twitter's Harmful Content Policy Under Elon Musk Sparks Alarming Rise in Anti-Semitic Hate, Charity Report Warns

Social media platforms have become an integral part of our daily lives, enabling us to connect, share, and engage with others globally. However, the darker side of this technological advancement is the rise of hate speech and bigotry that plagues these platforms. A recent report from the Community Security Trust (CST), a Jewish charity in Britain, highlights the concerning implications of Twitter's harmful content policy under the ownership of Elon Musk. The charity has observed a sharp increase in anti-Semitic hate incidents, particularly on Twitter, raising questions about the platform's approach to handling harmful content.

The CST's Alarming Findings:
The CST's report reveals a total of 803 anti-Jewish hate incidents recorded nationwide in the first six months of this year, marking a 2 percent decrease from the same period in 2022. While this decline may offer some solace, the truly alarming revelation lies in the online sphere, where 210 incidents were recorded, showing a staggering 37 percent increase from last year's figures.

Twitter's Impact on Rising Anti-Semitism:
The Jewish charity points to Twitter's recent policy change as a significant contributor to the rise in online anti-Semitic hate. Under Elon Musk's ownership, the social media giant has adopted a strategy to remove fewer harmful posts while limiting their visibility and reach instead. Unfortunately, this shift seems to have resulted in a higher prevalence of anti-Jewish content on the platform.

The Recording Method:
The CST's data collection method involves only recording incidents reported by victims or witnesses, whether based in the UK or not. This approach ensures that the increase in reported anti-Semitic tweets represents a real escalation in hateful content exposure on Twitter. The charity emphasizes that social media companies must recognize their responsibility in curbing hate speech and its impact on users.

Government's Response and Community Concerns:
Lord Mann, the government's independent adviser on anti-Semitism, highlights the persistence of this issue and stresses the importance of ongoing collaboration between the government, criminal justice system, and organizations like CST to combat anti-Semitism effectively. The Board of Deputies of British Jews echoes the concern, calling the rise in online hate via Twitter alarming but unsurprising given the policy shifts under the new ownership.

Historical Perspective:
The CST has been documenting anti-Semitic incidents since 1984, and previous records demonstrate a disturbing upward trend in hate incidents. In 2021, the first half saw an all-time high of 1,371 incidents, followed by 875 in 2020 and 911 in 2019. The figures emphasize the persistence of the issue, demanding robust action from all stakeholders.

Twitter's Evolving Role:
Comparing the figures from January to June 2022 with those of 2023, the report reveals an alarming 57 percent increase in online incidents. Twitter accounts for 64 percent of all online incidents reported to CST, up from 49 percent last year. These statistics illustrate the urgent need for social media platforms to take a proactive approach to combat hate speech and bigotry.

The CST's report raises serious concerns about the role of Twitter's harmful content policy in fueling the rise of anti-Semitic hate. As one of the most influential social media platforms globally, Twitter must prioritize user safety and take decisive action to tackle hate speech. Elon Musk and other social media owners hold the responsibility to ensure their platforms remain safe spaces for all users. As society grapples with the challenges posed by technology and online interactions, it is crucial to foster an environment of tolerance, respect, and understanding, both on and off the internet. Only then can we hope to create a world where hate is replaced by harmony and compassion.



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