Mae albwm Cymraeg Gwenno allan drwy'r byd (a thu hwnt) yfory! Prynwch, cefnogwch, a chydiwch ym maner Cymruddyfodoliaeth a'i chwifio yn ffyrnig yn eich byd dychmygol eich hun. YMLAEN. Ac yna i'r CHWITH.
Gwenno's Cambrofuturist album is out tomorrow via Heavenly Records. It started its journey last year on Peski and quickly found a wider audience. Thanks to all of you who have supported Gwenno along the way, and remember, nothing changes if we can't imagine a new world. ONWARDS!
Llun gan / Photo by Jacek Davis Photography
Gwenno Saunders was a longtime member of the British pop group the Pipettes but her solo work is something is a little more weird and watery. Back in 2014, she issued her debut album under the mononym Gwenno called Y Dydd Olaf, and she's set to give the collection of politically radical ballads a wi…