Post by Liveablecutler: “We seldom delve into non environmental issues. But with this there is a tie in to the environment. #1 when dense development is put in the right places, like the Southland Mall area and US1 it can help keep overdevelopment out of neighborhoods and helps preserve open area. This homeless facility threatens the redevelopment of the Southland Mall area. #2. Bringing more homeless persons from other parts of Miami-Dade County to Cutler Bay, because they don’t want them is the ultimate in NIMBY. A few months ago, two homeless persons set up an encampment in one of our areas under ecological restoration. Here is what was damaged: native plants planted and nurtured by volunteers were cleared from an area around 20x20 ft., the plants ripped out by the roots and used for firewood, rocks from the path edges were removed and used for a campfire, branches broken off trees for firewood, trash thrown around the encampment, human f***s, clothes found in various areas of the restoration, damage by fire to the picnic table, and had the campfire gotten out of control an uncontrolled burn of the area could have happened doing significant damage.
We are accused of NIMBY by the head of the Homeless Trust but nothing is more NIMBY than other municipalities where they are trying to get rid of their homeless problem sending it 25 miles south to us. And Cutler Bay has never said we are opposed to a homeless facility in the town just not in the redevelopment zone of Southland Mall.
But by the grace of luck, fate, or whatever bad things in life that happen to people to cause them to be homeless you or I are not there. It is not about the homeless being less than you or I. They are people, and they deserve help and compassion. But the way this had been pushed on Cutler Bay is dead wrong. Please let your voices be heard, with compassion and respect.”