our motto is “Unleashing the Kingdom Within” and we are here to help “YOU” to do just that. When we speak of the Kingdom of God we literally speak of God’s will and ruler-ship. As His children and by the counsel of His own will he has both purposed and allowed each of us to experience different things in our lives. Some of those occurrences have taken us to the mountain top and others have led us
through the valley of the shadow of death. I declare to you that your survival is the road map to someone else’s victory and God is charging you to help them win. Just like every other organism on this earth we “build the kingdom with the kingdom”. As the cells in your body duplicate after its own kind, so must you as a cell in the Body of Christ. If you conquered fear through the power of God …tell somebody how you did it! If you recovered from drugs, alcohol, sexual sins, or any other addictions… help a sister or a brother out. If you endured abandonment or an abusive relationship…be someone’s beacon of light. If you are running a successful ministry or business and you are doing it God’s way… leave your footprints in the sand of time that someone may follow. These are the visions that Habakkuk 2:2 speaks of. Write them, make them plain upon the tables (in the books, in the songs, in the poems, through the artwork, etc.), that whosoever reads, hear, or see them will run to the same victory that God allowed you to run to. There is a Kingdom in YOU now UNLEASH it