Ever freak out at the sign of a black cat? Feel giddy with joy when a terribly long day concludes with a sudden cloud burst of gentle rain? People can also be an omen. Leaving nervously after a tough job interview, a supportive friend calls to purposefully divert your attention and in the process, lifts your spirits. That’s a good omen. An important project is delegated to your team by the boss. Y
our chance to shine is here!! Time for a team meeting to brainstorm and strategize, and people are running late, or show up unprepared. That’s a bad omen. Omen is a new publication being launched in Karachi, Pakistan, to address the often overlooked needs of the young, urban professional man in Pakistan. While institutes of higher education continue to produce competent and well-trained human resources, the finer details that often make or break a career are not addressed. Beyond focusing on appropriate dressing and attempting to instill fashion- sense among working men, OMEN will tackle real issues such as office etiquette and work- relationships, personal branding, tips for business travel, successful job- hunting, achieving work-life balance, and grooming. Additionally, reviews on fine dining, office décor, articles assessing and evaluating technology, tips on accessorizing and coordinating occasion- appropriate looks, and health and fitness information will feature regularly. Now ask yourself, are you a good omen or a bad omen? It’s time to end the negativity and the passivity. Time to be the omen!