
Jjfishjj Information of learning languages

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔽𝕚𝕝𝕞 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝔸.𝕀. 𝔸.𝕍. 𝕄𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ‼愛飛媒平以全球首創的AI人工智能結合影像音樂 🎼 媒合平台,以科技立足、以藝術為養分,旨在支持創作者更專注在自身作品,得以節省 95% 工時,加速原創和版權...

𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕤𝕥 𝔽𝕚𝕝𝕞 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕚𝕔 𝔸.𝕀. 𝔸.𝕍. 𝕄𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 ‼

愛飛媒平以全球首創的AI人工智能結合影像音樂 🎼 媒合平台,以科技立足、以藝術為養分,旨在支持創作者更專注在自身作品,得以節省 95% 工時,加速原創和版權音樂市場產值,過程直接回饋於音樂擁有者👩‍🎤,讓創作者互助、提升產業共好。

製造/ 設計:A.V. Mapping 愛飛媒平股份有限公司 / 記一影音製作股份有限公司

快來 iF 台北設計沙龍,親身體驗這件獲獎作品的獨到之處!

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成為了我反思和感悟的重要工具。冥想也成為了我的日常習慣,幫助我保持內心的平靜和清晰。對於金錢的看法也有了新的理解,相對於以往好似會擔心錢花出去這件事,特別是在正向順流中花錢的快樂,這讓我心中感到更加踏實,對感覺心中有了踏實感, 以往的匱乏感消失不少。





In 2023, I experienced a profound internal transformation. This year was different from the past; I shifted my focus from pursuing fame and wealth to seeking spiritual fulfillment. Starting from late 2022, I embarked on a journey of decluttering, not just materially – including books and clothes – but also reconciling with my past self. I even participated in decluttering groups as a volunteer, visiting friends' homes and encountering various cases, which helped me appreciate the unseen forces of energy.
I found myself intrigued by concepts like the Law of Attraction and Seed Principle, and traditional scriptures, which even became my work-time background music. Gradually, I learned to move from exerting force to leveraging it, realizing I had been too tense and not relaxed enough. I shifted my focus from seeking excitement to appreciating the beauty of simplicity and stability. Keeping a gratitude journal became an important tool for reflection and insight, especially in 2023 when I made it a point to express my thanks to former supervisors.
This process also brought a new understanding of money; rather than worrying about spending, I found joy in the positive flow of finances, bringing a sense of security and diminishing previous feelings of scarcity.
Physically, I became more aware of areas needing improvement. The tension in my shoulders caused by unnecessary effort and old dance injuries in my knees slowly found relief. I'm grateful to a friend who encouraged me to sign up for swimming classes last summer. Rediscovering the habit of getting up early for swims at the park and pool was delightful. Swimming helped me connect more with my body, leading me to include each part of it in my gratitude list. I learned how much I had neglected my body before. Now, I even consider martial arts as a way to care for my body, appreciating its profound cultural significance, especially the principle of 'seeking within rather than without', contrasting with the Western culture (like street dance and music) I used to engage with.
In terms of language learning, beyond my early exposure to Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, and Spanish, I formally expanded to Southeast Asian languages in 2021. In 2023, I was fortunate to find partners to practice Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian, marking a new phase of achievement. The idea of mastering over ten languages once seemed impossible, but now I've crossed that threshold, realizing that mastering language intuition (akin to understanding music theory and ear training) significantly enhances learning efficiency. In 2024, I hope to achieve fluency in Russian, Arabic, and even Hebrew, thanks to reconnections with Israeli friends.
These advancements are not just due to my passion for languages but also the support of friends and language organizations in online activities. I've been fortunate to share my experiences in these groups, discussing topics like engaging with people from various countries and realizing that our education often focuses on writing and visuals, yet we might be better attuned to other senses.
Professionally, I transitioned from the gaming industry to blockchain gaming and then to the AI field. This shift has grounded me, focusing more on how AI can solve real problems. The frenzied pace of gaming and finance, characterized by short-lived trends and the rapid emergence and disappearance of new games, has now given way to a more long-term perspective in my work.
In 2024, I carry these experiences into the new year, looking forward to further growth and change. Beyond enhancing professional skills, I aim to deepen my inner self through stillness and meditation, improving self-discipline, and continuing to explore new possibilities in language and AI.
With the pandemic stabilizing, I hope to travel to Europe and Silicon Valley to meet overseas friends and quantify the sense of achievement in language learning. Finding balance between action and stillness, tension and relaxation, brain and heart, and speed and slowness is my goal.
In a conversation with a foreign friend, when asked how I managed to learn so many languages, I candidly replied that I wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps it stemmed from my desire to break down global barriers. But honestly, I'm not one to hit the books hard. I rely more on my environment to enhance my self-discipline. Knowing I lack discipline, I use my environment to push myself. For instance, I have gym equipment at home, like an ab trainer, dumbbells, and a roller, but I hardly use them, concluding that I need to work out outdoors or in a gym.
Continuing with the theme of internal exploration, I maintain my connection with collective consciousness. Thus, I'm working hard to create an environment where I can fully integrate self-discipline into my being, like balancing the 'fast' and 'slow' aspects of my life. I've realized that speed isn't always efficient and can be strenuous. A senior swimmer's advice resonated with me: swimming fast doesn't mean you can go far. The goal is to train like some elders who swim slowly and effortlessly, covering a kilometer without realizing it.
Some wisdom I heard in my youth is slowly making more sense now.
The last few hours of transitioning from 2023 to 2024, I did something different. Instead of going out, I chose to write down wishes online with friends, meditate, and then burn them to manifest. Honestly, the concept of 'manifestation' has become more meaningful to me. Compared to the past, it seems like my inner thoughts are transforming into reality faster. The prevalence of AI demonstrates this, as people can quickly create graphics, videos, and games. So now, I'm focusing more on introspection, hoping to delve deeper within and manifest a more abundant external world.



成為了我反思和感悟的重要工具。冥想也成為了我的日常習慣,幫助我保持內心的平靜和清晰。對於金錢的看法也有了新的理解,相對於以往好似會擔心錢花出去這件事,特別是在正向順流中花錢的快樂,這讓我心中感到更加踏實,對感覺心中有了踏實感, 以往的匱乏感消失不少。





In 2023, I experienced a profound internal transformation. This year was different from the past; I shifted my focus from pursuing fame and wealth to seeking spiritual fulfillment. Starting from late 2022, I embarked on a journey of decluttering, not just materially – including books and clothes – but also reconciling with my past self. I even participated in decluttering groups as a volunteer, visiting friends' homes and encountering various cases, which helped me appreciate the unseen forces of energy.
I found myself intrigued by concepts like the Law of Attraction and Seed Principle, and traditional scriptures, which even became my work-time background music. Gradually, I learned to move from exerting force to leveraging it, realizing I had been too tense and not relaxed enough. I shifted my focus from seeking excitement to appreciating the beauty of simplicity and stability. Keeping a gratitude journal became an important tool for reflection and insight, especially in 2023 when I made it a point to express my thanks to former supervisors.
This process also brought a new understanding of money; rather than worrying about spending, I found joy in the positive flow of finances, bringing a sense of security and diminishing previous feelings of scarcity.
Physically, I became more aware of areas needing improvement. The tension in my shoulders caused by unnecessary effort and old dance injuries in my knees slowly found relief. I'm grateful to a friend who encouraged me to sign up for swimming classes last summer. Rediscovering the habit of getting up early for swims at the park and pool was delightful. Swimming helped me connect more with my body, leading me to include each part of it in my gratitude list. I learned how much I had neglected my body before. Now, I even consider martial arts as a way to care for my body, appreciating its profound cultural significance, especially the principle of 'seeking within rather than without', contrasting with the Western culture (like street dance and music) I used to engage with.
In terms of language learning, beyond my early exposure to Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, German, French, and Spanish, I formally expanded to Southeast Asian languages in 2021. In 2023, I was fortunate to find partners to practice Thai, Indonesian, Vietnamese, and Russian, marking a new phase of achievement. The idea of mastering over ten languages once seemed impossible, but now I've crossed that threshold, realizing that mastering language intuition (akin to understanding music theory and ear training) significantly enhances learning efficiency. In 2024, I hope to achieve fluency in Russian, Arabic, and even Hebrew, thanks to reconnections with Israeli friends.
These advancements are not just due to my passion for languages but also the support of friends and language organizations in online activities. I've been fortunate to share my experiences in these groups, discussing topics like engaging with people from various countries and realizing that our education often focuses on writing and visuals, yet we might be better attuned to other senses.
Professionally, I transitioned from the gaming industry to blockchain gaming and then to the AI field. This shift has grounded me, focusing more on how AI can solve real problems. The frenzied pace of gaming and finance, characterized by short-lived trends and the rapid emergence and disappearance of new games, has now given way to a more long-term perspective in my work.
In 2024, I carry these experiences into the new year, looking forward to further growth and change. Beyond enhancing professional skills, I aim to deepen my inner self through stillness and meditation, improving self-discipline, and continuing to explore new possibilities in language and AI.
With the pandemic stabilizing, I hope to travel to Europe and Silicon Valley to meet overseas friends and quantify the sense of achievement in language learning. Finding balance between action and stillness, tension and relaxation, brain and heart, and speed and slowness is my goal.
In a conversation with a foreign friend, when asked how I managed to learn so many languages, I candidly replied that I wasn't entirely sure. Perhaps it stemmed from my desire to break down global barriers. But honestly, I'm not one to hit the books hard. I rely more on my environment to enhance my self-discipline. Knowing I lack discipline, I use my environment to push myself. For instance, I have gym equipment at home, like an ab trainer, dumbbells, and a roller, but I hardly use them, concluding that I need to work out outdoors or in a gym.
Continuing with the theme of internal exploration, I maintain my connection with collective consciousness. Thus, I'm working hard to create an environment where I can fully integrate self-discipline into my being, like balancing the 'fast' and 'slow' aspects of my life. I've realized that speed isn't always efficient and can be strenuous. A senior swimmer's advice resonated with me: swimming fast doesn't mean you can go far. The goal is to train like some elders who swim slowly and effortlessly, covering a kilometer without realizing it.
Some wisdom I heard in my youth is slowly making more sense now.
The last few hours of transitioning from 2023 to 2024, I did something different. Instead of going out, I chose to write down wishes online with friends, meditate, and then burn them to manifest. Honestly, the concept of 'manifestation' has become more meaningful to me. Compared to the past, it seems like my inner thoughts are transforming into reality faster. The prevalence of AI demonstrates this, as people can quickly create graphics, videos, and games. So now, I'm focusing more on introspection, hoping to delve deeper within and manifest a more abundant external world.

The best memories are the moments we create together😊; even if one day you forget, there will always be someone who reme...

The best memories are the moments we create together😊; even if one day you forget, there will always be someone who remembers💖.

"Los mejores recuerdos son aquellos momentos que creamos juntos😊; incluso si un día olvidas, siempre habrá alguien que recuerde💖."
"Les meilleurs souvenirs sont ces moments que nous créons ensemble😊; même si un jour tu oublies, il y aura toujours quelqu'un pour se souvenir💖."
"Die besten Erinnerungen sind die Momente, die wir zusammen schaffen😊; selbst wenn du eines Tages vergisst, wird es immer jemanden geben, der sich erinnert💖."
"가장 좋은 추억은 우리가 함께 만든 순간들이에요😊; 언젠가 당신이 잊더라도 항상 기억하는 사람이 있을 거예요💖."

Always hold a heart full of gratitude and cherish those who are willing to accompany you in chasing your dreams.請永遠懷抱感激之...

Always hold a heart full of gratitude and cherish those who are willing to accompany you in chasing your dreams.


Siempre mantén un corazón lleno de gratitud y valora a aquellos que están dispuestos a acompañarte en la búsqueda de tus sueños.

Halte immer ein Herz voller Dankbarkeit und schätze diejenigen, die bereit sind, dich bei der Verfolgung deiner Träume zu begleiten.

Gardez toujours un cœur rempli de gratitude et chérissez ceux qui sont prêts à vous accompagner dans la poursuite de vos rêves.

AI News Highlights - November 2nd🤖 Johann AI Launches: Even in Busy Times, Take a Coffee Break (Not Really) - Today's Ne...

AI News Highlights - November 2nd

🤖 Johann AI Launches: Even in Busy Times, Take a Coffee Break (Not Really) - Today's News!

🎬 Scarlett Johansson Files Lawsuit Against AI App Developer: As reported by The Verge, Scarlett Johansson has filed a lawsuit against a developer for using her likeness and voice in an AI application without her authorization.

🖼️ Stability AI Introduces Advanced 3D and Image Detailing Features for Stable Diffusion: An exclusive report from VentureBeat reveals that Stability AI has updated its Stable Diffusion technology, now supporting more intricate 3D image generation and detail adjustments.

🌏 Innovative Text-to-3D Generation AI Solution by Chinese Developers: 80.lv shares a text-to-3D generation AI technology created by a Chinese developer, showcasing its ability to transform textual descriptions into 3D models.

🤝 Politicians Pledge Cooperation to Address AI Security Concerns, Establish AI Security Institute in the U.S.: TechCrunch reports that politicians have agreed to work together to tackle AI security challenges, and the U.S. has announced the establishment of a new AI Security Institute.

🛍️ Google Launches Generative AI Tools for U.S. Advertisers: According to TechCrunch, Google has unveiled a new set of generative AI tools to assist advertisers in creating product images.

📱 Instagram is Developing Customizable AI Companions: TechCrunch reveals that Instagram is working on a customizable AI companion, offering a new way of interaction on social media.

🖥️ NVIDIA Powers the Largest AI Supercomputer in the UK: NVIDIA's official blog announces their support in building the UK's largest AI supercomputer.

🏢 Stability AI Enhances Image API Features for Enterprises: Stability AI's official blog introduces their upgraded image API features tailored for business users.

October 12 AI Tech News Highlights🚿 Is the AI Winter Approaching?: Analysts predict that by 2024, generative AI might fa...

October 12 AI Tech News Highlights

🚿 Is the AI Winter Approaching?: Analysts predict that by 2024, generative AI might face a "cold shower." The road ahead doesn't appear to be entirely smooth!

💡 AMD Acquires Nod AI: AMD has decided to acquire open-source AI software specialist Nod AI, a deal that has certainly captured considerable attention!

🦊 Firefox Exposes Fake Reviews: Firefox's new feature can identify fake customer reviews on Fakespot. Authentic feedback, we deserve it!

💻 New Version of Replit: Replit has released version 1.5 of Code, taking code writing to new heights!

October 11 AI Technology News Highlights🚀 Adobe's Bright Future: At the Adobe MAX conference, Adobe provided a glimpse i...

October 11 AI Technology News Highlights

🚀 Adobe's Bright Future: At the Adobe MAX conference, Adobe provided a glimpse into the future of its "Firefly" project, hinting at exciting plans ahead.

🔥 New Features in Adobe Firefly: A range of new features makes Firefly even more remarkable. Let's explore these innovations together!

🖼️ Adobe and AI-Generated Content: To protect originality, Adobe is adding special watermarks to AI-generated content. It's been quite a journey!

🎥 TikTok and Adobe: TikTok now supports direct uploads from Adobe's AI apps, CapCut, Twitch, and more. Creators have new choices!

💬 Berkshire Hathaway's Perspective: Charlie Munger thinks AI is somewhat overhyped, but do we know how Warren Buffett sees it?

🌍 Google AI Aiding Climate Change: Google is applying AI technology to climate change solutions, working towards a better future for the planet!

🎤 Elevenlabs Breaking Language Barriers: They've launched a voice translation tool to overcome language barriers in content. Great news!

🩺 Google's AI Search for Doctors: A new feature empowers doctors to search for information more accurately, taking medical services to the next level!

🎨 Disney, Marvel, Loki, and AI: It seems AI-generated season 2 posters have caused a stir. Let's find out what's happening.

🌐 New Features in Google Chrome: Auto-sorting tabs? Yes, the future is now!

🧠 OpenAI's New Directions: Rumor has it that OpenAI is considering developing its own AI chip? Exciting news!

🗣️ Remarkable Words from OpenAI CTO: He says they didn't anticipate ChatGPT's immense popularity! Well, it seems I'm famous!

🎨 Meta's AI Watermark: More robust signature watermarks for AI-generated content. Protecting originality is crucial!

October 5th Business AI Summary In the realm of artificial intelligence and tech, significant developments have unfolded...

October 5th Business AI Summary

In the realm of artificial intelligence and tech, significant developments have unfolded, reflecting the continued integration of AI into various platforms and services:

Microsoft Enhances Bing with DALL-E 3 Integration
Microsoft is set to integrate OpenAI's DALL-E 3 image generator into Bing, allowing users to create images within chat conversations. Additionally, Bing introduces new shopping capabilities while retaining the ability to recall prior chat interactions.

Google Emphasizes AI in Pixel 8 and 8 Pro Phones
Google has placed a strong emphasis on AI in its latest Pixel 8 and 8 Pro smartphones, introducing a new AI assistant called Bard. Bard combines generating and reasoning capabilities, enhancing user experiences.

Meta's Emu Algorithm for Sticker Generation
Meta has introduced the Emu algorithm, enabling users to generate stickers. However, it should be noted that certain unchecked phrases and prompts, such as "child with a gr***de," can generate stickers, raising concerns.

SoftBank CEO's Vision for AGI
SoftBank's CEO, Masayoshi Son, envisions that by the end of this century, Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will surpass human capabilities. He also highlights the potential of AI in areas like autonomous driving and Nobel Prize-level scientific achievements.

Google Unveils Bard Assistant
Google has launched the Bard assistant, powered by generative AI. Bard combines generating and reasoning capabilities and integrates with Assistant's personalized assistance. Users can interact with Bard through text, voice, or images.


**AI Developments - September 26th Update**

In the realm of AI and automation, notable developments have taken place across various sectors:

1. **Tesla's Optimus Robot Advancement**
Tesla has achieved a significant milestone with its Optimus robot, which now possesses the autonomous capability to classify objects. This reflects Tesla's ongoing commitment to enhancing automation and AI technologies.

2. **Meta's "Gen AI" Chatbot for Youth**
Meta, the parent company of Facebook, is set to introduce "Gen AI," a new generation of AI chatbots tailored for younger audiences. These chatbots come with distinct personality traits, promising a more personalized and engaging interaction for young users.

3. **Spotify's Integration of OpenAI Tech**
Spotify has embarked on an integration journey with OpenAI's technology. This collaboration enables Spotify to offer translation and speech replication features for its podcast content. This development enhances the accessibility of Spotify's content to a global audience, transcending language barriers.

4. **Anthropic's Collaboration with Amazon**
Anthropic and Amazon have recently unveiled a collaborative effort or partnership, though specific details and the extent of this collaboration require reference to the original source.

5. **OpenAI's ChatGPT's Multimodal Abilities**
OpenAI's ChatGPT has achieved a significant leap forward by gaining the capability to see, hear, and speak. This means that ChatGPT is no longer limited to text-based interactions but can also engage in visual and auditory exchanges, expanding its range of applications.

These developments underscore the ongoing evolution and integration of AI technologies across industries, promising new possibilities and improved user experiences.


On the journey of growth, there is always someone walking with you. Sometimes they may temporarily not be by your side, but they are actually behind you, supporting you
Auf dem Weg des Wachstums ist immer jemand an deiner Seite. Manchmal sind sie vielleicht vorübergehend nicht bei dir, aber sie stehen tatsächlich hinter dir und unterstützen dich
성장의 여정에서는 항상 누군가가 함께 걷고 있습니다. 때로는 그들이 잠시 당신 곁에 없을 수 있지만, 실제로는 당신 뒤에서 당신을 지지하고 있습니다

勇敢做自己,不必害怕與眾不同;當你不再在乎他人的眼光時,你將更加珍愛自己。Embrace your uniqueness fearlessly; the less you mind how others perceive you, the ...

Embrace your uniqueness fearlessly; the less you mind how others perceive you, the more you'll cherish yourself.
Acepta tu singularidad sin miedo; cuanto menos te importe lo que piensen los demás, más te valorarás a ti mismo.
Assume ta différence sans crainte ; moins tu te soucies de l'opinion des autres, plus tu t'apprécieras.
Umarme deine Einzigartigkeit ohne Angst; je weniger du darauf achtest, wie andere dich sehen, desto mehr wirst du dich selbst schätzen.


AI News Summary - September 15th

Metaphysic Pro Film:
A new movie titled "Metaphysic Pro" is set to leverage AI technology, featuring acclaimed actors Anne Hathaway, Octavia Spencer, and Tom Hanks. This film aims to showcase how AI can be applied in movie production, particularly in character development and storytelling.

Amazon's Seller AI Tool:
Amazon has introduced a generative AI tool for its sellers, designed to assist them in managing and optimizing their online stores more effectively. This tool is expected to bring increased automation and data-driven decision-making capabilities to small businesses.

AI in Scientific Research:
An article in Nature magazine delves into the applications of AI in scientific research, highlighting potential ethical and societal issues. The piece emphasizes the need for researchers to pay closer attention to these concerns, ensuring the responsible use of AI technology.


9/5 AI News Highlights 👋

Intel is banking on artificial intelligence as a key driver of its business growth. The company has recently launched multiple products designed specifically for AI computing and is also collaborating with other companies to promote the application of AI.

Microsoft has applied for a patent for an intelligent backpack that will integrate various smart features, including navigation, notifications, and item tracking. The patent also mentions the possibility of the backpack interacting with other devices such as smartphones and laptops.


*9/4 AI News Highlights:*

1. **US Restricts NVIDIA Chip Exports to Middle Eastern Nations:**
According to documents, the United States has imposed restrictions on the export of certain NVIDIA chips to Middle Eastern countries, specifically targeting specific types of semiconductors.

2. **Microsoft's Innovative AI-Powered Backpack:**
Microsoft is reportedly considering launching a backpack equipped with an AI assistant instead of the traditional smartwatch. This backpack is expected to offer various functionalities, including voice commands and gesture control.

3. **StackDiary Revises Terms to Allow AI Training with User-Generated Posts:**
StackDiary has updated its terms of service to permit the use of user-published posts for AI training. This change has raised questions regarding data privacy and ownership.

4. **Stability.ai Announces Launch of Japanese InstructBlip Alpha:**
Stability.ai has announced the launch of InstructBlip Alpha in Japanese, targeting the Japanese market. InstructBlip Alpha is an AI service designed for the Japanese-speaking audience.

A resolute heart consistently attracts people who hold strong beliefs.一顆堅毅的心總能吸引著那些堅信不疑的人

A resolute heart consistently attracts people who hold strong beliefs.


No matter how expansive someone else's roof may be, it doesn't compare to having your own umbrella.無論他人的屋簷多麼寬廣,都比不上擁有自己的...

No matter how expansive someone else's roof may be, it doesn't compare to having your own umbrella.








































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