Launched in 2014, Underdog Artist Management is committed to providing paramount services to promising artists. Diving headfirst into the music industry in 2002 as a partner in Sense Boardwear, Underdog founder, Brendon Davis, was involved in the release of multiple compilation albums along with artist relations. Davis would soon find a niche in the public relations and social media fields, runnin
g’s platforms from 2009-2011. It was Davis’ background education in business management and marketing that sparked a passion for artist management, and in 2012 would begin to manage emerging bands Reeform and The Veragroove. Davis would help guide, support and push both bands to build their business, tour regionally and release their debut albums. With Reeform hitting Number Six on the iTunes Reggae charts, and The Veragroove earning 65 thousand downloads on their single “Broken Glass.”
Underdog Artist Management’s current 2014 lineup includes San Diego based reggae/rock band Reeform, along with Billboard charting pop/reggae group Thrive. With over a decade of experience within the music industry, Underdog Artist Management has the tools necessary to guide artists in business branding, intelligent concert booking, advanced social media, merchandise management, strategic marketing and sponsorship inquiries.