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UCVN - Uncensored Views & News Politically Incorrect Views & News on a wide range of Topics. Me and few others who may come to manage this Page, have been falsely accused of being Zionists.

We are not Zionists, but our hearts do beat for Zion when the true Saviour of the world, will touch down on the Mount of Olives. So if you happen to see a Z in the logo, you won't be mistaken. This page is essentially a Christian Page with the goals of delivering News, Information, Views and Bible verses - all of which may be "Politically Incorrect" but geared towards revealing the true nature of

things in the world. And offering a Solution in this darkened world of ours. i.e the Solution is essentially a Spiritual one. And it is - Christ! Also on this page, there may be posts which may seem to have a conflicting view than the goals and purposes of this page, but they will be tolerated in also allowing others to hold their point of view, which may also be posted for the purpose of exposure. While we may appear to support Jews, we certainly do not support the Zionists in charge in Israel. Zionists do not rule the world and neither is everything in the world a Jewish Conspiracy. A number of very popular Illuminati Exposing pages and websites seem to only thrive in promoting this point of view either overtly or covertly. A distinction needs to be made between Jews and Zionists. The two are not the same and most people are unable to differentiate. Lastly, but not the least: We are not about Hate or Promoting Hate of any particular group, even of the ones we may seek to expose. For we are cognizant of these scriptures which say:

"Anyone who claims to be in the light but hates his brother is still in the darkness. 10 Whoever loves his brother lives in the light, and there is nothing in him to make him stumble. 11 But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness; he does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded him."

- 1 John 2:9-11, New Testament Bible.

Nailed it!

Nailed it!

Must Watch: 'Why 'Messiah prophecy' haunts Netanyahu - YouTube'Netanyahu were told by the Rebbe -he would be PM one day ...

Must Watch: 'Why 'Messiah prophecy' haunts Netanyahu - YouTube'

Netanyahu were told by the Rebbe -he would be PM one day of Israel ... which has indeed come true. But one gets goosebumps at the 2nd prophecy the Rebbe told Netanyahu. -That he would be the last PM of Israel and eventually hand over the reigns to the messiah.
(*Just like we have Catholic Prophecy that this Pope is the last Pope before the 'false prophet')

If true, its disturbing, if the Messiah they have in mind is not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember Israel rejected The Messiah when He came, and they are still awaiting a messiah.

We who know Bible Prophecy know what this means.

Benjamin Netanyahu was told by a powerful Jewish religious figure that he would be Israel’s last leader and hand the sceptre to the Messiah. How does this so...

'Israel intensifies war vs Hamas in Gaza; U.S. warns Iran over Red Sea attacks TV7 Israel News 08.12 - YouTube'

'Israel intensifies war vs Hamas in Gaza; U.S. warns Iran over Red Sea attacks TV7 Israel News 08.12 - YouTube'

Today’s top stories 08.12.23;1) Israel intensifies its ground operations in the Gaza Strip – while the nation of Israel celebrates the festival of Hanukkah.2...

 How they like to brainwash us in increments:(You should google the headlines - each of them)This is just like blaming o...

How they like to brainwash us in increments:

(You should google the headlines - each of them)

This is just like blaming ordinary humans for "Climate Change" when the real elephant in the room is their Geoengineering & Weather Control programs that's making the problems many times worse and even accelerating climate change (again by their own admission.)

That's why Skull 'n Bones member or bonesman John Kerry is carrying a bag personally.

That's why Skull 'n Bones member or bonesman John Kerry is carrying a bag personally.

This is all that they obsess over these days.

This is all that they obsess over these days.

They don't even get how silly they look with all of their tiny minuscule herculean efforts to ban plastic. Why not just ...

They don't even get how silly they look with all of their tiny minuscule herculean efforts to ban plastic.

Why not just go back to how things were before plastic? They won't as its simply bad for business that's all.

And their paper straws -get soggy in no time as countless people would have experienced this.

'German government’s approval rating hits an all-time low'Oops! 83% of Germans turn against Olaf Scholz .In US now 55% o...

'German government’s approval rating hits an all-time low'

Oops! 83% of Germans turn against Olaf Scholz .
In US now 55% oppose US support to Ukraine.

"Only 17% Germans say they are happy with performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government"

Olaf Scholz lost the mandate. That's why his defense minister sensing which way the wind is blowing was quick to publicly announce Germany is not an ally of Ukraine recently.

Only 17% Germans say they are happy with performance of Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government - Anadolu Ajansı

Tada:'Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation -The Times' Way back in 2009 this happened, the article was free to...


'Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation -The Times'

Way back in 2009 this happened, the article was free to read back then and I took a screenshot of it.



:DThey are and extraordinaire league of their own.Or an exclusive club while claiming to be diverse and liberal and or t...


They are and extraordinaire league of their own.

Or an exclusive club while claiming to be diverse and liberal and or tolerant of other people's views...anything but...

'Girl, 2, dies after catching rare virus from a PIGEON - and doctors don't know how she got infected | Daily Mail Online...

'Girl, 2, dies after catching rare virus from a PIGEON - and doctors don't know how she got infected | Daily Mail Online'

"The toddler is believed to be only the fifth human victim of Newcastle Disease"

Medics still don't know how the two-year-old, who was battling leukaemia, caught the highly contagious virus. But they think she might have got infected by touching pigeon faeces or fluids.

Born in the late 70's growing up in the 80's my TV watching involved cartoons and TNT (now TCM or Turner Classic Movies)...

Born in the late 70's growing up in the 80's my TV watching involved cartoons and TNT (now TCM or Turner Classic Movies). Even though we had HBO and other channels I loved watching the black and white movies on TNT. As I grew slightly older I took to watching lots and lots of Documentaries that were available on Discovery. And back then the content was good.

And nowadays I wonder in my 40's how all the people before me grew up to good and morally upright sort of programming on TV and now take part in promoting all the filth they can and nasty stuff of confusing kids in telling them to choose their own gender etc. Back in their day they didn't have stuff to confuse them literally as we do now, so how come they are promoting all this filth?

Rupert Murdoch was once asked this very sort of question: And his answer was Money.

So they sold all their morals for money?

'CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia | CNN Politics'"Most Americans oppose...

'CNN Poll: Majority of Americans oppose more US aid for Ukraine in war with Russia | CNN Politics'

"Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

Overall, 55% say the US Congress should not authorize additional funding to support Ukraine vs. 45% who say Congress should authorize such funding. And 51% say that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine while 48% say it should do more. A poll conducted in the early days of the Russian invasion in late February 2022 found 62% who felt the US should have been doing more. "

Congress voted on those lines and so the aid to Ukraine fell through.

Most Americans oppose Congress authorizing additional funding to support Ukraine in its war with Russia, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS, as the public splits over whether the US has already done enough to assist Ukraine.

''Was the world quiet about October 7 r**es because it was Jewish women?' Netanyahu hints at anti-semitism as he blasts ...

''Was the world quiet about October 7 r**es because it was Jewish women?' Netanyahu hints at anti-semitism as he blasts women's groups and world leaders for not 'screaming' about the atrocities | Daily Mail Online'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blasted women's rights groups and world leaders for not 'screaming' about the r**e and mutilation of Israeli civilians by Hamas.

'Republicans Block Aid to Ukraine, Jeopardizing Its Fight Against Russia - The New York Times'"The vote spotlighted wani...

'Republicans Block Aid to Ukraine, Jeopardizing Its Fight Against Russia - The New York Times'

"The vote spotlighted waning support in Congress for backing Ukraine in the war, and left the fate of the effort uncertain."

The vote spotlighted waning support in Congress for backing Ukraine in the war, and left the fate of the effort uncertain.

'Nuclear Leaks: what is the UK nuclear site Sellafield and why is it so important? | Energy industry | The Guardian'Work...

'Nuclear Leaks: what is the UK nuclear site Sellafield and why is it so important? | Energy industry | The Guardian'

Work of Green Hacktavists or Russian Hackers?

"A Guardian investigation has revealed hacking, radioactive leaks and toxic workplace culture at Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site"

"The hack was one of a series of cyber issues at the site, and was covered up by senior managers. Other concerns included external contractors being able to plug memory sticks into the system while unsupervised and staff at remote sites being able to access its computer servers.

The UK’s nuclear watchdog, the Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR), put the site into a form of “special measures” for consistent failings on cybersecurity.

Sources said cyber breaches were first detected as far back as 2015, when experts realised sleeper malware – software that can lurk and be used to spy on or attack systems – had been embedded in Sellafield’s computer networks. It is still not known if the malware has been eradicated. It may mean some of Sellafield’s most sensitive data on activities, such as moving radioactive waste, monitoring for leaks of dangerous material and checking for fires, have been compromised.
What is leaking?

The investigation revealed a worsening leak of radioactive liquid from one of the “highest nuclear hazards in the UK” – a decaying silo from which radioactive material is leaking into the ground. The leak is likely to continue to 2050."

A Guardian investigation has revealed hacking, radioactive leaks and toxic workplace culture at Europe’s most hazardous nuclear site

Oops!""We are doing what we can. The same applies to almost all other allies and partners. But Germany is not an ally of...


""We are doing what we can. The same applies to almost all other allies and partners. But Germany is not an ally of Ukraine and, therefore, is not part of any alliance."

-German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius

Yep he called it

Yep he called it

'Covid vaccine injury bill tops £12MILLION after two dozen backlogged damage claims are approved in a month'Oops@!But st...

'Covid vaccine injury bill tops £12MILLION after two dozen backlogged damage claims are approved in a month'


But still under-rating the seriousness with an incorrect link headline of only 10 mil.

Already paid 12 million pounds for a very "safe" vax sin.

Think about all who stand to have their claims denied because they either signed waivers or disclaimers that said they won't be compensated for any claims of injury.

Some 105 claims have now been approved - up from 78 in early May. All are entitled to a one-off payment of £120,000. But Tory MPs want the sum - introduced in 2007 - to be raised in line with inflation.

Right in Time Expose: The 2022 movie called 'The Contractor'Just now all across the world and all across the board from ...

Right in Time Expose: The 2022 movie called 'The Contractor'

Just now all across the world and all across the board from Pfizer, Moderna to Astrazenca ...the media has started to turn the tide against these big companies, reporting on how they rushed research & production of an ill tested va xin and got the public inoculated pronto complete with disclaimer and injury compensation waivers.

And now all over the world young people are dying of sudden heart attacks. And those not dead their lives turned over or ruined (as reported earlier) on people who got injured or debilitated, who are now filing lawsuits against these big companies.

And right in time in the height of the P(l)andemic there came out these nondescript movie called 'The Contractor' with the following plot:

Conspiratorial Movie about sending an ex Green Beret to extract Information from an alleged Al Qaeda Scientist who is working on the H5N1 Virus and other aviation viruses.

Turns out that he and his team are on a covert mission for an Agency to obtain information on the Vaccine this alleged Al Qaeda Scientist named Salim has been working on, so that they can spread the virus in order to make Billions on the Vaccine (cure).

So we know exactly what to expect in the next P(l)andemic that they will again try to pull on us.

'Elon Musk: Disney Is "World's Biggest Example Of Go Woke, Go Broke"'"They are the world’s biggest example of go woke, g...

'Elon Musk: Disney Is "World's Biggest Example Of Go Woke, Go Broke"'

"They are the world’s biggest example of go woke, go broke lol.
— Elon Musk () December 2, 2023"

ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

'US is running out of money for Ukraine, White House warns'-Which maybe a good thing, as the war may run out its natural...

'US is running out of money for Ukraine, White House warns'

-Which maybe a good thing, as the war may run out its natural course and now more and more Ukrainians are wanting negotiations with Russia to end the conflict.

Without new aid, the U.S. will be unable to continue providing weapons and equipment to Kyiv.


In light of recent revelations that they recovered at least 9 alien aircraft you have to see that much of what they depicted in 'The X-Files' is essentially true and served as for such a time as ours.

And of course this is an Illuminati Trump Card i.e Alien Invasion!

'A link between Covid-19 vaccination and a cardiac illness may be getting clearer | CNN'-When CNN has to report the news...

'A link between Covid-19 vaccination and a cardiac illness may be getting clearer | CNN'

-When CNN has to report the news rather half-halfheartedly, as it clashes with their beliefs.

"CNN —

Vaccine advisers to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there has been a higher-than-expected number of cases of a heart ailment among young people, most often males, who’ve recently received their second doses of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines. "

"The new report comes as the Israeli Ministry of Health finds a “likelihood of a link” between the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine and myocarditis, most commonly among males ages 16 to 30."


Vaccine advisers to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say there has been a higher-than-expected number of cases of a heart ailment among young people, most often males, who’ve recently received their second doses of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines. The CDC says the reports...

Germany, we have a problem! Mass market tabloid that welcomed Angela Merkel's decision to let in a million migrants soun...

Germany, we have a problem! Mass market tabloid that welcomed Angela Merkel's decision to let in a million migrants sounds a startling warning | Daily Mail Online

Germany now ready for a U-Turn.

After decades of mass migration from Turkey primarily, other Islamic states and recently Ukraine, and doling out free benefits and aid, they think its time for a rethink.

You can only absorb so much Multiculturalism without having your own religion & culture completely threatened, that's happening to parts of Europe now.
Christianity is all set to be the second major religion in many parts of Europe now, with countless churches being turned into mosques.

While Erdgan plays the Piped Piper of Destruction by instructing Muslims as being the future of Europe where they need to produce 4-5 kids.

While still other Islamic preachers in the UK for instance are telling their followers they need to wipe off the "white scum".


"For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost."

-Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew 18:11, New Testament Bible.



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