Facts are a tricky thing, folks. LEARN to read "political speak"
When Biden claims "We have gotten 70 Americans released during our Administration"... the follow up questions has to be - how many were TAKEN during your Administration?
The fact is more hostages are being TAKEN during the Biden Administration because of their policies. "(report) It says that since 2022, an average of nine Americans have been unjustly detained in Russia each year, up from an average of three per year between 2007 and 2021."
It is like saying "Inflation is down" when in fact it is "down" from the record high but still not down below where it was when Biden took office. Same with crime being "down"...it is DOWN if you change the categories and stealing anything below $900 is not even a crime in California because Kamala wrote that law! Crime is NOT down, it is just not recognized!
It reminds me about YEEEAAARS ago when I was proposing legislation for Specialty Plates in California that would have raised money for adoption. I was so excited because I spoke to the leading Democrat who said, "I will not vote against it when it gets to the Floor." I called my political friend with the exciting news. He said, "Sorry to say that is not a win. He can say he won't vote against it on the Floor because he will never let it get to the Floor for a vote." Ahhhh Political Speak.
That is what you are watching today on every issue. Listen carefully and don't be duped.
The number of "unjust detentions" fell 42% over the last two years, according to the nonprofit Foley Foundation. Despite the progress, nations like Russia continue to pose major risks for U.S. travelers.