Allama Mashriqi’s father’s bi-weekly, Vakil

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Allama Mashriqi’s father’s bi-weekly, Vakil Khan Ata was also the owner of "Vakil", a biweekly newspaper from Amritsar, India. Khan was a poet a Its views have always been broad, wise and dignified.

Vakil (Wakeel) was owned by Khan Ata Mohammed Khan, Allama Mashriqi's father. It represented high quality journalism at a time when the Muslim press was extremely poor. The following excerpt explains the quality of this biweekly:

“Marked by sobriety and a high literary standard, this paper served as a spokesman of Muslim political thought at a time when the Muslim press was very weak. Discussing

the role of 'Vakil' Muhammad Ali wrote in the 'Comrade' dated February 17, 1912 that ‘the Vakil has represented the best type of Urdu journalism. It has exercised an intellectual tolerance and comprehension which is rare even amongst the better class of English journalism in this country.’”

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Abdullah Minhas, and Abdullah al-Imadi edited the paper. Source: Struggle of Independence Photograph Album 1905-1947
Publisher: The Bureau of National Reconstruction of West Pakistan, 87 Ferozepur Road, Lahore, Pakistan

یہ ایک اچھا مضمون ہے ، البتہ ، علامہ مشرقی کے لئے مولانا کا لفظ استعمال کرنا غلط ہے

یہ ایک اچھا مضمون ہے ، البتہ ، علامہ مشرقی کے لئے مولانا کا لفظ استعمال کرنا غلط ہے

نوائے وقت ، 28 اپریل ، 2019
عارف ایرانی کا لکھا ہوا علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں ایک اچھا مضمون

یہ ایک اچھا مضمون ہے ، البتہ ، علامہ مشرقی کے لئے مولانا کا لفظ استعمال کرنا غلط ہے


A Lahore-based intellectual launched the Khaksar Tehrik movement, which fought for self-rule in India


The Indian Express - February 10, 1948

علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں جاوید احمد غامدی صاحب کے انٹرویوز

ہم نے محترم علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں جاوید احمد غامدی صاحب کے دو انٹرویو سنے ہیں۔ یہ انٹرویو یوٹیوب پر دستیاب ہیں۔

علامہ صاحب کے بارے میں اپنے خیالات کے اظہار کے لئے وقت نکالنے میں ہم غامدی صاحب کے انتہائی مشکور ہیں۔ ہمیں غامدی صاحب کا شائستہ طریقہ اظہار پسند ہے۔ تاہم ، یہ کہنا ضروری ہے کہ ہم علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں مسٹر غامدی کے کچھ خیالات سے اتفاق نہیں کرتے ہیں۔ جہاں تک تحریک آزادی میں علامہ مشرقی کے کردار پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ہے ، ہم محسوس کرتے ہیں کہ غامدی صاحب نے ٹھیک طرح سے وضاحت نہیں کی۔ ممکن ہے کہ غامدی صاحب کو اتنی معلومات نہ ہو۔ واضح رہے کہ تاریخ کے پروفیسرز بھی علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں مناسب جانکاری نہیں رکھتے ہیں۔ اس کی بنیادی وجہ یہ ہے کہ علامہ مشرقی اور خاکسار تحریک کی وسیع دستاویزات کو تقسیم ہند سے قبل اور بعد میں حکومت نے ضبط کیا تھا۔ وہ دستاویزات ابھی تک لائبریریوں میں دستیاب نہیں ہوسکی ہیں۔ ان حالات میں علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں غلط آراء پیش کی جارہی ہیں۔ اگر وہ دستاویزات جاری کردی گئیں تو لوگ اس سے اتفاق کریں گے کہ علامہ مشرقی نے برطانوی حکمرانی کا خاتمہ کیا۔

ہم ایک بار پھر جاوید احمد غامدی کا شکریہ ادا کرتے ہیں اور امید کرتے ہیں کہ وہ عوام کو علامہ مشرقی کے بارے میں اپنے قیمتی نظریات سے آگاہ کرتے رہیں گے۔

علامہ مشرقی ورچوئل میوزیم ، 02 فروری ، 2021


Allama Mashriqi’s father, Khan Ata Mohammad Khan, raised substantial funds for the Hejaz Railway
علامہ مشرقی کے والد خان عطا محمد خان نے حجاز ریلوے کے لئے خاطر خواہ فنڈ اکٹھا کیا
Allama Mashriqi’nin babası Khan Ata Mohammad Khan, Hicaz Demiryolu için önemli miktarda para topladı


Allama Mashriqi’s father, Khan Ata Mohammad Khan, raised substantial funds for the Hejaz Railway


1918ء میں یعنی آج سے کئی برس پہلے صوبہ سرحد کی ریاضی کی ایک علمی انجمن میں میں نے ایک معرکة الآرا تقریر کی تھی اور دلائل سے ثابت کیا تھا کہ دنیا کی موجودہ علمی ترقیاں جو پچھلے کئی ہزار برس میں ہوئیں اور جن کا نتیجہ موجودہ علم حساب اور علم طبیعات وغیرہ ہیں، بے حد ناقص اور نارسا اس لئے ہیں کہ ان سب کی بنیاد یونان کی مائی تھالوجی (علم الاوہام) کے منتہا یعنی نقطہ اور خط مستقیم اور دائرہ پر ہیں۔ حالانکہ نقطہ اور خط مستقیم اور دائرہ اگرچہ بادی النظر میں نہایت خوبصورت اور نصب العینی (آڈیو لوجیکل) وجود ہیں لیکن صحیفہ فطرت میں نہ نقطہ موجود ہے نہ دائرہ، نہ خطِ مستقیم، (جو دائرے کی ایک حالت ہے)۔ اسی مجلس میں جو حساب دانوں پر مشتمل تھی میں نے دعویٰ کیا تھا کہ چونکہ حساب کی بنیاد ان تین غیر فطری چیزوں پر ہوئی اور انہی تین چیزوں کو غلطی سے، اور یونانیوں کی خوشامد کر کے، نصب العین (یعنی آئیڈیل) تسلیم کر لیا گیا، نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ تمام علم حساب اور متعلّقہ علوم انہی تین چیزوں کے گردا گرد گھومتے رہے اور ان تین چیزوں کے چکّر سے نہ نکل سکے۔ ایسی غلطی کا المناک نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ ہم اقلیدس سے جیومیٹری اور جیومیٹری سے علم جرّ ثقیل (مکینکس) اور جرّ ثقیل سے مشینوں اور انجنوں کی خلّاقی کی طرف چلے گئے کیونکہ تمام مشینوں اور انجنوں کی بنیاد نقطہ، دائرہ اور خط مستقیم ہیں۔ اب انسان نے اگرچہ تھوڑی بہت خلّاقی ضرور کی ہے اور وہ بڑی عجیب و غریب مشینیں بنا سکتا ہے لیکن وہ مشینیں محض بے جان ہیں اور بیرونی طاقت کے ذریعے صرف گھومنا یا چلنا جانتی ہیں لیکن زندگی کا تمام راز بالکل نایافتہ پڑا ہے۔ بلکہ انسان نے اس مضمون کو قطعاً ہاتھ نہیں لگایا۔ اس مجلس میں میرے اس حیرت انگیز انکشاف سے بڑی سنسنی پھیل گئی اور اس کی آواز یورپ اور امریکہ تک پہنچی۔ 1926ء میں جب کہ میں موتمر خلافت میں مدعو ہوا، ڈاکٹر دورونوف اور پروفیسر آئن سٹین سے یورپ میں میری طویل ملاقاتیں اسی مسئلے پر ہوئیں اور انہوں نے میرے اس موقف کو بے حد سراہا اور کہا کہ ”اگر آپ اس مسئلے کو سنجیدہ طور پر دنیا میں پیش کریں تو ایک انقلاب عظیم برپا ہو سکتا ہے“ بلکہ ”دنیا آپ کو ایک بڑا محسن ماننے کے لئے تیار ہو سکتی ہے۔“ مجھے ان دو عظیم الشان پروفیسروں کی حوصلہ دہی سے بڑا اطمینان ہوا کیونکہ یہ خود اس مسئلے پر بڑے پریشان تھے کہ انسان باوجود اس کے کہ اس نے علم میں اس قدر ترقی کی ہے ابھی تک اس قابل نہیں ہو سکا کہ زندگی کے مسئلے کے متعلق معمولی معلومات بھی حاصل کر سکے۔ میں نے ان کو اصلی وجہ بتائی کہ دراصل ہم یونان کے پُجاری ہیں، صحیفہ فطرت اور خدا کے پجاری نہیں۔ اگر ہم خدا کے پجاری ہوتے تو ضرور اس وقت تک ہم خالق بھی بن جاتے۔ چونکہ اس وقت تک تذکرہ لکھا جا چکا تھا میں نے ان کو قرانی حقائق کئی نشستوں میں بیان کئے اور ان آیات کی طرف توجہ دلائی۔ ڈاکٹر ورونوف چونکہ وہ مشہور شخص ہے٭ جو بندروں کے غدود انسانوں کے خُصیوں میں لگا کربوڑھوں کو جوان کرتا تھا، وہ قران حکیم کی ان آیتوں کو دیکھ کر انتہائی طور پر سرگرم ہو گیا۔ اسی کے ذریعے اور پروفیسر آئن سٹائن کے ذریعے سے مجھے کئی اعزازی سوسائیٹیوں کا فیلو منتخب کیا گیا اور قریب تھا کہ میں بھی دنیا میں ایک علمی انقلاب برپا کروں۔ 1926ء کے بعد چونکہ مسلمانوں کے حالات ہندوستان میں بے حد خراب ہو گئے تھے اور کانگریس کے مقابلے میں کوئی جماعت مسلمانوں کی موجود نہ تھی اس لئے مجھے تذکرہ لکھنے کے بعد مسلمانوں کی قومی زندگی کی طرف رجوع کرنا پڑا اور یہ تمام انقلابی سلسلہ 1930ء میں میری ملازمت کے ختم ہونے کے بعد ختم ہو گیا۔ 1931ء میں انٹرنیشنل کانگریس آف اورینٹلسٹس٭ نے مجھے تذکرہ کی تصریحات کرنے کیلئے مدعو کیا لیکن چونکہ خاکسار تحریک شروع ہو چکی تھی میں نے دو بیڑیوں میں ٹانگ اڑانا مناسب نہ خیال کر کے علمی تلاش و تجسس کو یکدم خیرباد کہہ دیا!
اس کہانی سے مقصد یہ ہے کہ ابھی انسان خلّاقی کے ادنیٰ ترین مراحل بھی طے نہیں کر سکا۔ انسان کی تمام جستجو جو اس وقت تک صحیفہ فطرت کے سلسلے میں ہوئی ہے نہایت سطحی اور عارضی ہے اس تمام تفتیش کی بنیاد علم حساب اور اس سے متعلقہ علوم پر ہے جن کی اساس یونانی نقطہ، یونانی دائرہ اور یونانی خط مستقیم پر ہے۔ علم طب کی بنیاد بھی اسی لحاظ سے محض تجربہ پر ہے۔ اگر کوئی دوا بیمار کو دے کر فائدہ ہوتا ہے تو اس کو تسلیم کر لیا جاتا ہے۔ تشریح الابدان اور جرّاحی میں بھی صرف چیڑ پھاڑ اور تجربہ ہے حتی کہ چیرنے پھاڑنے والے اوزار بھی وہ ہیں جو فطرت میں موجود نہیں۔ اس تمام فطرت سے ہٹنے کا لازمی نتیجہ یہ ہے کہ ہم فطرت میں زندگی کے راز کو ابھی تک دریافت نہیں کر سکے یا ہماری دریافت کی حد صرف اس تک ہے کہ زیادہ سے زیادہ ایک بیجان یعنی صرف ایک گھومنے والی مشین بنا سکیں، لیکن اڑنے والی مکھی سے ہم کلیتہً بے خبر ہوں حتی کہ ہم کو یہ بھی علم نہ ہو کہ انسان یا حیوان کی پیدائش کا عنصر اوّل یعنی پروٹاپلزم جو ایک خورد بینی غرفہ (یعنی سیل) میں رہتا ہے، کیا شے ہے، اس کے اندر زندگی کیوں ہے، یہ زندگی کیونکر پیدا ہوتی ہے وغیرہ وغیرہ ۔ یہ بحث ایک بہت طویل اور انتہائی طور پر علمی بحث ہے اور اس کے کرنے کا یہ مقام نہیں لیکن یہ چند سطریں اس لئے یہاں پر لکھ دی گئی ہیں کہ قران حکیم کی آئیتوں پر جو اس بحث کے ضمن میں آرہی ہیں، مسلمان انتہائی غوروفکر کریں اور ان کو مشعل راہ بنا کر نئے علوم مستنبط کریں اور یونانیوں کے پجاری بننے کی بجائے خدا کے پجاری بنیں تاکہ اُن کو دنیا میں انتہائی سرفرازی حاصل ہو۔ اس سلسلے میں میں چاہتا ہوں کہ آنے والی مسلمان نسلوں کو حوصلہ دلانے کیلئے یہ اشارہ بھی دے جاؤں کہ خلاقی کے سلسلے میں بھی اور انسانی علوم کی طرح آنے والے مسلمان ہی پہل کریں گے کیونکہ قران حکیم میں ایک نہایت معنی خیز آیت خلاقی کے بارے میں موجود ہے۔ یہ وہ آیت ہے جو میں نے مذکورہ بالا دو پروفیسروں کو مسلمان بنانے کی ترغیب میں پیش کی تھی اور جس کو دیکھ کر وہ خوب سوچ میں پڑ گئے تھے:
یا ایھا الناس ضرب مثل فاستمعوالہط ان الذین تدعون من دون اللہ لن یخلقوا ذبابا ولواجتمعوا لہط وان یسلبھم الذباب شیئا لا یستنقذوہ منہط ضعف الطالب والمطلوبo ما قدرواللہ حق قدرہط ان اللہ لقوی عزیز﴿22/73﴾
(ترجمہ۔ اے لوگو! ایک مثال دی جاتی ہے غور سے سنو۔ تم جن انسانوں کو خدا سے قطع نظر کر کے پکارتے ہو وہ ہرگز مکھی نہ پیدا کر سکیں گے۔ خواہ سب کے سب اکٹھے بھی ہو جائیں اور اگر مکھی ان سے کوئی شے چھین لے تو اس سے لے نہیں سکیں گے۔ طالب اور مطلوب دونوں ہی کمزور ہیں۔ انہوں نے درحقیقت خدا کی عظمت کا اندازہ ہی نہیں لگایا بے شک خدا بڑا ہی قوت والا اور عظمت والا ہے) ۔
ان آیات میں مجھے خدائے عظیم کی طرف سے اشارہ معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ مسلمان بشرطیکہ اس نے خدا کی عظمت کا پورا اندازہ لگا لیا، ممکن ہے کہ خالق بھی بن سکے اور انشاءاللہ ضرور بن کر رہے گا۔
مجھے کچھ رنج نہیں کہ مَیں نے کیوں اپنی توجہ علمی مشاغل کی طرف سے ہٹا کر قوم کو دی اور زندگی کے بہترین حصے میں کیوں مسلمان کی طرف لگا رہا، یا کیوں تذکرہ لکھا جس کی قوم نے قدر نہ کی، بہر نوع میں کافی سے زیادہ مطمئن ہوں کہ میں نے اپنا فرض ادا کیا۔
﴿علامہ عنایت اللہ خان المشرقی﴾
از حدیث القرآن صفحہ 23تا26


Title: "Allama Mashriqi's Sons & Daughters: British India's Young Freedom Fighters" by Nasim Yousaf

Book on Allama Mashriqi’s Family Published in USA

One of Allama Mashriqi’s sons was killed, three were arrested, and the lives of his young daughters were threatened. This book profiles these unsung heroes of the Indian subcontinent’s independence.

Allama Mashriqi’s Sons & Daughters: British India’s Young Freedom Fighters, author Nasim Yousaf’s (Allama Mashriqi’s grandson) sixteenth book, has been published in the United States of America. The book profiles the stories of Allama Mashriqi’s sons and daughters, who fought for the freedom of the Indian sub-continent (now Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh). Like Mashriqi, these individuals made great sacrifices for the nation in order to end the British Raj.

The newly published book is a compelling read that sheds light on these heroes. The book is bound to draw considerable interest not only from researchers, students, and academics of South Asian studies, but also any individual interested in the history of the Indian sub-continent. The book is available in both print (hardcover) and electronic formats (accessible globally via Kindle, phone, and other devices).

Book Description (from back cover):

Allama Mashriqi led the freedom movement of the Indian sub-continent (now comprised of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan) and liberated his people from British rule in 1947. Mashriqi was a force to be reckoned with, which is evidenced by the Government’s aggressive efforts to try and stop him; during the independence struggle, Mashriqi was arrested at least six times, his movements were restricted at least twice, his organization (including Al-Islah journal) was banned, and his followers were killed. Furthermore, he endured physical attacks, harassments and threats. And perhaps worst of all, Mashriqi’s sons were arrested and one was “murdered in cold blood” and became a martyr (over 50,000 people attended his funeral). Meanwhile, his daughters and wives faced death threats from those seeking to damage Mashriqi.

Indeed, Mashriqi’s family was incredibly devoted to him and also made deep sacrifices for the cause. Following in the footsteps of their father, Mashriqi’s sons and daughters were on the front lines in the fight for independence. This work, by a grandson of Mashriqi, focuses on Mashriqi’s children’s personal lives, their fight for freedom, and their sacrifices for the cause. The book contains articles on Mashriqi’s sons and daughters from his first wife (Wilayat Begum): Hameedah Begum (daughter), Ikramullah Khan Anwar (son), Mehmudah Begum (daughter), Ehsanullah Khan Aslam (martyred son), Masuda Yousaf (daughter), Inamullah Khan Akram (son), and Inayatullah Khan Asghar (son). The work also includes additional memoirs on Wilayat Begum and Professor Meraj-ud-Din (Mashriqi’s father-in-law).

About the Author:

Mr. Nasim Yousaf, a grandson of Allama Mashriqi, has spent a considerable portion of his adult life engaged in academic research on Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksar Tehrik. His work has led him to some of the most prestigious research libraries in the US, U.K., and Canada. Mr. Yousaf’s research has been painstaking, as material on Mashriqi and the Khaksar Tehrik was not readily available, scattered or improperly catalogued. Many of the files related to the Movement have still not been declassified by the Governments of Pakistan, India and the United Kingdom.

Mr. Yousaf’s published works have brought fresh perspective and made important contributions to the South Asian historical record. His books can be found in world-renowned academic/research libraries in five continents (Australia, Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America). His works have also been published in peer-reviewed publications as well as newspapers in various countries. And they have also been exhibited in famous book fairs in New York, San Francisco, London, and Frankfurt. Through his works, the author has introduced notable South Asian legends (Allama Mashriqi, Dr. Akhter Hameed Khan, and Air Commodore Mohammad Zafar Masud) to the Western world. As a result of his efforts, Mr. Yousaf has a large following on social media of individuals seeking information about his works on these legendary figures.


Publisher: AMZ Publications (January 2, 2017)
Pages: 142
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0982611072
ISBN-13: 978-0982611074
Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.5 x 8.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 11.2 ounces

Hard cover is available on Amazon at the following link:’s+Sons+%26+Daughters%3A+British+India’s+Young+Freedom+Fighters

Kindle version is available at Amazon on the following link:’s+Sons+%26+Daughters%3A+British+India’s+Young+Freedom+Fighters


Martyrs’ Day is observed on March 19th to pay homage to the Khaksars who were injured or sacrificed their lives to free Muslims and non-Muslims from British rule. March 19, 1940 was a black day in the history of the Indian subcontinent and cannot be forgotten. On this day, police opened fire and m...

Khaksar Resolution [قارداد خاکسار ]Not Cited at Minar-e-PakistanThe Khaksar Resolution (given below) was passed unanimou...

Khaksar Resolution [قارداد خاکسار ]Not Cited at Minar-e-Pakistan
The Khaksar Resolution (given below) was passed unanimously on the same night that the Pakistan Resolution [ قرارداد پاکستان ] was passed (March 24, 1940). The said Resolution is not cited at the Minar-e-Pakistan (Lahore), which shows the way Pakistan’s history is being presented.
“This Session of the All India Muslim League places on record its deep sense of sorrow at the unfortunate and tragic occurrence on the 19th March, 1940, owing to a clash between the Khaksars and the Police resulting in the loss of a large number of lives and injuries to many more and sincerely sympathizes with those who have suffered and with their families and dependents. This Session calls upon the Government to forthwith appoint an independent and impartial committee of inquiry, the personnel of which would command perfect confidence of the people with instructions to them to make full and complete investigation and inquiry in the whole affairs and make their report as soon as possible.
This Session authorizes the Working Committee to take such actions in the matter as they may consider proper immediately after the publication of the report of the Committee.
This Session urges upon the various governments that the order declaring the Khaksar organisation unlawful should be removed as soon as possible.”
For further information, read the following book:
"Hidden Facts Behind British India's Freedom: A Scholarly Look Into Allama Mashraqi and Quaid-E-Azam's Political Conflict" by Allama Mashriqi's grandson, Nasim Yousaf


Muslim Mirror is independent online news media platform, articulating the concerns and hope of voiceless minorities and disadvantaged groups in India.

On December 12, 1942, Allama Mashriqi sent a telegram to Sir Sultan Ahmad (Member of Viceroy’s Executive Council, 1941-4...

On December 12, 1942, Allama Mashriqi sent a telegram to Sir Sultan Ahmad (Member of Viceroy’s Executive Council, 1941-43), who was acting as a mediator. Mashriqi stated that if the ban on him was not removed before the forthcoming Christmas, “he would start for Lahore on his own and if interfered with he would resist till death.”

On December 12, 1942, Allama Mashriqi sent a telegram to Sir Sultan Ahmad (Member of Viceroy’s Executive Council, 1941-43), who was acting as a mediator. Mashriqi stated that if the ban on him was not removed before the forthcoming Christmas, “he would start for Lahore on his own and if interfered with he would resist till death.”
A Brief Introduction to the Khaksar Tehrik
By Nasim Yousaf

The Khaksar Tehrik, based in Lahore, Pakistan, was established by Allama Mashriqi in 1930, keeping in mind the plight and poor condition of the masses in India. The Tehrik was created to free India from foreign rule, to uplift the masses, and to revive the lost glory of the Muslims, who had previously ruled India for almost one thousand years. Although Mashriqi firmly believed that the right to rule India belonged to the Muslims, at the same time, he wanted to create an environment of fairness, justice, and equal rights for non-Muslims as well. For this reason, non-Muslims were allowed to join the Tehrik and the Tehrik was kept free of prejudice against any people, regardless of caste, color, creed, or religion.

The Khaksar Tehrik itself was a very well organized movement comprised of dedicated and selfless people. The movement worked under a charter that everyone was to follow, with no exceptions. The charter ensured fairness to all; even Allama Mashriqi, founder and leader of the Tehrik, was held accountable for his actions. The Tehrik was also kept free of any membership fee. All Khaksars were required to bear their own expenses and devote time to the cause. This helped to develop the spirit of self-reliance and encouraged the Khaksars to spend their own money and time for the national cause.

Khaki Attire and Spade:

The Khaksars all wore the same khaki attire with the word "Akhuwat" (brotherhood) written on the sleeve of their shirts. In their hands, they carried a belcha (spade). There was a very specific reason for their choice of attire. The Khaki color of their clothing was chosen because it is closest to the color of the Earth. Also, Khaksar means "a humble person." The spade represents humility, which is a part of every Khaksar. In the same way that a spade is used to level the ground, the Khaksars used it as a symbol of the "leveling" of society. Most importantly, the Khaki attire and spade helped to remove the barrier between the rich and the poor. This dress code was created to bring equality among all the people regardless of their economic or social background.

Some Functions of the Khaksar Tehrik:

1-Reform the nation by laying emphasis on character building.

2- Remove sectarianism and prejudices and bring brotherhood and unity to the people.

3- Impart the spirit of sacrifice for the national cause.

4- Make community service an integral part of every Khaksar. Every Khaksar was required to perform community service for Muslims as well as non-Muslims. The community service included helping the poor, elderly, sick, needy, etc. Khaksars were also required to help keep their respective neighborhoods clean. In the event of a national calamity or disaster, Khaksars were required to render all services to help the affected people. Social service created brotherhood and a spirit of nation building among the Khaksars and set an example for others to follow. The gathering of Khaksars every evening brought them together and gave them a sense of achievement and pride because they were performing a collective duty towards the national cause.

5- Remove distinction between the rich and the poor. Every Khaksar was required to wear Khaki clothes in order to bring equality and a sense of belonging to the Tehrik.

6- Impart discipline in every Khaksar.

7- Impart soldierly and disciplined training in order to ensure the physical and mental health

8- Produce leaders. To achieve this, a system of ranks was introduced to the Tehrik.

9- Achieve freedom.

10- Finally, bring peace and unite humanity by creating love among the people.
Mashriqi worked tirelessly to achieve the goals that he had set forth for the Khaksar Tehrik. The noble ideals of the Tehrik combined with Mashriqi’s passionate speeches and writings soon attracted large numbers of people, predominantly Muslims. These people came from all walks of life and from every part of the Indian sub-continent. By the late 1930s, the Movement was at its peak and had not only spread to every corner of India, but had established offices in other countries as well. Mashriqi’s followers, supporters, and sympathizers were now well into the millions.

Growth of the Khaksar Tehrik Under Mashriqi’s Leadership:

The Khaksar Tehrik grew by leaps and bounds in India under the leadership of Allama Mashriqi. He was not only a genius but an exceptional visionary and one of the most talented and selfless people the world had ever seen. Allama Mashriqi's sincerity, devotion, and outstanding organizational skills helped the Khaksar Tehrik spread to every corner of the Indian sub-continent.

The Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution) and the Massacre of the Khaksars on March 19, 1940:

By the late 1930s, the Khaksar Tehrik had become the most organized movement in the history of India. The Khaksars’ tremendous popularity became a threat to the Government of India and other opponents. As such the Government decided to eliminate the Khaksar Movement. The Punjab Premier, Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan, supported the Central Government and started imposing restrictions on Khaksar activities.

In the early months of 1940, Mashriqi went to Delhi in order to ask the Viceroy of India to remove the restrictions on the Khaksar activities. During his stay in Delhi, Mashriqi also held meetings with Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) and other Muslim leaders. Mashriqi asked Quaid-e-Azam and the other Muslim leaders to use their influence on the Punjab Premier to remove the restrictions. However, the restrictions remained in place.

While Mashriqi was making these efforts in Delhi, a Khaksar took the initiative to form a jaish (contingent) of 313 Khaksars (on March 19, 1940). The jaish began marching towards the Shahi Masjid (Mosque) in Lahore to offer prayers. Although the Khaksars were marching peacefully, the police intercepted them and asked them to halt their parade. However, the Khaksars kept on marching, ignoring the police who were standing in their way. A senior police officer could not tolerate the defiance of his order and slapped the Salar of the Khaksars. The situation quickly deteriorated. The police, mounted on horses, tried to run over and through the Khaksars. The determined Khaksars remained steadfast and the police resorted to lathi charge and then open-fired ruthlessly on the Khaksars. Many of the Khaksars were brutally killed (Shaheed) or injured. The indiscriminate firing was no less than the notorious massacre at Amritsar by General Dyer on April 13, 1919.

The massacre of the Khaksars on March 19 was not only a tragedy for Lahore, but for the entire nation. An official report stated that 32 people died on that fateful day (Source: The Tribune, April 16, 1940). However, K.L. Gauba (Member Legislative Assembly) wrote in his book Friends and Foes that “According to eye witnesses the dead were more than 200” (Source: Friends and Foes by K.L. Gauba, page 204, Publisher: Indian Book Company [New Delhi, India]).

In order to control the situation in Lahore, the military was convened. After the bloody clash, the city of Lahore was essentially under emergency laws; the news media was censored and processions, public speeches, and gatherings were banned. The Khaksars who were killed were not to be addressed as martyrs or heroes in the public media. Any news about the Khaksar incident had to be approved by the Government before it was published. Only the Government’s version of the story was to appear in the news media. Allama Mashriqi was arrested along with thousands of prominent Khaksars. His phone was disconnected and the Khaksar Movement was banned. Mashriqi’s bank account was seized and his property was confiscated. The Khaksar Tehrik’s headquarters (in Lahore) were raided.

During the raid, many Khaksars were arrested, literature and other materials were confiscated, and Mashriqi’s son, Ehsan Ullah Khan Aslam, was hurt by the police when they hit him with a tear gas gr***de. Ehsan Ullah Khan Aslam later died because of the head injury he received from the gr***de. At the time of Ehsan Ullah Khan Aslam’s death, Mashriqi was in jail and was not allowed to attend his funeral (Mashriqi wrote a poem in memory of his son in his book Hareem-e-Ghaib).

Quaid-e-Azam’s Statement after the Massacre on March 19, 1940:

Upon hearing of the news of the killing of the innocent Khaksars, Quaid-e-Azam issued the following statement (on March 20, 1940):

"I am deeply grieved to hear the tragic account of the incident in Lahore last evening regarding the clash between the Police and the Khaksars resulting in terrible loss of life and injury on both the sides. I hope the Khaksars will carry out the instructions issued by their leader, Mr. Inayatullah Mashriqi, published in the newspapers of this morning. As one who has always been so kindly treated by the Khaksars, I appeal to them most earnestly to keep peace and not precipitate matters by defying law and order. It is difficult to say anything till I am in possession of full facts of the situation." Source: The Tribune, Lahore March 21, 1940

The Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution) and the Khaksar resolution:
It is important to note that after the massacre of the Khaksars, the All India Muslim League did not postpone its 27th Annual Session at Minto Park, Lahore. The historic Session started on March 22, 1940 and ended on March 24, 1940.

On March 24,1940, the Pakistan Resolution was passed by the Muslim League. On the same day and at the same Session, Quaid-e-Azam presented a resolution on the Khaksar massacre. This Khaksar resolution, which was unanimously passed with loud cheers, reads as follows:

"This Session of the All India Muslim League places on record its deep sense of sorrow at the unfortunate and tragic occurrence on the 19th of March, 1940, owing to a clash between the Khaksars and the police, resulting in the loss of a large number of lives and injuries to many more, and sincerely sympathizes with those who suffered and with their families and dependents.

This Session calls upon the Government forthwith to appoint an independent and impartial committee of inquiry, the personnel of which would command the perfect confidence of the people, with instructions to them to make full and complete investigation and inquiry in the whole affair, and make their report as soon as possible.

This Session authorizes the Working Committee to take such actions in the matter as they may consider proper immediately after publication of the report of the Committee. This Session urges upon the various Governments that the order declaring the Khaksar Organization unlawful should be removed as soon as possible."

Important Note on the Date of the Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution):
It is important to note that the Pakistan Resolution was not passed on March 23, 1940, as is the common misconception. In fact, it was actually passed on March 24, 1940.

Tragedy Unites the Muslims:

Unfortunately the historic Khaksar resolution is mostly unknown to the public because it does not appear in the supplements published by the media each year on March 23. The history of Pakistan is incomplete without discussing the tragedy of March 19, 1940 and the Muslim League's Khaksar resolution, which was passed on the same day as the Pakistan Resolution (Lahore Resolution). History is witness to the fact that behind every freedom movement lies the blood and sacred lives of martyrs. The massacre of the Khaksars became a turning point in the struggle for the independence of Pakistan. Indeed, the foundation of independence was actually laid with the killing of the innocent Khaksars on March 19, 1940. The significance of the Session of the Muslim League in Lahore, which took place only three days after the massacre, was greatly enhanced as a result of the killings of the Khaksars. No Muslim could ignore the incident at that time and the tremendous sympathy and support for the Khaksars was seen at the Session. The crowd at the Session chanted slogans in favor of the Khaksars and denounced the Premier of the Punjab. Various newspapers, including The Hindustan Times (which was in fact an anti-Khaksar newspaper), wrote that during the Session, slogans of "Khaksars Zindabad" were raised and the meeting was "frequently punctuated with Khaksar slogans." Source: The Hindustan Times, March 25,1940

Thus, the massacre of the Khaksars helped unite the Muslims under the Muslim League while Mashriqi and thousands of the Khaksars were in jail and the Khaksar Tehrik was banned. Within seven years of the massacre of the Khaksars, the Muslims of the Indian sub-continent had an independent homeland. The British divided the sub-continent into Pakistan and India and so, two separate homelands, one for the Muslims and the other for the Hindus, came into existence.

The Unforgettable Contributions of Mashriqi and the Khaksars to the Creation of Pakistan:

After the massacre, Allama Mashriqi, who had began the movement to remove the nation from the shackles of foreign rule, was kept in jail for almost two years without a trial. Thousands of Khaksars were sentenced to anywhere from six months to life imprisonment. While Mashriqi was in jail, he was told that if he didn’t disband the Khaksar Tehrik, he wouldn’t be released. But Allama replied that the Movement was not his personal property and refused to succumb to any pressure. Requests made by other political leaders and public outcries for his release were ignored by the government. Mashriqi wrote a letter from jail to Dr. Rafiq Ahmed Khan of Aligarh Muslim University. In his letter he stated, "My last days are nearing. It will be alright if I receive a reply and I am released. Otherwise I am going to die…I am not going to change my decision nor do I repent for it. I am happy because I am going to lay down my life..." At the conclusion of his letter, Mashriqi stated, "Again gird up your loins. Do not let my face be blackened. Save the honour of Islam…"

Ultimately, Mashriqi had to fast to the point of death in order to obtain his release. The Government of India at the time kept Mashriqi’s fasting a secret. However, the news was leaked out and Mashriqi’s release became inevitable. Finally, on February 18, 1942, he was released, but his movements were still kept restricted to Madras. When Mashriqi emerged from jail, he was a skeleton and would have surely died if his release had been delayed any further.
After his release from jail, Mashriqi resumed his activities for the freedom of India, despite the fact that his movements were restricted to Madras. The restriction on his movements and the ban on the Khaksar Tehrik was ultimately removed in December, 1942 and Mashriqi finally arrived in Lahore as a free man in January, 1943. He was given a rousing welcome upon his arrival. He continued his services for freedom and remained dedicated to the cause of uplifting the nation until his death. Everything he said and did was what he thought was right for the nation.

The Khaksar Tehrik and Allama Mashriqi’s services to the cause of freedom are unforgettable. Their sacrifices, struggle, and efforts for independence served an integral part in the appearance of Pakistan on the world map on August 14, 1947. It is unfortunate that the Muslim League that came to power after independence completely denied the Khaksars’ contribution and their struggle towards freedom and took full credit for the creation of Pakistan. The nation must not be kept ignorant of the atrocities that Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksars faced during their struggle and their efforts in mobilizing the nation to rise for freedom. A great injustice to the Khaksars has been done in the history books of Pakistan. It is the duty of the Government of Pakistan to let the nation know about the suffering and contributions of Mashriqi and the Khaksars. Mashriqi was the only prominent Muslim political leader to suffer so greatly at the hands of the rulers. All Mashriqi ever wanted was to rebuild the nation and lead the people to freedom.

The Public Media:

Pakistan’s media, particularly radio and television, has never made a serious effort to convey to the public the contributions of Mashriqi and the Khaksar Tehrik towards the creation of Pakistan. The media has even covered those that looted the country and emptied its exchequer, yet they have failed to let the nation know of the services of noble patriots and heroes such as Allama Mashriqi and the Khaksars. Radio and Television have not conducted any significant programs on the life and times of Mashriqi and his Movement.

Historians and Research Institutes:

It is sad and disheartening that historians are not adequately covering the role that Mashriqi and the Khaksars played. Non-Khaksar historians have done a great injustice to the nation by not highlighting the positive role played by Mashriqi and the Khaksars in Pakistan’s history. While some historians have ignored the crux of the Khaksar Tehrik, many others have even distorted their role and have only given credit to the Muslim League in the creation of Pakistan. Thus, they have wiped out the role of Mashriqi and the Khaksars in Pakistan’s freedom movement.

Government-owned historical research institutes have not collected enough material (from various sources within and outside the country) on the Khaksar Tehrik. It is the duty of such institutions to collect these materials and make them accessible to the public. Furthermore, no research academy or institute has been formed to conduct independent research on Mashriqi and the Khaksar Tehrik. It is suggested to those who are in control in the Government of Pakistan that they make public Mashriqi’s services to the nation. This is not only their moral obligation, but also their national duty. The following steps need to be taken forthwith:

1- A research academy should be formed to conduct complete research on Mashriqi and his Khaksar Movement.
2- Mashriqi’s books and speeches need to be translated into English and other languages.
3- A library exclusively for Khaksar literature should be formed.
4- All Khaksar materials should be collected from the public, government departments, the India Office (U.K.), and historical resources in India.
5- Mashriqi and the Khaksars’ role should be made a part of the educational curriculum at all levels.
6- An official and unbiased biography on Mashriqi should be published depicting his purpose of establishing the Khaksar Tehrik (Movement)
7- Ichhra, where Mashriqi started his movement in 1930, should be renamed after him and a monument should be built at his grave.
8- University should be named after Allama Mashriqi.
9- A monument should be erected in Lahore at the site of the massacre of March 19, 1940.
10- March 19 should be declared “Martyrs Day” and special seminars should be held in major cities in remembrance of those Khaksars that laid their lives on that day.
11- Roads should be named after Mashriqi and the Khaksars that were killed.
12- Official seminars on the Life and Times of Allama Mashriqi should be held on annual basis.
13- National media should be directed to broadcast/publish special programs on Mashriqi.
14- A film and television program should be made on Allama Mashriqi and The Khaksar Movement.
15- A national holiday should be observed on Mashriqi’s birth or death anniversary.
It is very unfortunate that there are those with vested interests who want the nation to forget the contributions of Mashriqi and the Khaksars. We must remember that a nation that forgets its history is one that loses its foundation and direction.

Visit the following links to read works of respected Allama Mashriqi's grandson, Nasim Yousaf (Scholar & Historian):











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