Glasnost is an independent student newspaper operating out of National Law University Delhi, that has been undertaken for the purpose of providing a platform for news, content and updates relevant to the campus and its residents. We have opinions on everything ranging from from Israel’s foreign policy to the latest change in our Mess Menu. It is our belief that these opinions ought to have a platf
orm for responsible expression, a forum which helps us broaden our thinking and horizons on a variety of relevant issues. Moreover, we allow this lack of space for expression to give rise to less civilized forms of debate and exchange of opinion, which add little or nothing to any kind of campus-wide consensus or understanding on any issue. Glasnost is your platform to constructively engage with such issues, ask the right questions and be the socially relevant lawyer we all set out to be. Glasnost was born out of necessity. Despite being one of the youngest law schools, NLUD is certainly one of the most active. There are so many things happening every day that law students seem to be the perfect target customers for Adderral. Glasnost will keep you updated on everything interesting. You’ll know who won the debate at Stephen's and who scored that deciding goal in yesterday’s match. You’ll read about what is the best place to order Kebabs from and about the quirky new professor joining this semester. What’s with the name, you might ask. Glasnost (Russian) literally translates to transparency and openness. It is largely associated with Gorbachev’s policy of increased transparency in the working of the government and was credited for lowering the Iron Curtain. So when it was suggested as a name for our newspaper, we really couldn't agree more.