We want to achieve intercultural mélange, first and foremost literary, that is: we will pose a series of questions on the pages of Hourglass Literary Magazine, such as: what are poetics and formal solutions and (pre)dominant themes of authors who write in English, that is languages of the region (BCMS)?! What remained of post-modernism, textual acrobatics and semantic gymnastics (John Barth, Rober
t Coover, Ronald Sukenick etc.)? “Return to tradition”? How “Beat” generation echoes in works of contemporary writers? From Borges, through the novel and the emergence of the novel In Cold Blood by Truman Capote to Danilo Kis – interpolation? What do we write about when we write about love? Giving names to any of our activities holds little appeal to us; however, some common denominators seem to be necessary:
All differences, primarily: religious, cultural, linguistic, etc., and this word differences should not be taken lightly, for us they’re no obstacles; what more! For us, as we have said, these differences are actually one of the reasons why Hourglass Literary Magazine even exists. Variety is the soul of our magazine, and in a broader sense, of all art. We seek to encourage understanding and tolerance through art. Hourglass Literary Magazine is an independent literary space and as such has zero tolerance for hatred, notably: any kind of national, religious, racial or gender hatred; at the same time we do not tolerate:
a) Anti-Semitism;
b) Denial of the Holocaust;
c) Neo-Stalinism;
d) Anti-feminism;
e) Anti-LGBT movements;
f) The list of so-called “hatred” (or “hated!”) groups, organizations and “activists/activities” – unfortunately the list is infinite and cannot be completed here. TOWARD POLYPHONY OF [OUR] VOICES!