Nyirol Daily Hot News 24

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Nyirol Daily Hot News 24 We strive for change.

To the residents of Akobo County,Our kid       from Akobo, who happened to become ill in Juba while his family was away,...

To the residents of Akobo County,

Our kid from Akobo, who happened to become ill in Juba while his family was away, was spared death because to the humanitarian efforts of a very modest guy from Nyirol County named *i .

After taking him to the clinic, Mr. Bhan began treating our brother, who had an unidentified ailment brought on by a bug/insects bite. Please get in touch with Bhan John Jok G*i Bipal at +211980365674 if you know where his family members are.

Nyirol Daily Hot News 24 is appealing on the Lou Nuer youth leadership and Lou Nuer community in Juba to intervene and reinforce Mr. Bhan, as we all know the South Sudan economic situation is hard. The NDHN places the blame on Mr. Walgak Chuol, who abandoned the suffering brother on the streets while he was defenseless after having initially discovered him.

Mr. Walgak Chuol Bel, we have heard that you consistently run for Akobo County commissioner. If you are unable to save the helpless or dying, how are you going to care for the people? Nevertheless, you ought to have transported him home, and we really appreciate you bringing it to people's notice.

Please take this seriously; Changkuoth's life is 100 times more important than the celebration you are planning. We are calling on Mr. Wal Makuach Wiu, the youth chairperson for the . In order to preserve Changkuoth's life, we must see improvements made to a reputable hospital using the .

We must act sooner than we think. Would someone please to also call Mr. , the Akobo county commissioner?

Peace agreement between Bang Kach Bithuok and  Nyirol Daily Hot News 24 is ongoing, stay tuned for updates and the resul...

Peace agreement between Bang Kach Bithuok and Nyirol Daily Hot News 24 is ongoing, stay tuned for updates and the results


The man of "goth mään" called Gatwech Pajing Kuoth from Gaajaak wants to come with four legs to Nyirol County. He always talks against the citizens of Nyirol County at SH**HA.
Let him go back to larɛ, otherwise he will shut up his fu**en mouth, orWe deal with you.



All the foreigners in South Sudan didn't spent the quarter of their money in the (country) South Sudan. They're just investing and go spend their money in their countries. I have learned that from the most Kenyan, Ugandan, Eritrean, Egyptian, Indian and Ethiopian, they don't eat the South Sudanese foods neither drinks the South Sudanese local wines nor purchase the local products, all the South Sudanese local products are useless to them.

How do you think that their investment is mutually benefiting us (South Sudanese)?

For some people who may think that they creates (an) employment opportunities. They (foreigners) don't employed the South Sudanese in their hotels, restaurants, bars, clinics and pharmacies. They employed their own people, they don't trust us. Some though that we are poor in the properties management, fools, incompetent and negligence.

I had boarded the Car with the Kenyan passenger from Bor to Juba two weeks ago, the guy was the waiters of the one of the most expensive Hotel in Juba, we had a conversation, he told me that the South Sudanese are not good in an investments (actually in everything). He said that we (the South Sudanese) have a very fertile (productive) land yet we imports the food from the neighboring mountainous countries which expected the food from (us) South Sudan. Additionally, he said that I am (he is) so uncomfortable with the exploitation of the one (oil) natural resource as the mean of national income generators. The guy was so acquainted with the South Sudan economy condition. He told me everything frankly.

The days I had spent in Juba, I become aware that the neighboring investors are just exploiting our country's resources. The South Sudan economy is carrying it own cross to the graveyard (great depression). The inflation, devaluation and depression are seriously the main negatives impacts to the South Sudan economy.

~Thok Gatkuoth Yiet (MBA )


Names of South Sudanese ladies and their prices , ok let's go 😹😹👋💔

1. Nyapouch 12,000$
2.Viviana 6,000$

3. Josephina 50$
5.christina 30$
6. Abuk 20$
7. Nyadeng 5$
8. Julia 150,000$
9.Amou 50,000$
10, Stella 1$
11.Grace 20$
12.Viola 30,000$
13.Sarafina 0.1$
14 Rina 20,000$
15, rejoice 45,000$
16. Achol 5$
17. Nyamijwok 20$
18. Nyabach 1$
19. Esther 60,000$
20. Mimi -100$ (we want money from her)
21. Nyamojwok $(gali not wanted lahano suk taw ma mashi)
22. Diana 12,000$
24.mary 5$
25. Silvana 1$
26. Hellen 90,000$
27.sarah -1$ (take her to Gumbo Sharikat, we were chased by the traders in Dubai after revealing that name)
28. Emmanuela 0$ free Agent
29. Maljwok 12,000$
30.Dalia 0$ free Agent
31.Gloria 300,000$

This is y'all values in international market right now, so check out your name 💔😹😹👋

Breaking news!!The commissioner of Ayoda County and prophet Makuach fell out yesterday evening and fought over the leade...

Breaking news!!

The commissioner of Ayoda County and prophet Makuach fell out yesterday evening and fought over the leadership of Ayod County; things are not properly arranged, like other commissioners claimed a Ayod County resident chose not to be named.

NDHN24 is yet to reach out to both sites for more updates about the causalities involved during the fighting.


Agreements between NDHN and International Radio of American was successful today to share the news is the Leader of Agreement

Happy Weekend to you Brown Bol Guandong

Happy Weekend to you Brown Bol Guandong


Top 11 best English speaking countries in Africa

1. Uganda
2. Zimbabwe
3. South Africa
4. Ghana
5. South Sudan
6. Zambia
7. Botswana
8. Malawi
9. Tanzania
10. Nigeria
11. Kenya

South Sudan would’ve been number one if not because of Warrap and Lakes State people


More news are loading in the evening time be online


Whose mother is this yajaamana?

This is thinking capacity of Tom Jock Diew.The laziest man of Akoba who was dismissed from college for his under perform...

This is thinking capacity of Tom Jock Diew.
The laziest man of Akoba who was dismissed from college for his under performance.

Can I increase the story 😂😂


Muon ci liel pieny ka Akoba generation for change 😆😆😆.

We want to get rid of nonsense 🙈🙈

This man has betrayed a lot of Nyirol youths and looted a lot of resources on their behalf from save the childrenMay his...

This man has betrayed a lot of Nyirol youths and looted a lot of resources on their behalf from save the children

May his marriage end in tears 🤔

A very angry young man commented like this under one of our posts where we posted this couple. NDHN24 still didn’t figure out what may have motivated such a comment from this young man.

Guess the church from the picture.

Guess the church from the picture.

JOHN KUETH BELIU & NYAWAL CHUOL PIAK Joyfully invite you to join thier wedding celebration January /13 /2024At 10:30 am ...


Joyfully invite you to join thier wedding celebration
January /13 /2024
At 10:30 am till 2:45pm
Reception:Jebel Lodge 3:o'clock in the evening


Subject: Urgent medical need of Changkuoth Biliew Thijock in Juba

From: Walgak Chuol Bel
Date: 10 January 2024

Dear AYA and LNYAD,I am writing to inform you about the critical condition of Changkuoth Biliew Thijock, a Lou Nuer youth from Akobo County, who is currently in Juba and needs immediate medical attention and assistance.Changkuoth came to Juba with some Lou Nuer youth who visited Murle land for peace and reconciliation purposes.

He was planning to return to Akobo, but he decided to look for a manual job in Juba to earn some money.

Unfortunately, he was bitten by a poisonous insect while working and his health deteriorated rapidly.

He is now lying on a sickbed in front of the Nilepet new building headquarters, which is located east of Freedom Hall.

He has no access to proper medical care or any support from his relatives or friends.I met Changkuoth by chance when I passed by that road and he called me, recognizing me as a Nuer man.

I went to him and listened to his story and his plea for help. He asked me to inform his beloved community, the Lou Nuer Community in Juba and Akobo, about his situation and to appeal to the Lou Nuer leaders working in the national government and the general public to rescue him from his misery.I am writing this report to you as the son of the Akobo and the Lou Nuer to request your urgent intervention and assistance for Changkuoth.

He is in a life-threatening condition and he needs to be taken to a hospital as soon as possible.

He also needs some financial aid to cover his medical expenses and his transportation to Akobo, where he can reunite with his family and community.I am willing to accompany anyone who wants to extend a helping hand to Changkuoth and to facilitate his access to medical care and transportation.

You can contact me on my phone number: +211918826443.I hope you will respond to this report promptly and positively and take the necessary actions to save Changkuoth's life and dignity

Pagaw Chuol Baal

Subject: Urgent Appeal to Rescue the People of Nyirol CountyYour Excellency, President Salva Kiir Mayardit,We hope this ...

Subject: Urgent Appeal to Rescue the People of Nyirol County

Your Excellency, President Salva Kiir Mayardit,

We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. We write to you today on behalf of the Nyirol Youth Association for Development, with a deep sense of concern and urgency regarding the current situation in Nyirol County. The community is in desperate need of your intervention to rescue them from the dire consequences of the current commissioner’s actions.

The people of Nyirol County have become increasingly frustrated with the commissioner due to a series of alarming incidents. Firstly, he has misused the funds contributed by the community for essential projects such as the clearance and leveling of the Chuil-land road, the survey of the county headquarters, and the relocation of the airstrip. The community had contributed approximately $35,000, and an additional $15,000 was contributed by the governor of Jonglei State, Hon. Denay Jok Chagor. However, the whereabouts of these funds remain unknown, and the community is left without any answers.

Furthermore, the commissioner has also diverted a sum of 2 million SSP from the MTN company to his personal account, which was intended as a business share for the $25,000 contribution made by the community during the installation of the MTN network in La Kien in 2020. This diversion of funds has caused immense distress and disillusionment among the citizens.

Your Excellency, the situation has escalated to the point where the community’s frustration erupted in an attack on the commissioner’s compound in June 2023. The individuals involved in the attack are still awaiting payment for services rendered, and if their grievances continue to be ignored, another violent incident is likely to occur. The safety and well-being of the community are at stake.

Additionally, the commissioner’s actions have caused severe divisions within the community. One incident involved the commissioner’s security personnel threatening pilots at gunpoint, who were transporting the body, burial materials, and delegates, including SSPDF spokesperson Gen. L*l Ruai Kong. This unnecessary aggression has further exacerbated tensions and led to a breakdown of trust.

Moreover, under the current commissioner’s leadership, Nyirol County has experienced a significant rise in insecurity. The number of deaths resulting from internal conflicts and the neighboring Pibor Administrative Area has reached a staggering 437 during his four-year tenure. The exorbitant air ticket fares imposed by the commissioner, with a ticket from Nyirol County to Juba costing $250, have further burdened the community. The additional $50 clearance fee and the $10,000 SSP charges as national security services fees have created an unfair financial burden on the people of Nyirol County. We question the justification for these fees and whether they are applied uniformly across the country.

Most alarmingly, unknown gunmen have now reached Nyirol County, as evidenced by the recent killing of a man in Thol Payam, Langken, the county headquarters, on January 8, 2024. The lives of the people of Nyirol County are at great risk under the leadership of Mr. Bol Makuey. It is imperative that immediate action be taken to address this urgent security threat.

Your Excellency, we implore you to intervene and rescue the people of Nyirol County from the clutches of an incompetent leader. The community is in dire need of someone who can provide security, uphold their duties, and unite the great community of Baal.

We understand the complexities of governance and the challenges you face in addressing issues across the country. However, we believe that the well-being and safety of the people should always be the utmost priority. We humbly request that you relieve the current commissioner of his duties before any further harm befalls the community.

The Nyirol Youth Association for Development stands ready to support and collaborate with your administration in finding a suitable replacement who can lead with integrity, ensure transparency, and prioritize the well-being of the people. We trust in your wisdom and leadership to bring about positive change for the people of Nyirol County.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. We eagerly await your swift action to rescue our community from the current predicament.


NYAD’s chairperson

Nyirol Youth Association for Development

NDHN24, the voice of the voiceless

Update!The armed robbers from the neighboring county of Ayod were the ones that stormed Pading Payam in Ngirol County ye...


The armed robbers from the neighboring county of Ayod were the ones that stormed Pading Payam in Ngirol County yesterday afternoon.

The source from Ayod claims that numerous livestock, which were presumably stolen from nearby communities, were being driven by a gang of young people in arms.

Regarding these offenders, neither of the two sister counties' local authorities has contacted us yet.

Watch this space for additional updates and news.

NDHN24, the voiceless with no voice

When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. All of the pain is felt by others. The same thing happens when you're stup...

When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. All of the pain is felt by others.

The same thing happens when you're stupid leader, only the people you're representing will fill the pain of your stupidity, selfishness and laziness.
Nyirol is suffer under leadership of Honourable Bol Ajamana.

voice of Voiceless

Dear fellow citizens of Nyirol,We hope this message finds you all well. we are writing to address the unfortunate situat...

Dear fellow citizens of Nyirol,

We hope this message finds you all well. we are writing to address the unfortunate situation we find ourselves in under the leadership of Honourable Bol Makuoi. It is with a heavy heart that we witness the continuous chaos and loss of lives in our beloved county.

Under the leadership of Honourable Makuoi, Nyirol has experienced an unprecedented level of violence and bloodshed. Our once peaceful county has become a hunting ground for criminals, and the lives of our citizens are being taken away without remorse.

The killing of women by their husbands has become distressingly common, a practice that should never be accepted as part of our culture. The presence of unknown gunmen, who were previously limited to other areas, has now reached Nyirol and is causing further havoc in our communities. Additionally, the abduction of children by Murle criminals has become a grim reality under Honourable Bol's leadership.

We cannot let this continue any longer. It is time for us to come together and demand a change in leadership. We need a commissioner who genuinely cares about the well-being of our community, someone who will prioritize the lives of our people over personal gain. We must advocate for a new leader who can bring fresh ideas and a commitment to serving the best interests of Nyirol.

In the midst of these troubling times, let us also send our heartfelt condolences to the Domuin community and the family of the victim who tragically lost their life to an unknown gunman. Their loss serves as a painful reminder of the urgent need for action to address the security challenges plaguing our county.

We must unite our voices as the voice of the voiceless and demand accountability and safety for all citizens of Nyirol. Together, we can bring about the change we need and restore peace to our once peaceful county.

May we find strength and courage in our collective pursuit of justice and a brighter future for Nyirol.

NDHN24 Voice of Voiceless

Breaking news!!!Arms youth who were believed to be from Murle community in Pibor administrative area raided an unknown n...

Breaking news!!!

Arms youth who were believed to be from Murle community in Pibor administrative area raided an unknown number of cattle this afternoon at 1 p.m. in a village called Hawgak, Pading Payam in Nyirol County, Jonglei State.

The youth of the Pading Payam are still pursuing the raiders, and there have been no casualties or injuries reported yet.

We are still trying to reach out to the Nyirol County Administration for more details on the raids that took place today.

We will keep you posted for more news and updates.



In South Sudan, the local Communities are reluctant and unaware in terms of business and local production competition. All the businesses opportunities are overtaken by the East and North African Community countries (Kenya, Uganda, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt).

They (East and North African) are competing economically in the South Sudan. All the expensive business infrastructures and commodities (Hotels, Banks, restaurants, bars, Pharmacies and retailer's shops) are owned by the East and North African forks. To some countries (Ethiopia and Uganda), It's like they are compensating the sanctuaries that they offered to South Sudan, particularly to the SPLM/A (SPLM/A is the military & political organization the liberated the South Sudan from Arab marginalization, not the current one) during the liberation struggle (guerilla war against the North Sudan government), however they are taking the lionshares of every business opportunity.
It's absolutely unfair, because their giant economies could not be competing with the South Sudan (young nation & infancy economy) economy which gain her independent (9, Jul, 2011) after a (one) decade from the North Sudan.

The intention of the East and North African Communities in South Sudan is really uncertain, not only in the business competition, but also psychological warfare. They're introducing their civilizations, traditional cultures, languages, foods and their norms to the South Sudanese.


Everyday the students, refugees and forks who came from Kenya and Uganda (previously live there for the long period of time) speaks in Kishawili in the Market (Bars, restaurants and in every corners).🖕This is the language introduction.

Those students, refugees and forks who live in Ethiopia (previously live there), frequently eat the Ethiopian foods and drink the Ethiopian coffee.
👆This is the food introduction

~Thok Gatkuoth Yiet. Thanks you you so much Gatkuer

Sports News!!Senegalese former Liverpool attacker Sadio Mane has finally married his longtime lover, Aisha Tamba, in a p...

Sports News!!
Senegalese former Liverpool attacker Sadio Mane has finally married his longtime lover, Aisha Tamba, in a private ceremony in Dakar, Senegal.
Tamba and Mane's relationship reportedly dates back to their adolescent years.
In 2022, through Tribuna, Mane revealed who his dream bride would be. He declared that he would only marry a devout woman who abstains from social media.
Tamba is said not to be on social media platforms.


Good morning waat payam PA?




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