Essence IMVU Magazine

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Essence IMVU Magazine Highlighting people of color and of African descent world wide through IMVU!



Fue llamada Phillis, porque así se llamaba el barco que la trajo, y Wheatley, que era el nombre del mercader que la compró. Había nacido en Senegal. En Boston, los negreros la pusieron en venta:
-¡Tiene siete años! ¡Será una buena yegua!
Fue palpada, desnud4, por muchas manos.
A los trece años, ya escribía poemas en una lengua que no era la suya. Nadie creía que ella fuera la autora. A los veinte años, Phillis fue interrogada por un tribunal de dieciocho ilustrados caballeros con toga y peluca.
Tuvo que recitar textos de Virgilio y Milton y algunos mensajes de la Biblia, y también tuvo que jurar que los poemas que había escrito no eran plagiados. Desde una silla, rindió su largo examen, hasta que el tribunal la aceptó: era mujer, era negra, era esclava, pero era poeta.”
Phillis Wheatley 👩🏿, fue la primera escritora afroamericana en publicar un libro en los Estados Unidos.

Good evening everyone! EIM took the time to reach out to our new MWI 2024 to ask her the following:In a virtual world wh...

Good evening everyone!

EIM took the time to reach out to our new MWI 2024 to ask her the following:

In a virtual world where we still have issues with diversity and inclusivity, how would you encourage future world contestants whose avatar may resemble a person of color?

This is what she shared with us!:

“As the first Miss World IMVU of African descent, I personally understand the importance of real representation and inclusion in the metaverse. As the current queen, and on behalf of the entire Miss World IMVU organization, we encourage future contestants whose avatars resemble people of color to embrace their uniqueness and celebrate their unique beauty. In this home called Miss World IMVU, EVERYONE is welcome without distinction of race, culture, ethnicity, or religion; Everyone has equal opportunities because we seek a true and impactful PURPOSE that generates a great LEGACY. I call for active participation overall, in diverse communities, and mutual support among all to promote inclusivity and build a virtual environment where everyone feels valued and respected.”

Katri Wesk,
Miss World IMVU 2024

Thank you! 👏🏽

Good afternoon everyone! EIM took the time to reach out to our new BEQU 2024 to ask her the following:How can you encour...

Good afternoon everyone!

EIM took the time to reach out to our new BEQU 2024 to ask her the following:

How can you encourage our community to be more open to people of color in a way that promotes inclusivity in all platforms?

This is what she shared with us!:

“Thank you so much for the congratulations Miss and your team at Essence IMVU Magazine.

Together we can build a more inclusive and welcoming community for people like me of color. Every voice, story, and experience enriches our diversity. Let's make inclusivity a priority across all our platforms and celebrate the richness that every individual brings to the table regardless of ethnicity.

There are several ways to promote the inclusion of black people in society. What are they like:

Promote education about Black history, culture, and experiences to foster understanding and empathy.

Implement equal opportunity, participation, Adopt measures to combat systemic racism and promote social justice in all its forms.

These are just a few suggestions I can give you as Black Queen Universe, but continued commitment and concrete actions are key to achieving a more inclusive community for all people, regardless of our skin color. Thank you very much for taking me into account.”

Roxy Reyes,
Black Ethnic Queen Universe 2024

Thank you! 👏🏽

¡Claro que si, de nada! Gracias a ustedes por la oportunidad.🫂🤍

¡Claro que si, de nada! Gracias a ustedes por la oportunidad.🫂🤍

Nuestro proyecto "Salón de la Fama" quiere agradecer a los medios de comunicación que se unieron a nosotros para asi llevarle a toda la comunidad todas las novedades sobre lo que fue esta 2da edición. Muchísimas gracias por su apoyo y su compromiso.

Essence IMVU Magazine
Bazaar IMVU
Imvu News
Hablemos de Reinas IMVU
Paradise vs
Imvu News Magazine
Exclusive Magazine IMVU
Hello Miss with Aria Ciel
Kane Corporation

Stunning ladies! 🤍👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Can you spot your favorite NatCos?

Stunning ladies! 🤍👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Can you spot your favorite NatCos?

On this post you will find El Salón de la fama Vu’s red carpet interviews! I send  the following question to some of the...

On this post you will find El Salón de la fama Vu’s red carpet interviews!

I send the following question to some of the guests from the red carpet event to look into the topic of inclusivity! The question is as follows: How have you incorporated inclusivity within what you offer to the IMVU community?

Come back to check more answers (they are under each image)! 🤍

Envíe esta pregunta a algunos de los invitados al evento de la alfombra roja para que analicen el tema de la inclusión. La pregunta es la siguiente: ¿Cómo haz incorporado la inclusión dentro de lo que ofreces a la comunidad de IMVU?

¡Vuelvan para que vean más respuestas (están debajo de cada imagen)! 🤍


At El Salón de la fama Vu red carpet event! Thank you Nela Kane for the invitation 🫂 Individual interviews coming soon 👀🫶🏽

👚Mia Rocci

Hablemos de Reinas IMVU Global Beauties Imvu Imvu News Breaking News IMVU Miss World IMVU Organization Missology Contests IMVU

BEQU contestants posing for National Geographic! Who are you rooting for? 😉

BEQU contestants posing for National Geographic! Who are you rooting for? 😉

I have arrived to Saudi Arabia and I am on my way to El Salón de la fama Vu’s red carpet as one of their news venues! Se...

I have arrived to Saudi Arabia and I am on my way to El Salón de la fama Vu’s red carpet as one of their news venues! See you there 🫶🏽

👚Mia Rocci

Global Beauties Imvu Imvu News Magazine Imvu News Miss World IMVU Organization Hablemos de Reinas IMVU Breaking News IMVU Missology Contests IMVU

Special note by Essence IMVU Magazine for El Salón de la fama Vu! The following users were asked a few questions about t...

Special note by Essence IMVU Magazine for El Salón de la fama Vu! The following users were asked a few questions about their trajectory. Read their answers below. ⬇️

Global Beauties Imvu Breaking News IMVU Imvu News Magazine Imvu News Miss World IMVU Organization Hablemos de Reinas IMVU El Salón de la fama Vu


¡Viaje rápidamente a Petrópolis antes de que comenzaran las grabaciones preliminares de MWI para asistir a la ceremonia de coronación de Vermillion Corp! Gracias Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion por la invitación y felicitaciones a los nuevos miembros. 🫂❤️
Quickly traveled to Petrópolis before MWI’s preliminary recordings started to attend Vermillion Corp’s crowning ceremony! Thank you Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion for the invitation and congratulations to the new members. ❤️🫂

Gvongzhe IMVU | Global Beauties Imvu | Sash Factor Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Imvu News

Miss World IMVU Organization

At the Ashok hotel in New Delhi India on my way to Petrópolis for Vermillion Corp’s coronation event before preliminary ...

At the Ashok hotel in New Delhi India on my way to Petrópolis for Vermillion Corp’s coronation event before preliminary recordings start! See you all soon 🤍👋🏽

Vermillion Directors | Vermillion | Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion Miss World IMVU Organization

May in this day we all remember the power we cary in our hearts utilizing it not against each other, but rather for each...

May in this day we all remember the power we cary in our hearts utilizing it not against each other, but rather for each other to stimulate everlasting growth! Happy Woman’s Day! 🤍

¡Que en este día todos recordemos el poder que llevamos en nuestros corazones usándolo no unos contra otros, sino unos para otros para estimular un crecimiento duradero! ¡Feliz día de la mujer! 🤍

Ladies and gentleman, the representatives of Black Ethnic Queen Universe! Who’s your favorite and who you think will tak...

Ladies and gentleman, the representatives of Black Ethnic Queen Universe! Who’s your favorite and who you think will take home the BEQU crown?

Yesterday, in the UK, I had the opportunity to attend Vermillion Corp.’s press conference! Here it’s an overview of the ...

Yesterday, in the UK, I had the opportunity to attend Vermillion Corp.’s press conference! Here it’s an overview of the event along with the questions Essence IMVU Magazine asked miss Aria Ciel Vermillion⬇️

⚪️ Introduction

The Vermillion Empire was founded in 2018 by Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion, which was made up of a Clan of members. The purpose of creating the Clan was to dilute and end the concept that the Clans on Imvu had a single objective: To segregate, bring together people with erratic behavior, discriminate or create new prejudices, as the clans are unfortunately known on the platform.

We are a different format, where we only seek what is fair, welcoming people with worthy objectives, who no longer wish to suffer any type of prejudice or coexistence problems due to factors that should not generate bullying or mistreatment, with defined rules. and healthy military role-play.

The objective was to separate the military parties in a friendly manner: Healthy Combat Interpretive Role Play (VERMILLION CLÃ).

Our interests are:

- Creating a new prism of participation in social campaigns within a CIVIL environment

- Interacting with society and the IMVU community through the creation of infrastructures for highly relevant events

- Social awareness

- Positively participating in pompous events

- Separating and uniting the interests of the empire

- Offering an infrastructure for associate members, the imvu community with talented aristocrats of kings, queens, corporate intelligence professionals, editors, creators, beauty franchise managers, beauty event directors, creators of rooms, clothing and accessories in order to positively contribute to the entire society we know

Miss Leylei’s dream when creating Vermillion Corp. was to bring in people of good character so that more people learned about the healthy and creative part of living away from negative attitudes and focusing only on healthy entertainment within IMVU.

In almost 6 years, they have successfully achieved this principle and they seek to spread this good vibe wherever they go.

“A united society with good vibes makes us
stronger and more resilient.” - Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion

⚪️ New Members

New members will be eligible on February 24, 2024 in the United Kingdom & they will be crowned on March 2, 2024:

Aria Ciel Vermillion: Civil Archduchess East Wing (Communications and Marketing Vermillion)

AARI Aria Ciel Vermillion: Duque Civil East Wing (Communications and Marketing Vermillion)

Mazi Maya Vermillion: Civil Archduchess West Wing (Creation and vehicles of new innovation agendas of Vermillion)

Matt Espirit: Civil Archduke Vermillion and Taewonsu inherit the Vermillion throne from his father, successor to his eldest son, Milla

Lara Nagant Vermillion: Empress hereditary, successor to Milla Nagant Vermillion

Melissa Whaker: Princess Vermillion

Victor Whaker: Prince Vermillion

These noble titles will be awarded to these fantastic people for the meritocracy of their entire attitude within the above stated date. They all share the same objectives as Vermillion Corp.: discipline, good vibes, respect and love for others, loyalty, and a sense of responsibility towards society.

⚪️ Interview Questions by EIM:

I had the opportunity to interview miss Aria Ciel Vermillion. Here is the interview⬇️

Good day/evening to everyone present here today! It is with much gratitude that I thank miss Leylei for the invitation to form part of today’s conference team.

My question is the following: We live in a world where segregation STILL exists. This is not an exception for the world of IMVU since our communities are made up of the same humans that live in the real world. Therefore, how could you as an individual contribute to the beliefs of equality already established within the organization’s systems?

“Each day we must bring those priciples to life, we must embody them, we must eat sleep and breathe them. It is easy to stand on a stage and declare you are a type of person, ie caring or compassionate, however it is something totally different to remain steadfast and unmoveable when the whole world may be telling you to go another way. Any time we can find ways to connect we all benefit. We only connect by showing up as our true authentic self. From Miss Grand IMVU staff to this stage I have been the same Aria who leads with love.” - Aria Ciel Vermillion

My next question is: What kind of example would you establish with your given title?

“As the Archdutchess of the east or west I am not the best with directions, my example is in the small moments. My example is in the moments people do not see when I have the honor of really showing up for someone and bring empathy love and understanding to a virtual interaction. Any title can be used as a springboard to promote anything, but what we bring to the mission each day is where the example is established. We care, we nurture and we edify always.” - Aria Ciel Vermillion

Don’t miss thier coronation event on March the 2nd! And ladies and gentlemen, this concludes my press conference activities. Now back to Puerto Rico to continue getting ready for my participation in Miss World IMVU Organization! See you all later 👋🏽

Imvu News Magazine | Global Beauties Imvu | Breaking News IMVU | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Imvu News | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Oficial | Missology Contests IMVU | Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion | Aria Ciel Vermillion | Vermillion Directors | Vermillion Corp

On my way to the UK for my second press conference!🇵🇷➡️🇬🇧See you all on Saturday for Vermillion Corp’s press conference ...

On my way to the UK for my second press conference!🇵🇷➡️🇬🇧

See you all on Saturday for Vermillion Corp’s press conference where we will meet their future aristocrats:

Rampster Nagant Vermillion
Melissa Whaker

Aria Ciel Vermillion
Matt Esprit Vermillion

Once again, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the press conference team! 👋🏽

Birkin👜 Mellody FaraIa ❤️

Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Imvu News | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Oficial | Global Beauties Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Miss World IMVU Organization | Leylei Cavani Nagant Vermillion




See you all in March in Saudi Arabia!📍

Yesterday at The Hall of Fame as presented by miss Roxy Reyes! ⬇️First and foremost, the hall of fame is a project that ...

Yesterday at The Hall of Fame as presented by miss Roxy Reyes! ⬇️

First and foremost, the hall of fame is a project that recognizes the work of the community under the direction of Corporation Kane. This great event is held every year keeping in mind the entities of our community that have stood out throughout the years.

For personal reasons, Miss Nela Kane was not able to attend. However, she left us the following message: “Hello everyone! I thank you very much for being present today. First of all, I want to apologize for my absence today. Emotionally, I am going through complicated situations and I must escape from this world for a while to gather strength and feel good. Tonight we want to tell you what's coming next. In Hall of Fame 2024, we are preparing news, surprises, and magical moments for our official Gala dates!” (March 16th,17th, & 23rd)

The coming gala dinner will include the following:

This year we will give recognition to all those people who have worked for the community and give special recognitions to characters with trajectory, upright contests, transparent judges, professional models, professional editors, creators, entities and more.

News coverage
Wapa Internacional, IMVU News, Hello Miss, Hablemos de Reinas, TV IMVU, Exclusive Magazine IMVU, Paradise, Bazaar IMVU, and us Essence IMVU Magazine.

Official presenters
- Nao Klein: Miss intercultural Universe, Miss Queen of Querns
- Maria Teresa: Miss Tayikistán, Modelo, CEO Franquicias
- Stephy Alarcon: Miss Latin America of the World, 2nd Princess the Most Beautiful Face, 1st Lady Miss Beauty
- Roxy Reyes: CEO Franchises, Miss Dominican Republic, Model, Creator, Miss Beauty among Beauties, Miss Beauty Glamour, among other titles

Arlet Fashion, Perla Wade, IMVU News, Corporation Kane, Miss America Universo, Shop Nattliiee, iRoxy Shop, among other sponsors.

Karol G, Six Sensation, P***y Cat Dolls, Dess-Sign among other singers you can not miss!

Come join us during these dates, you could be one of the lucky ones to be awarded!

Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Imvu News | Global Beauties Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Missology Contests IMVU | El Salón de la fama Vu | Miss World IMVU Organization

Hello New York! 🇺🇸 See you all later 👋🏽Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Imvu News | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Ofici...

Hello New York! 🇺🇸 See you all later 👋🏽

Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Imvu News | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Oficial | Global Beauties Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Miss World IMVU Organization | El Salón de la fama Vu

From Puerto Rico to New York! 🇵🇷➡️🇺🇸See you all later for El Salón de la fama Vu’s press conference. Once again, thank y...

From Puerto Rico to New York! 🇵🇷➡️🇺🇸

See you all later for El Salón de la fama Vu’s press conference. Once again, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the press conference team! 👋🏽

👚👖GD Shop African Pant Suit

Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Imvu News | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Oficial | Global Beauties Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Miss World IMVU Organization

Issue 02 is now published! Find it here ⬇️ For accessibility, zoom in to read if necessary.

Issue 02 is now published! Find it here ⬇️ For accessibility, zoom in to read if necessary.

In Spanish ⬇️

Imvu News Magazine | Breaking News IMVU | Missology Contests IMVU | Imvu News | Miss World IMVU Organization | Global Beauties Imvu | Hablemos de Reinas IMVU | Miss Puerto Rico IMVU-Oficial | Miss America Imvu Organization | Violeta DHermes


¿Y tu Agüela a Onde Está ? La grandeza de nuestros antepasados Africanos nos hace recordar su gran legado ,su gran aportación ,sudor y lágrimas la cual* por medio de la música podían canalizar y expresar sus alegrías y p***s ,a cantazo limpio fueron los golpes de Bomba y Plena en el Batey, hoy mis más sincero agradecimiento a todos los que siguen defendiendo y creando eventos que resaltan nuestra raza Africana a todos los tocadores de bomba y plena, Poetas y bailadores propulsores de la Cultura Puertorriqueña mi admiración y respeto ,Desde Caguas en donde en cada esquina, nuestra cultura se sobresalta, muy bonito todo , éste monumento y mosaico se encuentra entrando por la Avenida Degetou, intersección con carretera #788, tambien por la carretera #183 en la entrada del Barrio Tomas de Castro #1 *Monumento a la Herencia Africana,Redescubre tu Historia


-Salón de la Fama Conferencia -

Presentación oficial de :

Sponsors - presentadoras oficiales de nuestras galas - Mención de país anfitrión - reconocimientos - mención de nominaciones - presentacion de medios de comunicación oficiales - presentación de artistas que serán parte de nuestras galas y más.

Dia: 12 de febrero

Room: NelaKane

Hora : 8pm Colombia / 8am Indonesia del día 13.

>Espera nuestra invitacion a nuestra conferencia <

Imvu News Magazine
Bazaar IMVU
Hablemos de Reinas IMVU
Essence IMVU Magazine
Hello Miss with Aria Ciel
Exclusive Magazine IMVU
Imvu News

Radio Esencial


Melissa Whaker -Directora de Prensa

Essence IMVU Magazine officially forms part of the news media outlets for Leylei Cavani’s Vermillion Empire Aristocrats ...

Essence IMVU Magazine officially forms part of the news media outlets for Leylei Cavani’s Vermillion Empire Aristocrats coronation event! Thank you for the invitation! See you all soon❤️🫂

¡La revista de Essence IMVU forma oficialmente parte de los medios de comunicación para el evento de coronación de Vermillion Empire Aristocrats de Leylei Cavani! ¡Gracias por la invitación! Los veo pronto ❤️🫂

Miss World IMVU Organization





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