i-manager Publications is pleased to be one of the Associate Partners of International Conference on Integrated Disciplines for Sustainable Development conducted by Scott Christian College in collaboration with Curtin University, Dubai and supported by Holycross College Nagercoil and Scott Alumni association as Associate Partners #imanager #imanagerpublications #imanagerjournals #peerreviewed #nopublishingfee #conference #curtinuniversity #scottchristiancollege #holycrosscollege #scottalumni #scottalumniassociation
This video contains excerpts from Editorial board member of i-manager's Journal on Material Science (JMS) and i-manager's Journal on Chemical Science(JCHEM), Dr. K. Mohan Reddy (Sr. Associate Professor, School of Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun, India) about his experience of working with the Journals and the process we follow. #imanager #imanagerpublications #imanagerjournals #peerreview #peerreviewedjournals #referredjournals #saynotopredatoryjournals #academicjournals #journals #academia #academicpublishing #research #researchers #researchpapers #authors #phd #researchpublication #researchpublishing #nopublishingfee #acceptancerate #editorialboard #international #peerreviewers #greenopenaccess #journalreputation #editors #timetopublication
i-manager Publications
Such words of encouragement keep us moving forward......
This video contains excerpts from Editorial board member of i-manager's Journal on Material Science (JMS) and i-manager's Journal on Chemical Science(JCHEM), Dr. K. Mohan Reddy (Sr. Associate Professor, School of Engineering, University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun, India) about his experience of working with the Journals and the process we follow. #imanager #imanagerpublications #imanagerjournals #peerreview #peerreviewedjournals #referredjournals #saynotopredatoryjournals #academicjournals #journals #academia #academicpublishing #research #researchers #researchpapers #authors #phd #researchpublication #researchpublishing #nopublishingfee #acceptancerate #editorialboard #international #peerreviewers #greenopenaccess #journalreputation #editors #timetopublication
i-manager publications
This video presents details of i-manager's Journal Catalogue. i-manager Publications is a leading publishing house publishing 38 academic Journals in print and online forms. i-manager's Journals are acclaimed by the academia in India as well as internationally.
#imanager #imanagerjournals #imanagerpublications #nopublishingfee #greenopenaccess #researchers #authors #engineeringjournals #academia #academic #subscriptions #library #academicsubscriptions #academicjournals #peerreviewed #academicpublishing #indexed #acceptancerate #authors #editorialboard #editors #international #universities #researchanddevelopment #crossref #dimensions #trendmd #Exaly #ebscohost #miar #proquest #ulrich #googlescholar #wisdomai #sciencegateapp #delnet #scilit #structurae #learntechlib #eric #erihplus #worldcat #cas #indiancitationindex
i-manager Publications
A video about i-manager Publications
#imanager #imanagerjournals #imanagerpublications #imanagervideo #authors #researchers #academia #academic #academicpublishing #researchanddevelopment
i-manager publications
This flip book video presents details about i-manager's Journals, quality processes and the Professional associations with abstracting and indexing databases
#peerreviewed #academic #academia #academicpublishing #academicjournals #indexed #acceptancerate #authors #editorialboard #editors #nopublishingfee #greenopenaccess #international #universities #citations #imanager #imanagerjournals #imanagerpublications #researchers #researchanddevelopment #crossref #dimensions #trendmd #Exaly #ebscohost #miar #proquest #ulrich #googlescholar #wisdomai #sciencegate #delnet #scilit #structurae #learntechlib #eric #erihplus #worldcat #cas #indiancitationindex
i-manager Publications is pleased to be the Publishing Partner for International Conference & Expo on Climate Change Impact on Ecosystems: Mitigation and Adaptation #imanagerpublications #EngineeringStaffCollegeofIndia #iei #WFEO #telanganastate #JNTU #OsmaniaUniversity