I want to thank #animenyc and #Crunchyroll for selecting me as a creator in 2023 through the ANYC influencer program! I had such an amazing time crafting this prop in anticipation for the con this year ✨
Fun fact: I’ve wanted to cosplay Temari ever since I first played the original Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm game, but let my inexperience in building props for cosplay hold me back. But finally I took a chance, and it worked out perfectly!
Let me know if you intend on using this tutorial to build Temari’s fan in the future or if you saw me at the convention! I would love to connect with you all here and encourage my audience to explore your own creativity and silence the doubts of what you believe you can and cannot do. Please like, share and save so that others my find this video and learn!
#narutocosplay #naruto #cosplaytutorial #temari #vizmedia #animenyc2023