Originated in 2014, Lafayette Street Records is the brainchild of Cortney Callanan, former label manager of Star69 Records, and partner Igor “Iggy” Kisil, the Billboard-charting creative genius known as Sweet Rains (and of Sweet Rains Records.) Together, they hand-picked key individuals from their networks of industry powerhouses and selected an accolade-heavy all-star team, which includes former
execs from: Ultra Records; Sony Music; and award-winning independent publicity and marketing companies. LFS is based on the essence of real dance music and a marketing machine feeding it to those who hunger and thirst for it. The LFS team is comprised of executives who ran this town during dance music’s peak. "Our team is made up of people who were influential when that big room vocal-house sound was infectious, commandeering dance floors all over the world,” says Callanan. “Our common goal is to reinstate the house music that once was and have it regain its rightful place: topping charts and initiating a new generation to the power of lyrics and melodies.” Says Kisil, “We’re bringing innovative records with a nostalgic feel.” The resulting company, Lafayette Street Records, is an exciting and colorfully-explosive musical powerhouse that pays homage to where Callanan got her start in SoHo - Star 69 Records, at 199 Lafayette Street. This is the reincarnation of dance music; big room sound, "hands-in-the-air," larger-than-life vocals that everyone knows the words to. Feel good crowd-chanting dance music at its finest. FACEBOOK : www.facebook.com/lafayettestreetrecords
TWITTER : www.twitter.com/LFSrecords
SOUNDCLOUD : www.soundcloud.com/lafayettestreetrecords
YOUTUBE : www.youtube.com/user/lfsrecordsnyc
INSTAGRAM : http://instagram.com/lfsrecords
BEATPORT : http://www.beatport.com/label/lafayette-street-records/44497