Arrows from Zion: Donna Diorio, IsraelWatcher

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Arrows from Zion: Donna Diorio, IsraelWatcher Weekly Summary of Prayer Requests from Israeli Ministries since August 2001, Arrows from Zion elist

Follow the money. It always tells the story of hidden evil.

Follow the money. It always tells the story of hidden evil.

Four of the six largest global advertising agencies, including some who have spent much of the past decade demanding online censorship on social media platforms, have received billions of dollars from the federal government, according to a new report.

Here is an article in the Times of Israel discussing who will become the new  #1 leader of money is on Khaled...

Here is an article in the Times of Israel discussing who will become the new #1 leader of money is on Khaled Meshaal escaped the 1997 "quiet" assassination attempt by the Mossad in Jordan. The only reason he did not die is because the agents were captured and a deal was made to trade them for the antidote to the poison injected in his ear. Meshaal is considered to be much more hard line than Ismail Haniyeh was. He is one of the top leaders in the running to take the top Hamas role and it may come down to a matter of which contender has the best connections with Hamas-friendly state benefactors who will continue to arm and finance Hamas opposition to Israel.

The terrorist organization may struggle to appoint a new chief amid the ongoing war in Gaza, but there are several options

Arrows from Zion went out yesterday. If you don't subscribe, catch up here. | The Three Weeks & The Netanyahu Doctrine p...

Arrows from Zion went out yesterday. If you don't subscribe, catch up here. | The Three Weeks & The Netanyahu Doctrine plus much more from Israeli Ministries.

Notice: I misspoke last week when I said both my birthday and the birth of my Weekly Summary in 2001 both happened in the period of the ...

An update on David Pyles this morning. "Have weaned him off most of the blood pressure meds, dialysis seems to be helpin...

An update on David Pyles this morning. "Have weaned him off most of the blood pressure meds, dialysis seems to be helping stabilize the swelling from fluids being given. Continue to pray for strength and healing. Thank you to all who have been praying for Dave, for the LORD to rise up on his behalf and turn back this major attack on his life. Thank you Abba for saving Dave's life and giving great grace to all his family.

Below is a picture of Dave when we ran into each other in Jerusalem in 2003. One of the things we all love about Israel is that it is small enough to bump into people you know unexpectedly.


There is no way to withdraw from battles going on in our world, in our nations, our families. We cannot make preserving our personal "peace" bubble the most important thing in the world to us. We have to learn to enter the promised "peace in the midst of the storm" that Jesus promised us. To hear God we have to calm ourselves, but it doesn't mean we lay down and cease to notice the warfare like we are uninvolved.

FIGHTING FOR HIS LIFEIf you have ever been to a Toward Jerusalem Council II event, then you probably recognize Dave and ...

If you have ever been to a Toward Jerusalem Council II event, then you probably recognize Dave and Raquel Pyles, who lead intercession for TJCII. This is a photo from a One New Man, A TJCII documentary made in 2022. This is to mount prayer for Dave who is fighting for his life in ICU in dire condition.

One of the long time TJC2 intercessors just told me that David had a bleeding ulcer that has required the complete removal of his stomach and there have been many complications with severe bleeding and blood clots. Please agree with me that no weapon formed against David shall prosper, that God will turn back the assignment of the enemy against Dave and that he will not die but LIVE in the name of Yeshua.

This is a truly humble man who has laid down his life for the past 20-something years in the service of the LORD's One New Man plan. Pray also for Raquel who has been by his side partnering in this ministry. He is surrounded by his family and a worldwide Zoom call was conducted yesterday for David to recover. Let us join our prayers with all those who are calling on the Most High God to intervene and pull Dave back from death to live and continue to serve, by the power of Yeshua's blood.


IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE WHY AMERICANS LOVE TRUMP. I watched Trump's Minnesota Rally last night and know exactly why.

Don't even know how long it has been but day after day, week after week, month after month and now year after year what see 24/7 is people who hate us, hate our country, hate our God. They tell us every chance they get and even when they are smiling at us telling us what a great life they are making for us we are well aware that they really could care less about us and continually take us for fools with continuous lies, trickery, bad acts they are sure we can't prove because they have hidden them so deviously from us. Nobody wants to live like that surrounded by fake backstabbing "friends."

But Donald Trump comes out on stage as often as he does and gives us hope. In him we see someone who genuinely loves America and Americans. The air is filled with hope again. We are like people who have been living at the garbage dump all week long, and Trump puts us on the seaside taking in the sparkling fresh air and sunshine. Our new national anthem is playing, I'm proud to be an American, and it swells our hearts with the things we always believed were our God-given rights as Americans.

Donald Trump gives his speech and he doesn't even have to give us all the details of what he says he will do, because we already know that it will be his full intention to carry out his promises. Really that is what we have come to expect from him that he will give it his all because that he what he did last time from day one of his presidency. Trump is prepared to move on what he lays out to us that he sees must happen to restore America and the quality of life Americans have enjoyed. Even with all the hidden opposition he had last presidency, he accomplished so much and we know it. All the lies that we've been bombarded with against him can't hold a candle to what we know to be true about him: Donald Trump loves America and he loves Americans. Not just some of us, all of us.

I like Donald Trump. I want him to be President. He is not my Savior but I do believe he is God's man for this hour for the United States. There are some things, I believe, that as much of a fighter and as good as his heart intentions are towards being the president, that cannot stop the continued spiritual battle that is rising all over the world.

There are some things ordained for the end times that can only be restrained as long as we restrain them with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But I believe that God wants us to do as Jesus said in the parable of Luke 19:12-13 The king gave his "ten servants" different amounts of money and told them to do his business until he returned.

It is inescapable that the United States was devoted ceremonially to the Gospel from the landing at Plymouth Rock. Like all nations we've had our ups and downs, successes and failures, but we have also been a major funder of the Gospel going forth into the world in all our days. It is also inescapable that the parable of Luke 19 that the King is Jesus, and His "ten servants" represent the believers who are His servants, those who gives himself up to God's will those whose service is used by Messiah/Christ in extending and advancing his cause among men." And what He gives His servants is not our "talents" - not spiritual or natural gifts - it is our money. Each He gave ten"minas" - each worth 300 shekels a piece.

We are blessed to advance the kingdom of God in the world. If the United States is granted more time to hold back evil in America, it is for the sake of those who are not just interested in their personal wealth, it is for the sake of those who will keep funding the advancing of Yeshua's Gospel and kingdom in the world - including in Israel.

Yes, I believe Donald Trump has been anointed by God to restore a longer period of peace and prosperity for America, but it is for the sake of advancing the LORD's kingdom not for our personal wealth.


Can a country be born in a day or a nation be delivered in an instant? Yet as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children. 9 Shall I bring a baby to the point of birth and not deliver it?” says the LORD. “Or will I who deliver close the womb?” says your God. 10 Be glad for Jerusalem and rejoice over her, all who love her. Rejoice greatly with her, all who mourn over her....Isaiah 66: 8-10


I READ what other believers whose takes on the times are different from mine, but I don't LISTEN to them. Do you understand what I am saying. Yeshua said, 23 If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” 24 He went on to say, “Pay attention to what you hear. With the measure you use, it will be measured to you, and even more will be added to you. 25 For whoever has will be given more. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

The way I read this, first of all He is speaking about how we interpret the words He is speaking. He is telling us when we are careless with what He has said, it will cause us to err in our judgment.

That is why there are so many interpretations of scripture that are in polar opposition to each other. For example many younger Christians today believe that all is okay with same s*x marriage. I guess the thinking behind it is that Jesus freed them from the law and the old folks are evil because we believe Jesus is still consistent with God's placing all forms of gender s*xual deviation as abomination in His eyes. They think they are the kinder, gentler version of God-followers.

Similarly, it has been a tradition in Christianity to READ God's condemnations of Israel for sin, but not to LISTEN His many, many promises to restore not only the Jews in exile to their Promised Land, but also to restore them there to spiritually alive relationship with Him.

These are two examples where we READ the Word of God but we do not LISTEN to the whole counsel found within them. We will ALWAYS ERR in judgment when we don't have ears to hear what the Spirit is speaking.

IN THE SAME WAY we have to be careful about WHO we are listening to - those we ALLOW to impact our thinking because WHAT they are saying is influencing us. Some of those are believers and some are not. Once again discernment moves to the head of line as the most under used spiritual gift in this respect. Lock in on the most trusted voices and run EVERYTHING anyone says through the HOLY SPIRIT for your personal "Fact Checker"


The Netanyahu Doctrine
On Israel-American Cooperation

by Asher Intrater, Tikkun Global 7/25/2024

In his recent speech to the joint houses of Congress, Netanyahu made several statements that reflected a worldview of Israel, the USA, and the Middle East. There were key policy or philosophical statements that many may not have grasped their significance. Here are some:

Barbarism versus Civilization – history may be seen as a series of clashes between opposing civilizations. However, when dealing with Islamic extremism, terrorism, and global Jihadism, it would be wrong to see a clash between relatively equal civilizations. This is anti-civilization. This is evil barbarism.

Bipartisan – Netanyahu often thanked both President Biden and former President Trump. In fact, he mentioned Biden more often. He also mentioned both Democrats and Republicans. The assumption is that Netanyahu personally would prefer a Republican-Trump administration. That is likely true. However, the emphasis in looking to the future must be bipartisan in both Israel and the USA, with widespread cooperation, as much as possible.

Multi-ethnic - Bedouins, Druze, Muslims, and Christians – all these different subsections in Israeli society fought as soldiers along with the majority Jewish population to fight Hamas. This multi-ethnic participation is essential to show that Israel is not "anti-Arab"; that Israel is democratic, with equal rights for all its citizens. These "non-Jewish" groups recognize the danger of Jihadism and are willing to fight against it.

Lions of Judah – Netanyahu introduced several Israeli soldier heroes. Then he quoted from Numbers 23:24 – the people will rise like a roaring lion and be lifted up like a lion. Quoting the Bible in this way is to restore an image of the Israeli people as courageous and heroic, particularly the soldiers. It is appealing to the biblical narrative, not only as ethos, but to encourage the Christian community in America to have a restored sense of bravery and purpose.

Never Again – was of course the slogan of post-Holocaust Europe, not to allow genocide of the Jews to happen again. To say, "Never again is Now!" raises the urgency of the situation. The war is not about local politics but an existential threat to the Jewish state from pan-Jihadsim.

Moral Clarity – War is not won first on armaments but on being clear on values of what is right and wrong, good and evil. There is no moral equivalency with terrorists murdering, ra**ng men and women, killing parents and children before one another's eyes, burning and mutilating bodies, etc. Terrorism must be eradicated.

Hostages – Noah Argamani was presented to Congress with a long, standing ovation. Her presence was to exemplify the reality and pathos of the horrible abduction, torture, and holding of innocent Israeli citizens.

Burning USA flags – In 1979, the Ayatollah regime took over Iran. Their first act was to attack the USA embassy. For these 45 years, their demonstrations have burnt both Israeli flags and US flags. This shows the intent of Ayatollism to destroy America and Israel.

Khumeini Doctrine – Ayatollah Khumeini was the leader of the takeover in 1979. His vision was first to build a national base in Iran for Islamicist Shiite extremism, and then export it all over the world. The current war in Gaza is not about Gaza itself, but the ongoing effort of the Iranian regime for an Islamicist world takeover. Iran is behind most of the terrorism in the Middle East today.

Patriarchs and Prophets – Netanyahu stated the obvious fact of the 4000-year history of the Jewish people in Israel. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob settled there; Kings David and Solomon built a mighty empire there; Isaiah and Jeremiah prophesied there. This view is appealing both to historical accuracy and to biblical heritage.

Hatred of Jewish state – classic antisemitism is a hatred of the Jewish people. Since the re-establishment of the state of Israel, that hatred of the Jewish people has now evolved into hatred of the Jewish state. Hatred of the Jewish state is the new form of antisemitism.

Human Shields – The accusation that Israel is trying to kill innocent Gazans is the opposite of the truth. Israel is doing everything to get Gazans out of harm's way, while Hamas is doing everything to get Gazans into harm's way. Their openly declared strategy of using innocent citizens as human shields shows that discrediting Israel is a higher value than the life of their own citizens.

Useful Idiots – this is term describes the bizarre phenomenon of academicians or radical leftist activists to endorse Islamic extremism that is totally against everything they believe in. G**s protesting for Islamic regimes who would execute them immediately and publicly. Endorsing slogans like "from the river to the sea" which is an absurd claim, geographically and historically. Here Netanyahu mentioned that he is a graduate of prestigious MIT in Boston.

USA and Israel unity – Israel and USA must stand together. Together they will stand; divided they will fall. "Our fight is your fight, our enemies are your enemies, our victory will be your victory." Israel's willingness to fight Islamic extremism in the Middle East is keeping American "boots" (live soldiers) from having to fight in the area.

War against America – The Ayatollah regime has consistently called for "Death to America, Death to Israel." This is their intention. Americans must realize that the war is also against them. "You are next." There is no way for Americans to disassociate themselves from the conflict or think that they are not being targeted.

America's ally – Israel is the only loyal friend and ally of the USA in the Middle East. Israel is proud to stand together with America. Israel is protecting America and all Western interests.

Give us the tools – referencing Churchill in WWII, Netanyahu is endorsing the basic agreement with America: your give us the tools, and we will finish the job.

Weapons development – much of the modern military tools have been developed in a joint effort between the US and Israel. The amazingly efficient "Iron Dome" defense system, which has saved thousands of lives, is an excellent example of such joint efforts.

Definition of victory – victory in the current conflict is composed of three elements: dismantling the military and organizational ability of Hamas; returning all hostages; rebuilding Gaza demilitarized and deradicalized. Deradicalization is a key factor. It involves education that does not train a new generation of terrorists; a generation that would be willing to live side by side with Israel in peace. This method was used to eradicate N**i philosophy in post-war Germany, and was highly successful.

Abraham Alliance – a continuation of the Abrahamic accords, building an alliance with Israel and all the surrounding Arabic moderate Suni nations. This is possible; and would involve both economic and security cooperation.

Not Resettlement – Netanyahu stated that the post-war arrangement would not include the resettlement of Israelis (Gush Katif) in Gaza. In this regard Netanyahu is standing against the demands of a small but vocal minority in Israel, who are calling for immediate Israeli settlement and total control.

Post war plan - The ruling entity in Gaza would be controlled by a civil administration, composed of Gazans, Western and moderate Arabic partners, with Israel only maintaining control of the security issues.

Hope for Peace – Netanyahu reiterated the hope for a long period of peace and prosperity for the Middle East, noting the peace and prosperity that resulted in Europe after the culmination of WWII.

"God Bless" – the ending statement was a 3-fold blessing: "God bless America, God bless Israel, and God bless the partnership of Israel and America together". This expresses the mutual heritage and Judeo-Christian values and worldview shared by both.


You know that I am tuned into Global Prayer Room every day and I am blessed every by the anointing that is there. As I am listening in today, and seeing some who are reporting that they are having to leave because there is not any financial way they can stay, it makes me so sorrowful that I feel like I am watching the breath of life being strangled out of them. I saw yesterday on an X post some man saying that the plans to start a new church has be quashed and abandoned. I suspect this development is part of the strangling process I am watching right now. Let God arise and the IHOP bitterness adversaries be scattered.


Have you ever believed you were being undermined by unseen sources? It isn't necessarily paranoia, but could also well be spiritual warning of witchcraft, lies, deceptions and backstabbing against you. The spirit of Jezebel works through men and women.
Do not spare to use the sword of Spirit speaking God's Word out of Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the inheritance of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD.


Pray for Benjamin Netanyahu who is about to speak before the US Congress. Many Democrats have refused to attend and many anti-Israel/pro-Hamas protesters have already gathered. Pray that no weapon formed against Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu will prosper. In an American climate where security was so lax that it allowed an assassination attempt on the 45th President of the United States because he is running to be 47th, DO NOT UNDER-ESTIMATE THE HATRED OF A GREAT MANY AMERICANS TO THE ISRAELI LEADER NETANYAHU! In the violent atmosphere of the USA at this moment, this is a serious prayer priority!


I don't know what the answer was but the Jerusalem Post is reporting "Donald Trump reveals in a "Truth Social" post that PM Netanyahu requested to move a meeting between the two in Florida to Friday, extending Netanyahu's US visit until Saturday evening."


Do what you can while you.
This morning before rising my sleeping-thoughts, when I am in that time of not quite awake, but not really asleep either, my thoughts to went to something I heard in a prophetic discussion that I was only tuned to for a few minutes. The gist of it dealt with the prophetic passage in Revelation about a time coming when unless we are part of the evil system we will not be able to buy or sell.

Maybe you are like me and have wondered how that could. Every once in a while I think about is a big dangling question mark, but I learned long ago that devoting ourselves to figuring out these dark sayings of prophecy can make a person crazy...paranoid, disturbed, and radically escalating into a speculative focus that does not keep us in a spiritual/mental/emotional capacity to advance the kingdom of the LORD.

My thoughts this morning went to a very plausible explanation of how that Rev 13:17 description of life could come to pass. Things observable to me now that could unfold further rather more quickly than anyone might think. It actually made me think that I am glad I am not young, but old enough that I might pass naturally into eternity before these things unfold so that I might not have to go through those times. Of course you should be able to discern like me that thought was not from God.

Yet, this thought was from God. Instead of worrying about how He will provide for us when we cannot buy or sell, we must trust His ways are high above ours. When the children of Israel had nothing to eat, God sent them manna from Heaven. Who of them could have figured out in advance God would provide "manna" which literally means, "what is it?"

Instead this word came to me as I was fully awake and starting to wrestle with what to think about all this. The word was: Do what you can while you can. It reminded me of what Yeshua said in John 9:4 While it is daytime, we must do the works of Him who sent Me. Night is coming, when no one can work.

He wasn't just speaking of the immediate time He was in. In John 9:5 He said, "While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.”
And in Matthew 5:14, He put the work upon us: "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden."

We cannot be hidden if there is any light in us. It is obvious to onlookers if we are walking in His light to any degree - so instead of trying to hide, we have to walk in the understanding that darkness is coming, so we MUST do the works of Him who sent us while we can.

I am not going to waste my time worrying about how I will survive the encroaching darkness, but trust God and keep running with what He has given me as along as I can.


I hope you have subscribed to my Fruit of the Fig Tree blog because the censorship on this platform is getting worse. No telling how long it will be before they cut some of us off completely instead of just intensely. You can sign up at

Please pray for Israel Pochtar in Ashdod. The lawfare that is often leveled unjustly against Messianic Jews in Israel is...

Please pray for Israel Pochtar in Ashdod. The lawfare that is often leveled unjustly against Messianic Jews in Israel is just the latest attempt to shut down his House of Praise congregation:
Pastor Israel writes: It’s safe to say that as a congregation and ministry, we’ve never had the luxury of spending too much time in a comfort zone. Over the past 20 years, Beit Hallel has faced all types of persecution, pressure, opposition and obstacles which have not only fortified us but have also often given us an impulse to our growth and increase to our reach.
God’s favorite situations to work in are the impossible ones, that’s where His glory is revealed most. | Especially during these months of war, we have mobilized our teams and expanded our reach to help many families and soldiers, sharing the message of hope and salvation with them. As we have continued to grow, both as a congregation and as a ministry that reaches thousands of Israelis with the gospel, we have also seen the forces of darkness rising against us to try and stop the Lord’s work through Beit Hallel.
The enemy will always fiercely resist growth and breakthrough.| Jesus told us that persecution will be part of our lives as believers and that we should find encouragement in the fact that we are targeted, it means we are on the right path. Through the years we have faced physical persecution, as well as demonic attacks, with curses hurled at us, to try and tie us up from continuing to serve Yeshua in our city. God’s divine protection over us is what kept us safe through it all.
The latest attack on us however comes in the form of legal battles over the usage of our congregational facilities. We are being targeted through legal loopholes to try and limit the usage of our building, claiming we are not allowed to use it for gatherings. This is absurd since there’s no hindrance for people to gather there to receive humanitarian aid, but supposedly there is for worship purposes. Persecution is never pleasant, especially if it is wrong as it is in this instance. If it were any other organization, they wouldn’t face the push back that we face because of our faith.
These attacks always come backed by spiritual warfare. | We know for a fact there is witchcraft and curses released into the spiritual world against our ministry. The devil doesn’t intimidate us. There’s no place in our hearts for fear because it is filled with Jesus. However, I can testify to how difficult it feels to face these spiritual attacks, the heaviness that we all feel, as well as the mental and emotional pressure we experience. Our entire team has been dealing with these demonic attacks on some level. There is, however, one solution: prayer.
We take up our shield of faith and proclaim God’s protection until He guides us through and we come out on the other side victorious in the Lord, just like we did in previous times. If there was ever a time we needed your intercessory prayers, it is now. The light of God’s blessings, the joy of salvation, and the message of hope have been reaching more people than ever in Israel. The attacks against us, especially during this time of war when we have done so much to help, reaffirm the threat we pose to God’s adversary, and for that we give the Lord glory.
We’re not here to be comfortable, but to pose a threat to the powers of darkness. You have been a remarkable and faithful friend who genuinely cares and stands with us, so we felt we needed to share this with you because we know what a powerful prayer warrior you are, a true watchman on the walls of Israel. Pray with us in this situation. The more pressure we are under, the more miracles we see, as difficult as it is to go through this season.
We need you! We need your prayers! | Until we see God’s victory and His power, we rely on your strength and prayers to help carry us through this spiritual battle.
Watch Pastor Israel here

"Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is you...


I began waking up at 3:45 this morning and continued to wake up in thoughts of the night from the Lord until I finally woke up at almost 6 am with the thought I am going to spend some time on today in what the Bible has to say about the eye. The thought that was put in my waking moment was that how we treat people is "in the eye of the beholder" - and that it directly linked to how we see our God.

I know the Spirit has been building me to this point, but the events of the past week have pushed me into it suddenly. Suddenly I am challenged by how I view certain people and the challenge is can I see them making a page turn in their own "eye of the beholder" that will lead them to see spiritual reality more clearly.

Some I was not really expecting to sense a spiritual eye-opening from are clearly experiencing exactly that. Instead of my usual distrust of what I am seeing in them being genuine, it has filled me with hope of God beginning to do a major thing among those who He has laid His claim to. Israel is like that, and so am I.

That is the basis for even walking today with the LORD, because He could have rejected me completely many times along my lifeline, but instead He let me go through the slings and arrows of life to the place that I could really begin to see who He really is. He is not afraid to let us experience deep pains in our life, but He is gracious to be there in the end welcoming us back into the safety of His protective arms. He stays the hand of the enemy who ravages us, as He did with Job, but He brings us out on the other side purer than we have ever been before. Good is not good enough because God is perfecting us.

This has been my experience. Some get it, some don't but I can't let what people don't understand cause me to question my own spiritual life lessons. Where I am at this moment in time is with a new and real hope of seeing what God is doing in America to those who have not beheld Him as He is. Prodigals are going to return to Him. Those who never knew Him are going to turn to Him. Believers who thought they knew Him are going to go even deeper with a new glimpse of the depth of His love.

Ecclesiastes 3:10-11 I have seen the burden that God has laid upon the sons of men to occupy them. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men, yet they cannot fathom the work that God has done from beginning to end.



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