First Morning at our new House (Freezing cold)
First morning we woke up to freezing temperatures, we had many things to do such as emptying the van and getting water pump working, this house is already becoming a battle and we have barely started to work on the major problems!
Next video we will try to get the water system setup and working!
Let's Stock our Pantry for Winter
We are ready for this winter more or less, but at least we will have sweet Kompot and Tasty Pickles.
THERE is a HUGE Problem with our WELL
Our well is in very bad shape and it will need a lot of work to repair.
Harvesting Potatoes with Two Wheel MINI Tractor
Harvesting Potatoes with Two Wheel MINI Tractor
Lawn Mower Cutting Animal Pasture
How tall of a grass can this thing actually cut let's find out! As we expand our tools and slowly increase their size we really do enjoy each small upgrade.
Building PINTEREST Inspired Baby Chicken Outdoor Coop
Make sure to follow our daily lives in this farm!
Our First Chicken Babies
Make sure to follow our daily lives in this farm!
We got a Lawn TRACTOR
Make sure you to follow our daily lives in this farm!
This WELL is very clogged UP!
We cleaned it once and now it's time to be back again but 10 times stronger. This well is very clogged up and needs a lot more to be cleaned.
Finally Cleaning our Well
Well we really wanted to improve our well but it might have made things a lot worse.
Building a Stone Foundation
Building a Stone foundation for our Entrance mud room. This was quite a challenge but the result was 100% worth it.
Big Harvesters brought many Storks
As the local farmers harvested the field and cultivated them the storks gathered around like we have never seen before so many storks on one field and then staying on our property for one night before taking off to south.
Last Jobs with Excavator!?
Little Kubota is about to leave and we have few jobs left to do.
Building Chair Swing to Enjoy the Summer Days
Just relaxing on these hot days! We have cleaned up the front of the house quite a bit and with every year it's getting more and more homey!
Went to BUY a House, Adopted a dog instead
Went to BUY a House, Adopted a dog instead
While looking at this house and thinking about buying it we met this beautiful girl Keita and she is so lovely, instead of the house we got a dog!
Nea Smirni Historical Run (AFTERMOVIE 2019)