Today marks my 1 yr anniversary of what began the worst year of my life. I ended up hospitalized for 5 days. Last year from Thanksgiving to end of December I lost my appetite/slowly no longer eating & lost 30 pounds. Had symptoms like fatigue & dry mouth. Turns out Im type 2 diabetic with a blood sugar of 900 in the hospital ICU. They said I was on the verge of a coma or worst. Also that Ive probably been diabetic for about 2 yrs but was high functioning. Luckily I recovered & got out of the hospital to start a lifestyle change. Afterwards, I experienced vision problems, I couldn’t see at all. My eyes was struggling to adjust to low normal blood sugar levels. Vision retuned a month later. Was on insulin injections at first but thanks to my other half helping with my lifestyle change I got off it in 4 months to pills. Got my blood sugar down to 90-110 consistently. Things continued to get worst. My other half’s dad was sick for a bit but sadly & unexpectedly passed away. He was a good man who loved his family dearly & looked out for me as if I was his family. I wish he was still here. My significant other moved back to AZ shortly after to be with her fam. For the 1st time I was on my own alone. She ended things 2 months later after almost 14 yrs together. I completely hit rock bottom for the 1st time in my life. I didnt have anyone near me to help when I was at my lowest. I don’t really have much family at all either. I began experiencing depression without even realizing it. Never bothered ppl with my problems, I just bottled up everything. But I decided to start reaching out to friends and people being open and honest. I realized quickly, no one gives s**t about your situation or me. Cause that’s the worst feeling, thinking you don’t matter. But that’s how I felt and still do at times. Holidays were rough, I had nobody & the days felt like solitary confinement. Only thing that kept me going was finding out that there was 3 ppl that gave a s**t about me. We don’t live near each other but they would check on me constantly. Im grateful/thankful for them. Thought some friends would be there but they werent. Hopefully this yr will be better.