At the end of last week the first major life replacement vibrational wave of the new heart and soul era has broken onto the Earth. Like a tidal wave it has already spread far and making an impact. This wave reeks havoc where individuals have been acting in a 'power over others' manner through self importance, dishonesty, and arrogance. It's mark is in the everyday humans. This is an adjustment many spiritual people have to face as the new era energy works from where the heart is; the everyday soul, the heart of the community, the people who hold up the world, the mass populus. This means looking for energy changes in world events, famous people, breaking news, celebrity etc will now be to look in the wrong place - those places are the top down, from the higher important people, the wealthy, the powerful, the self image society that typified the previous era of energy. No, the new wave breaks on the world's normal folk, the many hearts that have been struggling with life under the old power/authority/importance energy since they have been born. The Universe is seeding the new world from the bottom, from the many, from the heartfelt, from the honest toilers.
This wave of right tide frequencies now floods the world at that base foundation level and 'forces' situations where those who perceive themselves more superior or in control or in anyway untouchable or forever holding the upper hand, to be brought back to Earth. The right wave will drown out their voice replacing it with more justice, more reality, more truth, and more penalty for refusing to accept right actions and behaviours. Expect then to see walls crashing down for anyone who acts and behaves in the above mentioned who seeks only to act like the King or Queen, champion or winner of any scenario 'just because' they believe they have something or greatest of all, are someone compared to others. Right is about to crash into many lives. If you have always acted as such so then you will flow into new places, better circumstances, and greatest and most far reaching of all, more freedom in the years ahead. For now live your life and witness the right wave energise the good and true and sweep away the self obsessed and self serving arrogance of others. We all have a heart and a soul, none is more important that any other. The tide has turned.