Big news... I can finally share. I've quit my job! Alhumdilliah. After considerable reflection, I've decided to finally go full-time on all the things I do and build out my portfolio career. This includes my community-building consultancy, , and the Muslims in VC community alongside the careers/business coaching I do, public speaking and running workshops.
I've been so fortunate that my day job as community manager at ImpactVC has been part-time, flexible, and great and I've enjoyed building the community and learning a lot. But with everything that has been happening in Palestine coupled with working in the VC world just made me feel a bit off, it was my push to finally just double down on impactful work and not wait around
I always knew at some point I wanted to bet on myself but as a working mum, It was one of the reasons why I stayed in a job so long, especially when thinking about growing my family, etc. You think about security, benefits, and maternity leave, but I'm trusting in Allah SWT that it will all be okay, inshallah.
Over Christmas, I sat down with my husband, we did the sums, and figured out we were in a privileged position for me to take the risk. I realized that Allah SWT has given me a certain skillset for a reason. I've achieved a lot alhumdilliah doing it on the side, so I'm excited to see what can be possible if I focus.
Few weeks left of my notice period but Allah SWT has already been opening doors for me and it's probably a good time to mention that if you're interested in working with me then get in touch! Between now and June/TechFest, I'm mainly exploring public speaking opportunities and workshops in community building, diversity and inclusion and potentially have the capacity for one client but let's get a conversation going!