More years ago than he’d care to remember, Opey Rowell got some sage advice.
“I was told, ‘Opey, farm like nobody’s around you. Don’t worry about everybody else; just do your thing,’ ” Rowell recalls, as he navigates a tractor and planter across an irrigated field south of Manito.
Rowell took that statement to heart. In short order, he was on a mission to figure out a better way to farm, even if it didn’t look like his neighbors.
His goals are the same as those of nearly every other farmer: Increase yield. Improve soil health. Manage weeds. Retain nutrients. Make more money per acre — long term.
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“We are still growing food. We are still providing our communities with fresh produce and fresh eggs. We’re just doing it in a different way than our rural counterparts do it,” Natasha says with a smile. “And we’re still working hard and loving it.” We Sow We Grow
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