Inspiration is a word I don't hear often enough anymore, as though we as a society have embraced this mundane attitude about life, uninspired and uninterested in the eccentric possibilities behind the most monotonous of concepts. Recently, I have found myself putting myself in the position of social risk in exchange for passion, and have been networking far more frequently, intentionally or not, w
ith a plethora of interesting people. In this, I have found a sad reality amongst the masses, especially those close to my own age. You have given up. It’s not to say I blame you. In the wake of the Great Recession, economic stability has become a top priority for the majority of society. The retirement-eligible population is increasing extending their employment, parents and mentors preach the need for secure employment, and the very notion of risky investments is practically a whisper from the past. Many of you might already know your passions, and simply aren't pursuing them. Normal is nothing but an illusion. Eccentricities and diversity bring color to a drab world of similitude. Regardless of your fear, you have the potential to change the world and inspire people. Don’t over think the things that you find passion for. Be authentic and immerse yourself in the things you love. Our site was made to help you find your awakening, escape adolescent fears, and find the grandiose potential within yourself to make a difference.