Inner Harmony Music

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  • Inner Harmony Music

Inner Harmony Music Founded in Bay Area, California in 1978 by Michael Stillwater, Inner Harmony Music produces healing music recordings, singing events and seminars.

Welcome to a world of musical reflection and creative engagement, healing songs and chants, instrumental music, spoken word meditations and film. Listen to music and view film clips at our Online Shop

Our film series, In Search of The Great Song, explores and celebrates the transformative dimension of song. View clips and previews at Song Without Borders, our no

nprofit partner.

Our feature documentary release, Shining Night, tells the story of a man, an island, and music that moves the world. ('a heartening rarity', Wall Street Journal; Winner, Best Documentary, DC Indie Film Festival & Eugene Film Festival; Audience Choice Award, Friday Harbor Film Festival)

Our bestselling audio resource, Graceful Passages: A Companion for Living and Dying, offers messages of inspiration, insight and comfort scored with original music by film composer Gary Malkin. Featuring the spoken voices of Ram Dass, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Thich Naht Hahn and others, Graceful Passages helps alleviate fear and supports meaningful conversations. Reconnect to the music of you through Song Sanctuary, a one-day or weekend seminar- or as a six-day retreat in an Italian monastery. Includes ChantWave (a community singing event), SongSourcing (a creative songmaking method), The Honoring (a musical healing ceremony) and our film series. For those wishing to learn to perform and share this music, we now offer a collection of 108 of Michael's original songs and chants in two volumes: A Treasury of Song and A Treasury of Chant. May these programs and resources help you rediscover and enjoy the power of your own, unique song. - Michael

Visit our Online Shop to listen & purchase CD's, MP3's, Books and receive free Downloads

New feature:   English speaking is now automatically translated  into other languages in (optional) closed-caption viewi...

New feature: English speaking is now automatically translated into other languages in (optional) closed-caption viewing.

Join recording artist, educator and filmmaker Michael Stillwater on the last Sunday of the year for a magical hour of creative ...

Join recording artist, educator and filmmaker Michael Stillwater on the last Sunday of the year for a magical hour of cr...

Join recording artist, educator and filmmaker Michael Stillwater on the last Sunday of the year for a magical hour of creative contemplation.

Included in the program are chants and intuitive songs, as well as audience interaction.

This program is designed for inspiration and reconnection to the song inside, always alive, always present.

The hour will also be a way of meeting online with people you may have not seen for a long time, as well as meeting new potential friends.

Joining is by a donation of your choice, as well as entry without payment (if choosing no payment, just change the suggested amount to 0)

We begin at 7 PM European Central time (8 AM Hawaii, 10 AM West Coast, 11 AM Mountain, 12 PM Midwest, 1 PM East Coast, 6 PM UK).

New feature: English speaking is now automatically translated into other languages in (optional) closed-caption viewing.

Join recording artist, educator and filmmaker Michael Stillwater on the last Sunday of the year for a magical hour of creative ...

I invite you to join me for SongLife Weekend in Luzern, Switzerland,  21.-22. September.Designed for anyone interested i...

I invite you to join me for SongLife Weekend in Luzern, Switzerland, 21.-22. September.

Designed for anyone interested in exploring and expanding their creative and musical journey, SongLife combines chant and intuitive songmaking together with contemplative songwriting. The 'honoring ceremony' (featuring newly created song portraits for participants) is also included.

Hosted by Anne Clement, the opportunity is for anyone attracted to this possibility.

More details & Anmeldung:

Ein Workshop für alle, die auf einem musikalischen Weg der Heilung sind und sich über ihre Songs persönlich ausdrücken m...

Ein Workshop für alle, die auf einem musikalischen Weg der Heilung sind und sich über ihre Songs persönlich ausdrücken möchten oder dies schon tun. Für alle, die mit ihren musikalischen Fähigkeiten einen Schritt weiter gehen möchten, die Spiritualität und Lebendigkeit integrieren möchten.
Dieser Tag ist eine Einführung mit Fokus auf SongWriting, intuitivem Erschaffen von Liedern und unterstützendem Gitarren-Spiel; es sind keine Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.

Samstag 1. 06. 2024
10:00-17:30 Uhr
Margaretha- und Josephinen-Stift
Adenauerring 39
Kempten, 87439 Germany

Monika Ananda Wiese
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 0176-34335426

Samstag/Sonntag 8.-9. 06. 2024
Feucht bei Nürnberg
10:00-17:30 Uhr

Workshop Anmeldung:
[email protected]
Tel. 0176-24666432

[email protected]
Tel. 0176- 921 823 30

IN NÜRNBERG:  Freitag, 7. JuniOffene Kirche St. KlaraKönigstraße 6690402 NürnbergChantWave ist Michael Stillwater’s MitS...

IN NÜRNBERG: Freitag, 7. Juni
Offene Kirche St. Klara
Königstraße 66
90402 Nürnberg

ChantWave ist Michael Stillwater’s MitSing-Konzert, das alle auf der “großen Woge und den Flügeln des Gesangs” mitnimmt:, Gemeinsam werden spirituelle Lieder gesungen, die Lebensfreude, Vertrauen und Kreativität wecken und stärken. Alle, die gerne singen oder die inspirierende Kraft des Gesanges kennenlernen möchten, sind herzlich willkommen.

Wie auch in seinen Filmen und Seminaren geht es Michael Stillwater an diesem Abend darum, einen positiven Bezug zur eigenen Stimme aufzubauen. Auch und gerade wer glaubt, nicht oder nicht gut singen zu können, ist eingeladen, durch das MitSingen der Lieder von Stillwater neue, ermutigende Erfahrungen zu machen: die Melodien und Rhythmen sind eingängig und bewegend, die Texte sind lebendig, heilsam und aufbauend.

Michael Stillwater unterstützt sein singendes Publikum durch eine einzigartige Stimme, großartiges Gitarrenspiel und durch herzliche und professionelle Anleitung – es wird ganz ohne Noten gesungen. So macht das Singen viel Freude, man fühlt sich verbunden mit der Musik, mit sich selbst und den anderen MitsängerInnen – ein Abend, der sicher lange nachklingt!

Beitrag: 18€ (ermäßigt 10€)

Our last night in Tuscany, following our Song Sanctuary retreat. Thanks to our host, Katriona Munthe, and all participan...

Our last night in Tuscany, following our Song Sanctuary retreat. Thanks to our host, Katriona Munthe, and all participants for a deep and beautiful week.

Review of our award-winning film, Beyond the Fear of Singing is said...

Review of our award-winning film, Beyond the Fear of Singing

It is said of geese that are raised in metal cages on farmland, in captivity (for foie gras and specialty eggs), that when they witness a skein of free-flying geese overhead, it ignites their spirits into pandemonium: flapping their wings, spinning in circles, and honking in anguished desire to join their liberated kindred.
“Beyond the Fear of Singing” similarly juxtaposes the captive with the free-spirited, only, in its case, the comparison is between human beings who have confidence to vocalize musically and those who have had that confidence painfully shamed out of them, often since childhood.
Like all great storytelling, this documentary has an arc of development. It is comprised of IV segments, beginning with “I Silenced” and moving through “II Emerging,” “III Reclaiming,” and “IV Opening.” Bear that hopeful progression in mind. You’re going to have to in order to survive the anguish of “Silenced” which just might leave you imagining a special Circle of Hell (a la Dante) for every teacher, choir director, parent, sibling or spouse who ever callously quashed the burgeoning efforts of a fledgling singer.
You won’t get through this one unhooked, and that’s a very good thing. One of its most dazzling components is the sheer number of prismatic facets through which it examines the longing to sing, the loss of one’s self-confidence to do so, and, in a number of sublime instances, the capacity to overcome self-doubt. It’s a stumble into, and skilled walk out of, an emotional mine-field.
Exiting & healing such exit wounds is done in good company:
There are Singers, of course, and Song-writers, Composers, Voice Educators – all to be expected, and much appreciated. And then we also benefit from a Psychiatrist, a Neurosurgeon, a Monk, a Cinematographer, a Business Consultant, a Fire Dancer, an Economist, an Arts Editor, a Gondolier, a Photographer, a Somatic Movement Therapist....etc, etc.

Let me stop the impressive litany and dive in right there, with the Somatic Movement Therapist, because Katrin Kohlbecher’s contribution is one of the most striking:

If Trauma is at the root of being “Silenced” the state from which we strive to “Emerge” “Reclaim” and “Open” ourselves, then one can hardly imagine a more traumatized population than the one with which she works: former Child Soldiers abducted from homes & schools in northern Uganda on the Sudanese border.

Katrin invites her wounded population to request what they need in order to re-integrate into society sanely after being militarized: “We want to sing! We want to dance! We want to play music!”

This is a call to a deeper cultural dimension of Africa than that of village raids, forced marriages, and other horrific atrocities: Old Africa, where, in some tribes, a pregnant woman is drummed into trance and asked to tune into her unborn child’s Song. This is a Song that is sung not only in times of celebration, such as birth, but also at those times when a person is lost and needs to be reminded of their worth and destiny.

Similarly, some African tribes also believe that we have Ancestral Guiding Stars, and they are unable to find us unless our own Solar Plexus (strong ego) light is glowing. Katrin describes the glory of witnessing just such essential light return, as the children played the calabash, sang, and danced:

“I could see that a life force was shining through them, a kind of hope and light that was stronger than the pain they had suffered.” Alleluia!

This primordial stomping ground is a far cry from the urban Music Halls of sublime orchestration which are also captured in “Beyond the Fear of Singing,” along with everything in between.

Also illustrative of the scope of this chosen cast: While there is a considerable amount of delight, pleasure and joy to be found, one cannot say that humor is a strong element. But the closest thing to being at all comical is a segment where a most endearing man, Bernd Seifried, Psychologist, refers to his therapeutic donkeys’ braying as “singing” and shows them the reverence usually reserved for the likes of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir! If that won’t embolden you to take your singing out of the shower, what more could you need?

When my singer/songwriter husband, Ciaran, instantly pointed out that filmmaker Michael Stillwater, shown in the documentary’s opening scene, was playing his guitar “lefty,” I knew we were in the good hands of that small % of the population who are more aligned to the intuitive, divergent from conventional thinking, creative, innovative, and even able to better tune into the sounds of slowly~changing music. Add to this that Michael’s wife, co-producer Doris Laesser Stillwater, is a psychologist and pathfinder, and you know you’re in for some much-needed, old-paradigm shattering!

So I delighted in, and wasn’t surprised by, the impressive number of men here who, like the donkey whisperer, exhibited great depths of compassion.

One strong example is Bruce Bough, a warm, bearded bear of a Neurosurgeon from Dublin (think Poppa Hemingway) who not only has sympathy for people who were made afraid to sing, but also exhibits sympathy for their subsequent Post-Traumatic Stress (which I don’t call a Disorder, because it’s natural): “Fear is actually wisdom in the presence of danger. Your brain is just trying to protect you from repeating a painful childhood experience.”

If such tender men undermine the authority of prior harsh judgments and thus clear the pathway to healing, a number of the women interviewed hold their own in the Yin dimension by inviting us into an interior source of Song:

Susie Ro Prater, Singer/Voice Educator from the UK, was the first to catch my fascination that way: while the camerawork is always skilled at framing close-ups, in her instance, there is such a stunning, liquid sense of purity and translucency to her face that you fall right into trusting her knowing & nurturance absolutely.

Suzanne Goebal, Founder of Klang Rund in Germany, helps would-be singers tune into “...what returns to you while you’re singing, not just the idea of giving forth to somebody else, but of singing, toning, to yourself. So it’s some kind of feeling of
Paradise inside when you’re singing ~ a contact and entrance to the Inner World that is so fascinating.

This documentary is the third in a Songs Without Borders series, In Search of the Great Song. Those of you familiar with the prior two will be thrilled to recognize two composers from the Pacific Northwest San Juan Archipelago: Alex Shapiro and Morten Lauridsen. To have two artists of such renown cheer on fledgling singers provides an indelible boost!

Alex is positively radiant in her enthusiasm: “I can't think of anything more worthwhile then to encourage another human being to express themselves ~ to express themselves purely, authentically, from the heart ~ not worrying about being judged or not. It's about the doing of it, it's about the joy and expression ~ that’s what matters!”

Morten bookends the film perfectly by sharing a tale from his childhood when a benighted teacher annihilated his creative confidence by deprecating his picture of a little Green Bunny. Of course, the Art world’s loss was the Music world’s gain in his instance, but still it is painfully poignant to witness that, even in his esteemed eldership, he wonders what he missed out on. But he has such generosity of heart that he channels his childhood wounding into a cri de coeur to encourage others:

“We are very vulnerable and have to be extra brave when exerting ourselves artistically. It just comes with the territory because we're revealing ourselves.

“When it happens to you, pay no attention,” he avers with a loving ferocity, “It is your voice, not theirs.

It is your life not theirs.

If it brings you joy, which it ought to, stay the course.”

With its nuanced sweeping spotlight moving from faces, voices, music, water, grasses, clouds, and hands, this film plays your body like a theremin ~ that apparently magical instrument which is sounded by the musician without any physical contact to it. It appears as if hauntingly beautiful sounds are being summoned out of thin air! Similarly, witnessing this film can turn your body into an invisible harp and play on all your lost cords. You just might move into your world afterward, every cell brimming with song!

Unlock Your Voice. Release Your Song. A Song Without Borders Production In Association with Inner Harmony & SongLife A Film by Michael Stillwater Co-Produced…

Inner Harmony Presents: ChantWave Online Dear Michael, I welcome you to my first Autumn event of 2022: this Saturday, September 24, you are invited to ChantWave Online (times below, depending on your

This Saturday join me for ChantWave Online, from wherever you are in the world.  A time of sharing chants of peace and h...

This Saturday join me for ChantWave Online, from wherever you are in the world. A time of sharing chants of peace and harmony. No entrance fee / donation welcome (optional).

Register here:

8 AM Hawaii
10 AM West Coast
11 AM Mountain
12 PM Central
1 PM East Coast
7 PM Europe
8 PM Helsinki (where the music originates)

Hope to see you there!

ChantWave Online on Zoom, Sat Feb 26, 2022 - Michael's chants and songs are known for their musicality, heart-connecting lyrics and ease of singing. While we won’t be hearing our voices together (due to tec...

Thank you to all who joined me yesterday for the SongLife Intro program.  If interested in learning more or registering ...

Thank you to all who joined me yesterday for the SongLife Intro program. If interested in learning more or registering for any of the programs in Season Seven of the SongLife Training, click on the link below.

Greetings! Thank you for your registering and participating in yesterday's progam. It was good to see all the faces of those who came online! A PDF of resources is still available with this link: down



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