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Awe and wonder, sacrifice and redemption
When I read Pangur Bán, The White Cat as a child, it filled me with awe and wonder. I've mentioned it to other readers and writers throughout college and adulthood in the US, but very few people have ever heard of it. It has been out of print for years due to changes at the UK publisher.
In 2018 I got in touch with Fay Sampson, the author, and inquired about including the book in Phoenix Crate, a noblebright fantasy subscription box that I had just founded. Although I wasn't able to get any copies from the publisher at the time, Fay and I eventually came to an agreement that I would republish the book under my Spring Song Press imprint.
I am incredibly honored to bring this book back into print! Spring Song Press self-funded the first book in the series, and it is available now through retailers and through this Kickstarter as a reward. The Kickstarter will help fund the second book in the series, and more if we reach the stretch goals!
Help us bring this incredible series back into print! We've self-funded the first book; help us publish the remaining five!