Real-time information about Active Incidents in the Western Maryland Area as they happen, before the media reports them. Includes Allegany, Frederick, Garrett, Washington Counties and the Cities of Frederick and Hagerstown. Covering Fire, Rescue, EMS, Law Enforcement Incidents in Real-Time. Brought to you by
List of commonly used abbreviations in incident posts:
ALM alarm
ALS Advan
ced Life Support (Paramedics)
AMB or AMBO Ambulance
APT Apartment
BLDG Building
BLS Basic Life Support
BSMT Basement
BTWN or B/W Between
CHK Check
CMD command
COMM Commercial Building
DWH Doubtfull Will Hold (may go to next Alarm)
EB East Bound
ENTRAP Entrapment (in vehicle after accident, or in house fire)
EOG end of group
EOR end of row
EXP Exposure
FF Firefighter
FM or FRM Frame
GSW Gun Shot Wound
HELO Helicopter (medevac)
HVY heavy
IAO In the area of
IFO In front of
INJ Injured, injury
INV Involved
K/D Knocked, knocked down
LSO line(s) in service operating
LZ Landing Zone
M/A mutual aid
M/B/O/F/K/D Main body of fire knocked
MC motorcycle
MCI Mass Casualty Incident (usually more than 5 injured)
MFD Multi Family Dwelling
MM Mile Marker
MOG middle of group
MOR middle of row
MOS Member of service
MULT Multiple
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVC motor vehicle collision
NB North Bound
O/S on scene
O/T Over turned
OMD occupied multiple dwelling
PT Patient
RID Rapid Intervention Detail
RIT Rapid Intervention Team
ROF report of fire
RPTING Reporting
RPTS Reports
RQST request
RSI Rapid Sequence Intubation
SB South Bound
SFD single family dwelling
SMK smoke
TG Talk Group
TNSPT Transport
TRAP Entrapment
TT Tractor Trailer
U/C Under control
U/D Update
VEH Vehicle
W with
WB West bound
WD Wood
WFD working fire dispatch
WSF working structure fire
For entire state of MD, official explanation of patient priorities: Priority 1 - Critically ill or injured person requiring immediate attention; unstable patients with life-threatening injury or illness. Priority 2 - Less serious condition yet potentially life-threatening injury or illness, requiring emergency medical attention but not immediately endangering the patient's life. Priority 3 — Non-emergent condition, requiring medical attention but not on an emergency basis. Priority 4 has become synonymous with fatality however, and is almost never used to denote a live person not in need of medical care when communicating with other units or dispatch. If providers report a Priority 4 over the radio they are reporting a fatality. TRAUMA PATIENT CATEGORIES
Trauma patients are assigned both a priority and a category. The category determines where the pt is transported and how. CATEGORY A
(To trauma center, consider medevac if faster/beneficial)
Glasgow Coma Score