Can we TALK about the fact that moms get overstimulated and it’s mistaken for anger...
No, I’m not angry, l’ve heard mom 500 times since the minute I woke up, the tv is so loud, the washer is going, noises outside, there’s laundry to fold, my house is a wreck, bills are due, I need gas in my car, there’s crumbs on everything, dishes in the sink and I can feel it all.
I’m not angry, I’m overstimulated and need a minute to myself
Motherhood is exhausting. No matter what someone always needs you Go to work,someone needs you, come home, someone needs you, go to sleep, someone needs you, shower time; someone needs you, going to the bathroom, someone needs you.
A child, a baby, an adult IM ALWAYS NEEDED.
I’m not angry ❤️ I’m overstimulated
Let me collect myself before you start to accuse me of being in a bad mood. I just need a minute