He joined the Hong Kong music industry in 2009 and has since released three Cantonese albums – ‘Beyond Singing’, ‘Spectrum’ and ‘Out of Frame’. His singles became instant hits on the Hong Kong and Guangzhou pop charts and have earned him over 15 music awards in the new singer and singer-songwriter categories from all major television and radio stations in Hong Kong and Southern China. Jonathan pic
ked up both the piano and the violin at the age of 6 and began taking a serious interest in dance during his high school years in the U.S. He continued his artistic pursuits at Cornell University, double majoring in Psychology and Dance while acting as the musical director and arranger for the university's A Ca****la group "Last Call". His vocal arrangements and solo performances helped "Last Call" secure numerous national and international awards, while his achievements in dance made him the single recipient of the 2008 Cornell Undergraduate Artist Award. In June 2010, Jonathan joined AVEX, a top music label in Japan, and became the first ever international artist jointly developed by the group’s domestic and international departments. Jonathan accomplished a series of remarkable professional developements in 2011. In January 2011, he performed as a special guest of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra in two concerts at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre. It was an exciting crossover as Jonathan's own compositions, characterized by R&B and Hip Hop rhythms, was rearranged and performed by an ensemble of 80 highly accomplished musicians. He then released his third Cantonese album and first Japanese single in April and June. In July, he launched his biography in an electronic book called ‘My Soul, My Groove, My Words and Beyond’, and soon afterwards an iPhone application called ‘J-Wo’ which was designed on the basis of his special music style. Jonathan then became a talk show host in a popular TVB J2 Channel program called ‘Big Boys Club’ from August of the same year. In November, Jonathan was invited by Tokyo’s TBS TV Station to represent Hong Kong and lead an A Ca****la group as its conductor and arranger to compete against the Japanese team at a prime time international talent show. Jonathan and his team thrilled the audience with their passionate and innovative performance and defeated their strong Japanese competitors. Concurrently, Jonathan was named the spokesperson for Panasonic’s new camera GX1 in a major marketing campaign. In December, he starred as the male lead role in a highly popular musical production called ‘A Love Fetherlite’ and toured Shenzhen and Guangzhou in a series of performances. In 2012, Jonathan will be releasing his first Mandarin album in June and holding his first solo concert in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
2009年全力發展演藝事業,一手包辦監製、作曲、編曲及填詞等工作,至今已推出了三張個人專輯及一張日語單曲CD。 2009年底囊括香港及內地多個主要流行音樂頒獎禮的新人獎項。
2010年中加盟日本頂尖音樂集團AVEX﹐成為集團重點栽培的國際藝人。同年獲邀參與在英國舉辦, 由英、美著名唱作流行樂手、 格林美得獎者組成的作曲項目, 涉獵跨文化音樂創作。 2010年底獲頒TVB8金曲榜最佳唱作歌手銅獎、新城勁爆及新城國語力創作歌手獎、以及TVB十大勁歌金曲最受歡迎唱作歌手銅奬。
2011年參與不同範疇的演出: 先後與香港中樂團合作於香港文化中心舉行兩場音樂會;推出第三張粵語專輯及首張日語單曲CD;於六月份以作家身份推出自傳式電子書及iPhone app;八月份加盟TVB J2台清談節目[兄弟幫] 擔任主持﹑十月份成為Panasonic GX1 相機代言人並参與一連串大型宣傳活動;十一月應日本東京TBS電視台邀請擔任指揮及編曲人, 代表香港帶領無伴奏合唱團跟日本隊在一個國際才藝節目中比賽,並凱旋而歸。此外﹐更於下半年攻入內地市場,在珠三角區主演歌舞劇[戀愛輕飄飄]。 2011年底獲頒一系列音樂獎項, 包括:《新城國語力頒獎禮2011》創作歌手獎及國語歌曲獎﹑音樂先鋒榜年度樂壇進步獎﹑新城勁爆歌曲演繹大獎, 以及在TVB十大勁歌金曲 2011頒獎禮中奪得年度傑出表現獎金獎。
2012年六月, 將推出首張國語專輯﹐並於八月份在香港會議展覽中心舉行一連兩場的首次個人演唱會。