We are a party-less, leaderless, brand-less, anti-capitalist radio collective. We are politically autonomous; we do not represent anyone but ourselves and are not affiliated or in allegiance to any established organization or group. For our complete Statement of Political Autonomy please visit: http://onresistanceradio.tumblr.com/post/59744003081/statement-of-political-autonomy
We reject tools of
social control, from coercion to government, which purposefully disempower us from shaping our own reality and alienate us from exploring anything that differs from the status quo. We are anti-capitalist aimed at dismantling hierarchy, exploitation, and power structures embodied within our current society. We hope to inspire creativity, dialogue and direct action against the capitalist state and all variations of oppression that uphold societal hierarchies based on race, gender, class, sexuality, disability or citizenship. Our collective includes, and stands in solidarity with people of color fighting against the structures of white supremacy and apologism. We encourage the process of decolonization by acknowledging that assimilation which is built around a culture of Whiteness is dependent on a culture of anti-blackness. Ideas and voices against all intersections of oppression are usually
kept away from the mic, marginalized and managed by those in power -those with capital- and their beneficiaries. We are here to be boldly insubordinate to such complementary oppressive systems whom expect us to remain complicit and silent or to avoid controversy during such pivotal times as global uprising. instead expect our voices to rise as we encourage unapologetic radical critique and widespread defiance. The culture of resistance, of opposition, is growing.