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Delicious Homemade Dragons Blood Wine Recipe - The Homestead Survival

If you enjoy making wine then you need to make this homemade dragon's blood wine. This recipe makes 6 gallons of wine so you can be ready to give some at Christmas as gifts or if you prefer just cut the recipe down to the amount you wish to make.…

🍇 5 pounds red grapes
🍏 2 pounds green apples
🍓 1 pound strawberries
🍒 1 pound cherries
🍋 2 lemons (juice)
🍯 2 cups honey
🍷 1 packet wine yeast
Details of Instructions:

Prepare the Fruits: Wash and chop the red grapes, green apples, strawberries, and cherries. Remove any pits from the cherries.
Mix Ingredients: In a large fermentation bucket, combine the chopped fruits, lemon juice, and honey.
Add Yeast: Sprinkle the wine yeast over the mixture. Stir well to combine.
Fermentation: Cover the bucket with a clean cloth and let it sit in a cool, dark place for 5-7 days, stirring daily.
Strain: After fermentation, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth into a clean container to remove the fruit solids.
Secondary Fermentation: Transfer the strained liquid to a glass carboy or another fermentation vessel. Seal with an airlock and let it ferment for another 3-4 weeks.
Bottling: Once fermentation is complete, carefully siphon the wine into sterilized bottles. Seal the bottles with corks or caps.
Aging: Let the wine age for at least 3 months to develop its full flavor before enjoying.


Dandelion Mead
Dandelion mead is a luscious floral honey wine that's the perfect way to celebrate spring.
Ingredients :

Dandelion flowers 🌼: 4 cups
Water 💧: 1 gallon
Honey 🍯: 3 lbs
Lemon 🍋: 2, sliced
Orange 🍊: 1, sliced
Yeast (wine or champagne) 🍷: 1 packet
Ginger (optional) 🍹: 1 k**b, sliced
Detailed Instructions:

Step 1: Collect dandelion flowers on a sunny day, avoiding pesticide-treated areas.
Step 2: In a large pot, boil water and pour over dandelion petals. Cover and let steep for 24 hours.
Step 3: Strain liquid into a clean container, discarding petals.
Step 4: Stir in honey until dissolved. Add lemon, orange slices, and ginger if using.
Step 5: Cool to room temperature. Sprinkle yeast over the mixture and cover loosely.
Step 6: Allow to ferment for 2-3 weeks in a cool, dark place, stirring daily.
Step 7: Strain again, bottle, and store in a cool place for at least 1 month before enjoying.


Making wine from your garden can be a rewarding and enjoyable process. Here's a basic guide to help you get started:

Fresh fruit (such as grapes, berries, apples, or any other fruit you have in your garden)
Wine yeast (specific for winemaking)
Campden tablets (optional, to sterilize the must)
Acid blend (optional, to adjust acidity)
Pectic enzyme (optional, to break down pectin in the fruit)
Large primary fermenter (food-grade plastic bucket)
Secondary fermenter (glass carboy)
Airlock and b**g
Siphoning tube
Sanitizing solution
Strainer or cheesecloth
1. Sanitize Equipment
Thoroughly clean and sanitize all equipment that will come into contact with the wine to prevent contamination.
2. Prepare the Fruit
Wash the fruit to remove any dirt or pesticides.
Remove stems, seeds, and pits if necessary.
Crush the fruit to release the juice. You can use a fruit crusher, blender, or simply mash it by hand.
3. Make the Must
Place the crushed fruit into the primary fermenter.
Add sugar to the fruit. The amount of sugar depends on the fruit’s natural sweetness and your desired alcohol content. Use a hydrometer to measure the potential alcohol level.
Add water to adjust the volume of the must. The amount of water will vary based on the fruit and your preference.
Optional: Add Campden tablets to the must to kill any wild yeast and bacteria. Let it sit for 24 hours.
Optional: Add acid blend and pectic enzyme according to the instructions on the packaging.
4. Fermentation
After 24 hours (if you used Campden tablets), add the wine yeast to the must. Stir gently to mix.
Cover the fermenter with a clean cloth and secure it with a rubber band or use an airlock.
Place the fermenter in a dark, cool area. The temperature should be between 65-75°F (18-24°C).
Stir the must daily and check the hydrometer readings. Fermentation can take 5-7 days.
5. Secondary Fermentation
Once the primary fermentation slows down (hydrometer reading around 1.010), siphon the wine into a clean glass carboy, leaving the sediment behind.
Attach an airlock to the carboy to allow gases to escape while preventing oxygen from entering.
Place the carboy in a dark, cool area to continue fermenting. This process can take several weeks to several months.
6. Racking
Every few weeks, siphon the wine into a clean carboy, leaving the sediment behind. This process is called racking and helps to clarify the wine.
7. Bottling
When fermentation is complete (hydrometer reading stable for a few days), it's time to bottle the wine.
Siphon the wine into clean, sanitized bottles.
Seal the bottles with corks or screw caps.
Store the bottles in a cool, dark place.
8. Aging
Allow the wine to age for at least 6 months to a year. The flavor will improve with time.
Experiment with different fruits and blends to create unique flavors.
Keep detailed notes of your process to replicate successful batches.
Patience is key. The longer you let the wine age, the better it will taste.
Enjoy your homemade garden wine!


How to Make Dandelion Wine
🌼 Dandelion petals: 1 quart
🍋 Lemons: 2 (sliced)
🍊 Oranges: 1 (sliced)
🍇 Raisins: 1 cup
🍯 Honey: 2 cups
🍬 Sugar: 3 pounds
💧 Water: 1 gallon
🧊 Yeast: 1 package (wine yeast)
Preparation: Collect dandelion petals, making sure to remove all green parts.
Initial Boil: In a large pot, bring the water to a boil and pour it over the dandelion petals. Cover and let it steep for 2 days.
Strain: After 2 days, strain the liquid into a large pot, discarding the petals.
Add Fruits and Sugar: Add the sliced lemons, oranges, raisins, and sugar to the liquid. Bring to a boil, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
Cool Down: Let the mixture cool to room temperature.
Fermentation: Transfer the liquid to a fermentation vessel. Add the honey and yeast. Stir well.
Seal: Seal the vessel with an airlock and store it in a dark, warm place for 3 weeks.
Rack and Wait: After 3 weeks, siphon the wine into clean bottles, leaving the sediment behind. Cork the bottles and let them age for at least 6 months.
Enjoy: After aging, your dandelion wine is ready to be enjoyed!


irish mead recipe
How to Make a Gallon of Mead A Simple Mead Recipe Recipe Mead
3 lbs (about 1.4 kg) honey (preferably Irish honey for authenticity)
1 gallon (about 3.8 liters) water
1 package of wine yeast (such as champagne yeast)
1 lemon (optional, for flavor)
1 orange (optional, for flavor)
Spices like cloves or cinnamon (optional, for flavor)
Sanitize Equipment: Ensure all equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to prevent contamination.

Mix Honey and Water: In a large pot, heat the water until warm but not boiling. Stir in the honey until it dissolves completely.

Add Flavorings (Optional): If using, add slices of lemon and orange, and any desired spices to the honey-water mixture.

Cool the Mixture: Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. This is crucial to prevent killing the yeast when added.

Pitch the Yeast: Sprinkle the wine yeast on top of the cooled honey-water mixture. Stir gently to combine.

Transfer to Fermentation Vessel: Pour the mixture into a sanitized fermentation vessel (such as a glass carboy or food-grade plastic bucket). Seal with an airlock.

Fermentation: Place the fermentation vessel in a cool, dark place (like a cellar or closet) and allow it to ferment undisturbed for about 4-6 weeks. During fermentation, bubbles will appear and the mead will begin to clarify.

Rack the Mead (Optional): After a few weeks, you may choose to rack (transfer) the mead into a clean vessel to separate it from any sediment that has settled at the bottom.

Bottle: Once fermentation is complete and the mead is clear, it's ready to bottle. Use sanitized bottles and corks or caps.

Age (Optional): Mead can improve with age. Store bottles in a cool, dark place for several months to a year before drinking.

Enjoy: Serve chilled and enjoy your homemade Irish Mead!

This recipe provides a basic guideline. Feel free to adjust sweetness, flavorings, and aging time to suit your preferences. Cheers!


Beginner's Guide to Making Wine from Fruit and Flowers
Making your own wine at home can be a fun and rewarding process. With a few simple ingredients and some basic equipment, you can create delicious wines from a variety of fruits and flowers. Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Equipment Needed:
Primary Fermenter: A food-grade plastic bucket with a lid.
Secondary Fermenter: A glass carboy with an airlock.
Hydrometer: To measure the specific gravity of the wine.
Siphon Tube: For transferring the wine between containers.
Sanitizer: To clean all your equipment.
Bottles and Corks: For storing the finished wine.
Corker: To insert corks into the bottles.
Fruit or Flowers: Choose ripe, fresh fruits or flowers. Popular choices include grapes, berries, apples, peaches, elderflowers, and dandelions.
Sugar: To increase the alcohol content.
Yeast: Wine yeast is recommended for consistent results.
Water: Use filtered or bottled water to avoid any impurities.
Acid Blend: To balance the wine's acidity.
Tannin: To add astringency and complexity.
Campden Tablets: To sterilize the must (the mixture of fruit/flower juice and water).
Pectic Enzyme: To break down pectin and prevent haziness.
Yeast Nutrient: To provide essential nutrients for yeast growth.
Basic Steps:

Sanitize Equipment: Thoroughly clean and sanitize all your equipment to prevent contamination.
Prepare Fruit or Flowers: Wash and chop the fruit or flowers. Remove any stems, seeds, or pits.
Making the Must:

Extract Juice: Place the prepared fruit or flowers into the primary fermenter. Crush the fruit to release the juice. For flowers, pour boiling water over them and let them steep for 24 hours before straining.
Add Sugar: Dissolve sugar in warm water and add to the fermenter. The amount of sugar will depend on the type of fruit and your desired alcohol content.
Add Water: Add enough water to reach the desired volume, typically 1 gallon for a small batch.
Add Additives: Add acid blend, tannin, pectic enzyme, and yeast nutrient as per the recipe.
Sterilize Must: Crush a Campden tablet and stir it into the must. Let it sit for 24 hours to kill any wild yeast or bacteria.

Pitch Yeast: After 24 hours, sprinkle the wine yeast onto the must. Stir well.
Primary Fermentation: Cover the fermenter with a lid and attach an airlock. Let it ferment in a cool, dark place for 5-7 days, stirring daily.
Monitor Specific Gravity: Use a hydrometer to check the specific gravity. When it drops to around 1.030, it's time to transfer to the secondary fermenter.
Secondary Fermentation:

Transfer Wine: Siphon the wine into the glass carboy, leaving the sediment behind. Attach an airlock.
Continue Fermentation: Allow the wine to ferment for several weeks to several months, depending on the recipe. Check the specific gravity periodically.

Transfer Wine: Once the fermentation is complete (specific gravity is stable), siphon the wine into another clean carboy to remove sediment. This process is called racking.
Aging: Let the wine age in the carboy for several months. This allows flavors to develop and improves clarity.

Sanitize Bottles and Corks: Clean and sanitize your bottles and corks.
Bottle the Wine: Siphon the wine into the bottles, leaving about an inch of headspace. Cork the bottles using a corker.
Store Bottles: Store the bottles upright for a few days to ensure the corks are secure, then lay them on their sides in a cool, dark place.

Wait: Allow the wine to age in the bottle for at least a few months before drinking. Some wines improve significantly with age.
Taste and Share: Enjoy your homemade wine and share it with friends and family.
Tips for Success:
Cleanliness is Key: Always sanitize your equipment to avoid contamination.
Patience: Good wine takes time. Be patient and allow the wine to age properly.
Experiment: Try different fruits and flowers to create unique flavors. Adjust sugar levels and additives to suit your taste.
Making wine at home is a journey of experimentation and discovery. With practice, you'll develop your own techniques and recipes to create wines you love. Cheers!


Pineapple Beer Recipe
1 large ripe pineapple, peeled and chopped
1 cup granulated sugar
8 cups water
1 teaspoon active dry yeast
1 lemon, sliced
1-inch piece of fresh ginger, peeled and sliced
Mint leaves (optional, for garnish)
Prepare the Pineapple:

Peel the pineapple and chop it into small pieces. Discard the core.
Mix Ingredients:

In a large pot or bowl, combine the chopped pineapple, sugar, water, lemon slices, and ginger slices.
Add Yeast:

Sprinkle the active dry yeast over the mixture. Stir well to dissolve the yeast and sugar.

Cover the pot or bowl with a clean cloth and let it sit at room temperature for 24-48 hours. Stir the mixture a few times a day.
The fermentation time can be adjusted based on your taste preference. A shorter time will result in a sweeter drink, while a longer time will make it more alcoholic.
Strain and Bottle:

After the desired fermentation period, strain the mixture through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the pineapple chunks, lemon slices, and ginger pieces.
Transfer the strained liquid into clean, sterilized bottles. Seal the bottles tightly.
Secondary Fermentation (Optional):

For a fizzy pineapple beer, allow the bottled beverage to ferment for an additional 1-2 days at room temperature. Be cautious and monitor the pressure in the bottles to avoid over-carbonation.
Chill and Serve:

Once the fermentation is complete, refrigerate the bottles to stop the fermentation process.
Serve chilled, garnished with mint leaves if desired.
Enjoy your homemade Pineapple Beer responsibly!


Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 18:00
Thursday 12:00 - 18:00
Friday 12:00 - 18:00
Saturday 12:00 - 18:00
Sunday 12:00 - 18:00





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