Samantha Vodo

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Samantha Vodo 👩‍💼 Mompreneur |📝 Wordsmith | 💡Innovator

Here's an app I downloaded about two years ago. 😌✨️ There are many similar ones but I find this one easy to use.You can ...

Here's an app I downloaded about two years ago. 😌✨️ There are many similar ones but I find this one easy to use.

You can personalize your affirmations and vision boards to align with your specific goals and values, creating a tailored experience that resonates with you.

And becuase its in your phone, you can access your goals, affirmations, and vision boards anytime, anywhere, making it easier to stay focused and motivated.

Invest in self growth 💕💪🏽

Ruth 1:16 recounts the beautiful bond between Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, after the passing of Naomi's husband an...

Ruth 1:16 recounts the beautiful bond between Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, after the passing of Naomi's husband and sons, Mahlon and Chilion.

Ruth, who had married Mahlon, demonstrates her loyalty by declaring, "Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God."

This profound statement illustrates Ruth's deep love and loyalty, as well as her willingness to leave her homeland and embrace a new life with Naomi.

It's a powerful testament to the strength of their bond and the importance of standing by loved ones in times of need.

Ruth represents those that are with you through difficult times. Remember those that help you without expecting anything in return. Honor the person who stood by your side when you were tired and weak.
Have gratitude for those that helped you go through a difficult time in your life.
Help others as they've helped you.

Have a blessed week ahead🙏🏽✨️

Cousins: The original squad, partners in crime, and confidants. From childhood adventures to lifelong bonds, they're oft...

Cousins: The original squad, partners in crime, and confidants. From childhood adventures to lifelong bonds, they're often our first best friends. 🎉👯‍♂️👬


Planning on moving out and living on your own?🙂

Here's a preparedness checklist that you might find helpful:😌🙏🏽

☐ Financial Preparation: Do you have an actively working stable income to cover living expenses?

☐ Budgeting Readiness: Have you started developing a practical budget to manage your finances effectively?

☐ Emergency Fund: Are you saving for unforeseen expenses, creating a financial safety net?

☐ Utilities Planning: Are you preparing to set up utility accounts in your name for the new place?

☐ Life Skills Development: Have you acquired essential life skills like cooking, cleaning, and laundry?

☐ Emotional Readiness:Are you mentally prepared for the emotional aspects of living independently?

☐ Health Coverage: Have you explored options for health insurance coverage in your upcoming living situation?

☐ Commute Consideration: Have you thought about transportation costs and options for your new location?

Hope this helps 🥰


Here's a conversation etiquette that I thought I should share. 😌✨️When someone's on a high sharing their success, give t...

Here's a conversation etiquette that I thought I should share. 😌✨️

When someone's on a high sharing their success, give them the stage. It's not the time to try and level up with your own victories.

Be patient. Your moment will come. Let them have their peak. When it's your time, share your wins gracefully.

It's not just about conversation; it's a broader life lesson of knowing when to shine and when to let others take that spotlight.

🙏🏽 ⏲️


🚫 What is a "Not to Do" List?🚫

Unlike traditional to-do lists, this approach focuses on activities or habits to avoid.

It provides clarity on negative behaviors hindering progress.

Examples include:
1. Procrastination ⏰
2. Excessive multitasking 🤹‍♀️
3. Mindless social media scrolling (guilty) 📱

The "Not to Do" list promotes self-awareness, aiding in personal growth. 🌱

Regularly revisiting and refining this list ensures continuous improvement. 🔄

Let's start this year well! 😊✨️


👶✨ Finding a reliable babysitter can be quite a journey, and we've changed almost 10 sitters since our firstborn! Here are five tips to level up your babysitter search:

1. Establish Clear Expectations:
Clearly communicate your expectations – responsibilities, schedules, and specific requirements. Setting the right expectations from the beginning is key to finding the perfect babysitter.

2. Ask for References:
📞 Request references from previous employers or families the babysitter has worked with. Insights into experience, reliability, and their connection with children can make your decision more informed.

3. Conduct Thorough Interviews:
🤔 Take the time to ask potential babysitters about their experience, childcare approach, and how they handle different situations. This helps gauge their suitability for your family.

4. Background Checks:
🔍 Prioritize safety with background checks – criminal history, certifications, and online profiles. A clean record provides peace of mind in entrusting your child to a trustworthy caregiver.

5. Trial Period:
🔄 Consider a trial period before committing long-term. Observe how the babysitter interacts with your child, adapts to your routine, and handles surprises. It's a practical assessment of compatibility.

Finding the right babysitter takes time and diligence. Follow these tips for a better chance of discovering a reliable caregiver who forms a positive connection with your children. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💖

There are certain days where all I want is this moment. 💕     ✨

There are certain days where all I want is this moment. 💕

I paid my babysitter with money made from my side hustle!!!!😎Having Multiple Income Streams has so many benefits💰Risk Di...

I paid my babysitter with money made from my side hustle!!!!😎

Having Multiple Income Streams has so many benefits💰

Risk Diversification: Depending on just one income is like riding it without a safety harness. Let's spread that risk, shall we?

Financial Stability: More streams, more stability. If one source hits a hiccup, others keep you going. Picture it like a financial safety net – essential for our peace of mind.

Enhanced Savings and Investments: Struggling to save? Multiple income streams got your back. Plus, they open doors to diverse investments, building a future for the family.

Reduced Financial Stress: Imagine saying goodbye to those sleepless nights over bills. Multiple income streams make it happen. Stress less, enjoy more.

Freedom and Flexibility: Online marketing, freelancing, side gigs – diversity means choices. We're crafting a life that fits our family goals and passions.

Talking about multiple streams, one of mine is online marketing. It's not just a job; it's a game-changer for this mama of two. 💻

Curious about how I'm rocking the online marketing world? Send me a message about my online marketing journey, strategies, or just mom life – I'm all ears! 📩🚀

Here's to smart hustling and embracing the journey to financial freedom! 🌟💪

A Happy 2024 to you all🎆💫Here's to fresh beginnings! As we begin another chapter, may you recieve more joy, fresh goals ...

A Happy 2024 to you all🎆💫

Here's to fresh beginnings! As we begin another chapter, may you recieve more joy, fresh goals to chase, achievements to nail, and plenty of new inspirations. 😌✨️

Get ready for a year packed with opportunities and real wins. Let's do this! 🚀🎉

Pictured is Chad and Abbey marking the new year by planting pineapples with their grandfather 💕

Me: Abbey get up!Abbey: Mummy, tell Unicorn to get up.Me: Okay, Unicorn get up please!Abbey: Okay mummy 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️

Me: Abbey get up!

Abbey: Mummy, tell Unicorn to get up.

Me: Okay, Unicorn get up please!

Abbey: Okay mummy


What is Working Mum Guilt?Working mom guilt is the emotional strain that some mothers feel when they balance their job a...

What is Working Mum Guilt?

Working mom guilt is the emotional strain that some mothers feel when they balance their job and raising kids. It's a sense of worry or guilt about not being able to devote as much time as they'd like to their children due to work commitments. It's a common feeling that arises from societal expectations, personal standards, and the challenge of finding a balance between career and family life.

How do I cope? I make the most of my time at home before it's time for me to head back to work, even if it means I have to sacrifice my sleep 🥰🥰 It's WORTH IT. Like they say, you'll never get these precious moments back. 😍

How do you deal with Working Mum Guilt? Feel free to share in the comments section.🙏??✨️


Hey guys! 🌈✨ Let's get real! Ever had this amazing idea you want to unleash with your talents, but it's stuck in the pro...

Hey guys! 🌈✨

Let's get real! Ever had this amazing idea you want to unleash with your talents, but it's stuck in the procrastination station? 🙄🔥

Drop those thoughts below! What's holding you back?

Your dreams matter, fam! 💯💬

Dads play a crucial role as the first male figures and role models in their daughters' lives. A loving and strong father...

Dads play a crucial role as the first male figures and role models in their daughters' lives. A loving and strong father-daughter relationship has the power to boost a girl's assertiveness and self-confidence. 🌟👨‍👧

By consistently offering affection, validation, and affirmation, fathers contribute to the development of secure, strong, and confident adults in their daughters. 🤗💖

Girls with a close bond to their fathers often exhibit a more positive self-image and heightened self-esteem, paving the way for increased ambition, self-discipline, and success. 💙✨

Behind the Scenes: Workday of an "AI-Driven Affiliate Marketer" mum 🚀Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a 1...

Behind the Scenes: Workday of an "AI-Driven Affiliate Marketer" mum 🚀

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a 12-hour shift working mum, juggling a full-time job, family, and the exciting world of AI-driven affiliate marketing? Here's a sneak peek into my daily hustle!

Before diving into the world of automation and AI, my days were a chaotic blend of work, family, and the constant struggle to find that elusive work-life balance. With a demanding fly in fly out job and the responsibilities of parenthood, every moment was precious, and time seemed to slip away faster than I could catch it.

The turning point came when I stumbled upon an online education coaching program that promised to teach the art of creating an online income through automation and AI. 💡I found the potential to reshape my life and future with the power of technology.

Through trials, errors, and dedicated learning 😰, I uncovered the invaluable lesson that automation is a game-changer. The ability to leverage AI in affiliate marketing not only saves time but amplifies efficiency, allowing me to maximize results in minimal time.

Fast forward to today, and my new routine has transformed my productivity, allowing me to not only excel in my affiliate marketing endeavors but also spend quality time with my babies and Nathan💕 during breaks. The once-elusive work-life balance is now a reality.

In a nutshell, my day revolves around seizing opportunities, leveraging AI, and cherishing moments with my loved ones. The key? Embrace the power of automation and watch your life transform.

Ready to rewrite your story? 🥰If I can juggle a 12-hour shift job, family, and an affiliate marketing side hustle, so can you! Dive into the world of AI-driven success – it's a journey worth taking. Share your thoughts below or DM me for a chat! 🚀 💪

📸 I present to you the newest generation of selfie experts – my pint-sized photographer. 🌟 Forget about professional pho...

📸 I present to you the newest generation of selfie experts – my pint-sized photographer. 🌟 Forget about professional photoshoots; these kids know how to capture the real, unfiltered moments, mischievous grins, and the occasional unintentional close-up of the ceiling. 😂👶

Parents, share your funniest kiddo selfies or caption attempts in the comments below! Let's turn the spotlight on our little comedians. 🧒🤳

Ate ice cream off the floor?? Yesss I did!🤣Being around kids is wild. Stressful stuff. 😨Hence, I needed that sugar hit a...

Ate ice cream off the floor?? Yesss I did!🤣

Being around kids is wild.

Stressful stuff. 😨

Hence, I needed that sugar hit and wasn't goint to let it go that easily. 🍦


Imagine how productive we would be if we wrote a To-Do list for EVERYTHING!!!Thanks to the advice from a wise person (Th...

Imagine how productive we would be if we wrote a To-Do list for EVERYTHING!!!

Thanks to the advice from a wise person (Thank you Nathaniel💜) I realized that even when I'm at home, looking after the kids, I CAN USE A TO-DO LIST.

Here's what my typical at-home-to-do list looks like:

1. Ready Chad for school.

-This usally invovles me trying to keep a 4 year old still to get ready, which requires alot of screaming. Don't judge me!

• Breakfast

•Pack Lunch/Place lunch money with order in bag

•Bath him




2. Morning Routine: Startim morning gut!🙏🏽✨️





3. Abbey's breakfast
- The time it takes for this depends on the mood she wakes up in.
-Happy mornings are wins for me.🤗

4. Laundry
-What's supposed to take me an hour takes me almost 3. Try add dealing with the demands of a 2 year old onto your laundry chores.😅

5. 30 minutes for Online Business Course (Read module ) 💻
-I need to put Abbey to sleep for this.

6. Prepare Abbey's lunch
-More fuel for her to keep me on my toes.

7. Prepare Dinner
-All three of my babies need a well-prepard meal.🥰

What does yours look like? Share with me in the comments. 🙏🏽💕



Will my children need the manners I teach them, in the society they'll be growing up in?

As a parent, the fear creeps in when I send them off to school. Are they safe? What about their friends and their values? Will my daughter feel the pressure to conform? The worries are endless.

But amidst it all, I've realized the key is instilling in them a rock-solid belief in their own values and decisions. 💖

Confidence in themselves will guide them through whatever life throws their way.


Juggling Mom Life & Love 💖: Here's the scoop on being a super mom and an amazing lover. 🌟 •Schedule those date nights, b...

Juggling Mom Life & Love 💖:

Here's the scoop on being a super mom and an amazing lover. 🌟

•Schedule those date nights, because your relationship deserves quality time too! 🍽️

•Share the parenting load, teamwork makes the dream work. 👫

•Keep the love alive with surprise gestures, it's the little things that count. 🎁

•Balance is the key, mama - give love to your partner without forgetting the love you deserve too!


Some days life hits different, and I'm just drowning in it. 😓 Motivation, strength, and determination? Gone. 😩 But you k...

Some days life hits different, and I'm just drowning in it. 😓

Motivation, strength, and determination? Gone. 😩

But you know what? I somehow find the mojo to bounce back and do something about it. 🙏🏽✨️🥰


In the embrace of family, I've discovered resilience, learned important lessons, and found strength I never knew I had.💕✨️

Grateful for the role they play in shaping the person I am becoming. 🌱💙

✨️ Embarking on the Online Success Journey! ✨️Hey there, lovelies!  I want to take you on a journey – one that mirrors m...

✨️ Embarking on the Online Success Journey! ✨️

Hey there, lovelies! I want to take you on a journey – one that mirrors my own experience just four weeks ago when I stepped into the exciting realm of AI and online marketing. 🌐💡

I used to tell myself, "I AM TERRIBLE AT SALES!" It eventually became a barrier blocking my path to success. 🤯 Little did I know, that narrative was about to flip.

One day, something magical happened. Mary, someone like me, said YES! 🌈✨ It was a game-changer. Before, I yearned for success, but the secret sauce eluded me. Then, everything fell into place!

I stumbled upon an 8-step sales flow, a simple conversation that transformed everything. Mary handed me her credit card, saying, "Can you teach me what you know?" The lesson was clear: trust the teacher, and results will follow, as long as you put in the work. 💪🎓

Fast forward four weeks, and the results are mind-blowing! Now, my next challenge awaits – upgrading my initial money goals. 🎯💰

Here's the scoop: Making money online is a learnable skill. You've got to trust the process, apply what you learn, and most crucially, choose the right mentors. Once you acquire the skill, the world unfolds with opportunities. 🌐💼

If you believe you're destined to create success online, I'm here to help kickstart your journey.

Let's open a world of possibilities together! 🌍✨

Are you ready to take that step? 💥 Let's make your online dreams a reality! 💫

Guuyyyss! 🤗🥰🚀 Last night I  completed Day 1 of the Infinit Influence Challenge, and OMG, mind blown! 🌟 Learning how to t...

Guuyyyss! 🤗🥰

🚀 Last night I completed Day 1 of the Infinit Influence Challenge, and OMG, mind blown! 🌟

Learning how to turn AI tools into online income in just 1.5 hours was amazing. Wish I could share it here with you all.🥺

Tonight promises more awesomeness. 🚀 Join the journey for only $9.25 — insane value! 💸✨

Who's ready to level up? 😎

Drop a 🙌 in the comments or DM me to unlock the secrets together!

Let's make magic happen! 🌈


📦 We've moved! 🏡 The past few days have been crazy .😨 But despite the chaos, packing with Nathan and the kids turned out...

📦 We've moved! 🏡

The past few days have been crazy .😨 But despite the chaos, packing with Nathan and the kids turned out to be surprisingly enjoyable. 😅

Here are 5 packing hacks that made it a breeze:

1. Declutter First: Get rid of items you don't need to lighten the load. This was a major one for us. You don't realize how much junk you have until you actually get into it.

2. Label Boxes Clearly: Clearly mark each box with its contents.

3. Essentials Box: Pack a box with daily essentials like toiletries, a change of clothes, and important documents for easy access on moving day.

4. Utilize hard cardboard boxes:
Big boxes do come handy especially for heavy items like books to make them easier to transport.

5. Pack a First-Night Box: Include items like bedding, towels, and kitchen essentials for the first night in your new home.

Cheers to making family packing an adventure! 🎉


Want an early Christmas gift at only K40.00?

How does a 3-day challenge sound? You will learn skills and tools to create an online income which you can use for a life time. Comment "XMAS" asap!


When you become a parent, you discover an innate ability to adapt and reprioritize. Your ambitions and personal goals may still be there, but they take a back seat to nurturing and guiding these precious souls. 🚼

Surely, children teach us the beauty of selflessness, resilience, and unconditional devotion. 💖🌱🌟


Discover Your Divine Purpose 🙌"Don't aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference." - Denzel Washington From the...

Discover Your Divine Purpose 🙌

"Don't aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference." - Denzel Washington

From the day you were formed, God marked you with a purpose, a special plan designed just for you.

Instead of living for others' happiness, embrace your calling and make a positive impact. 🌍❤️


Is it really possible for an everyday mom to run a successful online business, raise kids, and maintain a full-time career? 🤔

From my recent learning, YES IT IS!!!!🤩

I'll give you a head start.

For as little as K40, you can learn to increase your income using the power of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)🤖💰

Join me for an exciting three-day training challenge taking place this November! Reach out to me now to kickstart your journey.

Here's what you can expect:

✅ Learn how to harness AI's potential
✅ Explore the diverse online income streams.
✅ Take on an exciting 3 days training challenge that can change your life and give you the best Xmas ever!

Drop 'AI' in the comments or send me a message to get started!

Let's do this!!!!!💪💡




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